Chapter Seven

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Two days had passed since the altercation at Tierra-Tenorio's, and Evelyn had decided to visit the building for the first time since it had undergone renovations. Thanks to a sprinkle of Eleanor's magic, the war-torn ruins had gracefully morphed back into their pre-battle state.

Upon entering, Evelyn's jaw hit the floor. The store was not just repaired—it was reborn. The charming café had undergone a complete transformation, now expanded and boasting a fresh new look.

Evelyn had already acquainted herself with the essential rooms—the second-floor bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen.

This particular day, however, was different. Rather than marathoning YouTube videos, devouring novels, and sketching in her room, she felt a call to adventure—the call to explore the newly spruced up coffee shop.

Eleanor had laid down some ground rules: no touching, no entering locked rooms, and a strict two-floor-maximum to avoid any accidental trips to Narnia.

But, as we all know, Evelyn was a rule-bending enthusiast.

So naturally, she ventured to the forbidden third floor.

It wasn't that she was lost, per se. She was still technically in the café, so she had narrowed it down to a city block or two. It was just that at this particular moment, she couldn't provide directions to anyone—not even herself—on how to get back to her bedroom.

The new and improved Tierra-Tenorio's appeared to have no end, twisting and turning like a caffeinated python. She should've brought a ball of yarn. Whatever the case, she was confident that she would eventually find her way back.

Or maybe not.

Evelyn had been exploring the third floor for what seemed like hours, though she couldn't be sure. She had wandered from one room to the next, each one more impressive than the last. The latest one she entered was adorned with enormous pillows, walls decorated in mahogany-red and gold ornate wallpaper, with dark walnut wood floors and exotic red and gold carpets. The ceiling was a sight to behold, with a profound pattern engraved in silver.

As she gazed around the room, Evelyn was struck with a sense of awe. She sank back onto one of the large pillows, taking in the exquisite artistry that surrounded her. It was as if the room was inviting her to contemplate the mysteries of life - and she was all too happy to oblige.

"There's an enchantment on that ceiling."

Evelyn gasped and turned her head to the side. Eleanor stood at the doorway, irritated.

"What?" the young barista asked.

“The ceiling,” Eleanor began, “It is woven with an enchantment. It’s designed to distort time, to ensnare the senses. You could wander under its spell for hours and remain none the wiser.”

Evelyn’s eyes, wide with wonder, remained locked on the intricate patterns above.

“That’s…awesome,” she breathed, her attention ensnared by the magic overhead.

“Sit up,” Eleanor’s commanded, her voice as clear and sharp as crystal.

With a reluctant shuffle, Evelyn propped herself onto her elbows before pushing herself into a sitting position.

“Eleanor, I know I told the second floor was off limits,” she started, her tone sheepish, “But, you know, curiosity and cats and all that.”

Eleanor’s posture stiffened, her arms folding in a silent reprimand. “Curiosity, indeed. And yet, it seems to have led you astray from instruction.”

“I was just so bored!” Evelyn’s defense came out in a rush. “And how does this place even get bigger? It’s not like you can just ‘abracadabra’ more square footage without someone noticing. What about permits, and zoning, and—”

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