Chapter Fifteen

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Evelyn perched on the edge of her chair, the library's dim glow casting shadows across the open tome before her. The ancient text, a labyrinth of arcane symbols, seemed to dance mockingly under her gaze. Dreams of conjuring spells and commanding the elements had led her here, to the heart of sorcery's mysteries.

Yet, this is not what she signed up for.

The Cuneal Writing, with its convoluted glyphs and perplexing structure, was a mountain she hadn't anticipated. Each character was a riddle, each sentence a maze. A heavy sigh escaped her as she tapped the quill against the oak desk rhythmically, a futile attempt to decipher the enigmatic language.

Time, relentless in its march, whispered of her looming trial. Renji sat opposite her, cradling a cup of tea.

"Try once more," he coaxed, his tone a soft melody.

Renji's teaching had begun four days ago, and under his guidance, Evelyn's grasp of the Cuneal Writing had blossomed. Yet, progress was a slow dance, each step requiring her undivided concentration.

"Evelyn, your focus must not waver," he prompted.

A breath, deep and steadying, and then, "Courage, Power, and Strength. The triad of a sorcerer's essence," Evelyn recited, her fingertips grazing the ancient parchment.

Renji's eyebrow arched, a silent testament to his surprise. "Precisely articulated, down to the very last stroke," he commended, his voice a blend of warmth and elegance. "Your diligence is bearing fruit, Evelyn. You have my admiration."

Exhaustion claimed her, and she collapsed back into the chair's embrace. "Thank you, Mr. Renji," she murmured, her attention flitting back to the stubborn pages.

But Renji, astute as ever, leaned in, his elbows finding home on the wood, bridging the gap between mentor and pupil.

"Evelyn, what seems to be the cloud over your spirit?" he asked.

Evelyn's gaze dropped to her lap. "It's nothing. It's...stupid, really," she sighed, her hand idly ruffling her hair.

"There is no triviality in the matters of the heart, Evelyn," Renji reassured. "Speak your mind."

Evelyn paused, her fingers worrying the corner of a parchment. She drew a deep breath, gathering her thoughts, and finally met his gaze. "It's about Eleanor. Is she mad at me?"

A gentle smile tugged at Renji's lips.

"No, she's not mad at you," he said softly. "She merely wishes for your growth. She perceives a spark within you and is merely fostering it. She's treating you with the respect of an adult because she deeply cares about you."

Evelyn's lips curled into a wry smile. After four days of rigorous study under Eleanor's watchful gaze, she had no doubt that her mentor was a stern taskmaster.

"She sure has a unique way of showing it," she retorted half-heartedly. "I wonder what she was like when she was my age."

Renji chuckled, a rich, warm sound.

"Ah, before she assumed the mantle of the Guardian of Earth, Eleanor was a rare gem," he began, a distant look in his eyes. "Surprisingly mature and disciplined for her age, she was precise to the point of obsession. Yet, beneath her disciplined exterior lurked a streak of rebellion."

"No way!" Evelyn's laughter echoed in the room, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Yes, indeed," the librarian affirmed, a playful gleam in his eyes. "She was notorious for her library heists, nightly escapades, and her insistence on self-learning. Such antics often led to trouble. But it was all driven by her insatiable thirst for magic. Her pursuit of knowledge was relentless. She even dabbled in multiple languages out of sheer curiosity. I must confess, I was often her accomplice during her library heists. We were both mischievous sprites, and as you would phrase it, partners in crime."

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