Chapter Nine

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A week had passed since Evelyn had first made her grand entrance into Stonebrook, and she was now a proud member of the Tierra-Tenorio's Café team. One evening, after she and Eleanor had completed the elegant task of taking out the trash, Evelyn found herself in the second-story hallway of the café, with the owner by her side.

"Rein in your enthusiasm," Eleanor cautioned, as she began to weave a spell. "Venturing too far could deplete your energy, and I'd rather not embark on a tiresome search for you."

Astral projection was an exhilarating concept, and Evelyn was itching to give it a whirl. As her astral self took a leisurely tour of the café's second floor, her figure shimmered and radiated a soft, ghostly white glow. She felt a like Casper, except she was still alive.

At least, she hoped she is.

Evelyn's physical body was nestled in a comfy nest of cushions and blankets that Eleanor had thoughtfully arranged. It was a tad surreal watching her own sleeping form, but she shrugged it off and continued her ethereal exploration.

The sheer freedom of being able to float around without the mundane concerns of tripping or falling was both strange and thrilling.

"I get it, I get it. I'm supposed to maintain a connection with my physical form and all that jazz," Evelyn complied, floating on her back, her form ascending towards the ceiling. "You could use a feather duster up here," she remarked, taking in the dusty view.

For the first couple of days, Evelyn had struggled to even astrally exit her body. She'd managed a breakthrough the previous day, albeit barely. Despite her minor success, Eleanor had kept her on a short leash.

"Evelyn, I implore you to take this seriously." The sorceress's voice was laced with worry. "While it is challenging to leave your body, it is all too easy to lose your way back."

However, Evelyn dismissed Eleanor's warning with a giggle. "Oh, Eleanor, you're such a wet blanket," she retorted, triggering a frustrated sigh from the sorceress.

"It's a genuine concern," Eleanor countered, her arms folded in defiance.

Evelyn made a dismissive wave with her hand. "I understand. But isn't all this a bit 'New Agey'?" The teen quipped. "Next thing you know, you'll be advising me to use a quartz crystal to align my chakras."

Eleanor arched a graceful eyebrow. "My dear, crystals are not toys," she chided. "One must earn the right to wield such power."

Evelyn's eyes sparkled with mischief as she floated around Eleanor, her astral form casting a playful glow.

"No way! Are you serious? There's crystals?!" she exclaimed.

With a poised tilt of her head, Eleanor allowed a small smile. "The arcane arts are boundless, Evelyn. And you, my young apprentice, are just scratching the surface."

Hovering at eye level with the sorceress, Evelyn drawled, "Sooooo, why don't you teach me all of it?"

"Patience is a virtue you've yet to master," Eleanor replied, firm yet gentle.

Evelyn pouted, her astral form flickering with a hint of rebelliousness. "You're such a buzzkill," she complained, drifting away. "This is all super freaky. It's like I'm a ghost."

Pausing in her ethereal flight, Evelyn's face lit up with a mischievous idea. "Wait, being a ghost could be fun..."

Eleanor's expression turned stern, her elegant demeanor unamused by the teenager's antics.

"I do not appreciate that glint in your eye," she warned. "Remember, astral projection is permitted only within these walls and under my supervision. Is that clear?"

Evelyn ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now