Chapter Five

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A new dawn broke over Stonebrook, a fresh canvas ready for life's brushstrokes. A new day. A new start. A new beginning.

Evelyn had now been under Eleanor's tutelage for a handful of days. The rhythm of the café was beginning to feel familiar—the preparation of beverages, order taking, and customer service were all falling into a comfortable routine.

Alongside her café duties, Evelyn had feverishly been exploring her newfound abilities, conducting secretive experiments in the sanctuary of her bedroom.

Regrettably, she was far from mastering her powers. The best she could manage was a handful of shields, and even those were reluctant to materialize at her beck and call.

The silver lining, however, was the conspicuous absence of her migraines.

Evelyn was pleasantly surprised that Eleanor hadn't mentioned the cacophony of her nocturnal supernatural failings. Perhaps that was a good thing? How would Eleanor react if she discovered her employee moonlighted as a superhero? Atlanta's recent rabbit alien invasion was strange enough; Evelyn's powers would surely strike the weirdness jackpot!

Evelyn pushed the unnerving thought aside, deciding to postpone her worry for another day. That was a bridge she'd cross when she came to it.

After completing her garbage duties and making a few deliveries, she was en route back to the café. The summer sun was relentlessly scorching Stonebrook.

And it wasn't just hot; it was infernally hot.

Not the pleasant, sun-kissed warmth, but the sticky, clammy variety. The humidity added an extra layer of discomfort, making the heat feel even more oppressive.

It was the kind of day when wearing pants felt like volunteering for a sauna session. A terrible, regrettable day to don anything but the breeziest of shorts.

Evelyn swabbed the sweat from her brow, downing another gulp of water. She was only halfway through the bottle, but the sweltering heat was already staging a coup against her senses.

She felt like she was a one step away from succumbing to heat stroke before she even managed to trudge back to the café.

I mean, seriously, what was up with this heatwave? Summer in Stonebrook was never a walk in the park, but this was verging on absurdity.

With a Herculean effort, Evelyn finally lumbered back to the welcoming confines of Tierra-Tenorio's. The bells chimed merrily above the door, announcing her triumphant return from the fiery pits of Hades.

The young girl exhaled a sigh of relief, her expression akin to a parched desert traveler stumbling upon an oasis.

"Welcome back, Evelyn. Were you able to complete all the deliveries?"

Evelyn, with a flourish, spun on the barstool. "Yep, yep!" she exclaimed, patting the empty water bottle at her side. "But, wow, it's like an oven out there, and I'm out of water."

Eleanor rose gracefully, her movements measured and calm. "I believe we have just the remedy for that. Wait here."

Left to her own devices, Evelyn's gaze wandered over the café's patrons, each absorbed in their own little world.

Moments later, Eleanor reappeared, a pitcher of iced tea in hand, and filled a glass for Evelyn.

"Drink up, dear," she offered, the ice clinking melodically.

Evelyn's grin was all thanks as she gulped down the refreshing liquid. Eleanor's eyebrow arched in mild admonishment.

"Moderation, Evelyn. We wouldn't want an upset stomach on top of the heat, would we?"

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