Chapter Twelve

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Evelyn reclined on the polished bench, her eyes wide with the kind of wonder usually reserved for fairy tales. Freshmen bustled around her in Angel Starling’s grand auditorium, where the Dean was weaving the school’s history into a rich tapestry of tales, all while a feast fit for a wizarding banquet lay before them.

“This… this is a magical school,” Evelyn breathed out, her voice tinged with the magic of the moment.

Above her, the ceiling arched with carvings that whispered of ancient spells, the grandeur of the architecture rivaling the tales of old. It was her first day at Angel Starling, and the reality of it wrapped around her like a cloak of enchantment.

Sarah smiled, nibbling on her slice of toast.

“It is pretty amazing, isn’t it?” she said, looking around. “I was the same way when I first arrived here. But believe me, it’s all real. The magic, the spells, the creatures… everything. It’s a space where we can hone and refine our abilities, pushing ourselves to become even better.”

"But you can call it a magical school," Noah joked, a lighthearted twinkle in his blue eyes.

Sarah sighed exasperatedly. “Noah, it’s more than that. It’s where we craft our destinies.”

Noah’s grin was irrepressible. “Destinies, schmestinies. We’re magicians in training—wizards and witches brewing up the future.”

Sarah’s lips curved, her stern facade crumbling. “You’re impossible."

"It's amazing!" Evelyn exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with wonder and delight as she drank in her surroundings.

Although she had seen wizarding schools in movies, video games, and books, this was her first time experiencing one in person, and it was like a dream come true. As she looked around the room, her curiosity was piqued, and she felt a strong urge to explore the rest of the building.

"Do you think we could go on a tour?" Evelyn asked. She was especially eager to see the library, as she was interested in exploring different genres of literature beyond what she had in her own collection of magical books.

Noah grinned, recognizing the excitement in her eyes. "Sure thing, Evelyn. We'd be glad to show you around."

Sarah shook her head. "I'm not sure that's a good idea. This isn't really the place to play around."

Evelyn frowned. She was fifteen, well, almost fifteen, but she wasn't five years old. In a couple months, she would officially be fifteen.

"Please. I think I can manage," the young barista scoffed. "I work in a magic-infused coffee shop, so I'm pretty sure I can navigate this environment."

Noah chucked, nudging at Sarah's arm. "We'll take a leisurely stroll, chat a bit, and show Evelyn around. We're not going to dump her in the artifacts chamber and leave her to run amok, after all."

Sarah hesitated; her expression skeptical. But after a moment, she nodded, her expression softening.

"Hmm... I guess that will be okay," she said, her voice a little slow but eventually agreeing.

Excitement buzzed through Evelyn as she sat on the bench, her eyes alight with anticipation. She couldn't wait to explore this wizarding school, to see all the secrets it held and the wonders it contained. With a deep inhale, she slid off the bench, snagging one final piece of toast before glancing at Noah.

"Ready?" she asked, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Noah hesitated, his eyes falling longingly to his unfinished breakfast.

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