Chapter Thirty

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-The Parker Residence-

Evelyn's parents, Melissa and Brian, were in the kitchen, preparing dinner as they chatted about their day. Melissa wiped the sweat off her forehead as she stirred the pot of spaghetti on the stove, while Brian stood by the kitchen counter, slicing some fresh vegetables.

Brian glanced up, his eyes crinkling with a smile. "So, how was the clinic today?" he inquired, his knife pausing mid-chop.

Melissa let out a soft sigh, her shoulders relaxing as she leaned into the familiarity of their routine. "Oh, you know, the usual chaos. But I thrive in it. What about you? How were the open roads?"

He chuckled, setting the knife aside and leaning back against the counter.

"The roads were fine, but they're no substitute for home. I've been thinking, maybe I should skip the summer tours. I miss too much around here."

Melissa's softened. "Is that so?" she prodded gently, a knowing look in her eyes.

"Yeah," he admitted, a hint of vulnerability in his voice. "I miss this-us. And I miss Evelyn's laughter echoing through the house."

Melissa reached out, her hand brushing his. "We miss you too, love. But let's focus on the now. You're here, and that's what counts."

A comfortable silence fell between them, punctuated only by the rhythmic chopping and the bubbling of the pot. Brian broke it with a sudden spark of inspiration.

"Hey, what do you say we whip up some brownies for dessert? Evelyn would love it."

Melissa paused, a thoughtful frown creasing her forehead. "She does have a sweet tooth, doesn't she? But maybe we could try something less sugary?"

Brian wagged a finger playfully.

"Ah, there's the health-conscious nurse I married," he teased with a grin.

"And don't you forget it," Melissa shot back with mock sternness, a twinkle in her eye. "She's our daughter, and I want her to have the best."

Brian laughed. "Fair enough. But let's indulge just this once. A little sweetness to celebrate our family being together again."

Melissa's resistance melted away under his earnest gaze.

"Alright, you win. Brownies it is. But I'm adding strawberries on top."

"Strawberries it is," he agreed.

Melissa wiped her hands on her apron, her phone buzzing insistently on the counter. She reached for it, her heart fluttering with anticipation.

"It's Evelyn," she announced, her voice a mix of relief and affection. "She's almost home."

Melissa swiped open the message, reading Evelyn's words. "Hi mom, hi dad. Sorry, I didn't text or call sooner, but I'm almost home. Be there soon."

Brian chuckled. "She's got that 'Super-Cool and Awesome Bucket List of Fun Summer Things,' right? Patent pending, of course."

Melissa nodded, her smile wistful. "Yes, and I wish I could've helped her tick off more items. But work-" She sighed, her gaze drifting to the bubbling pot of spaghetti. "Work has been relentless lately."

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