Chapter Thirteen

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The shields in the courtyard shattered, leaving the sorcerers defenseless against the chaotic barrage of battle spells. Eleanor watched in horror as her own shield dissipated into a flurry of blue sparks that sparkled and glimmered in the air before vanishing.

She looked down at the barista and asked, "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Evelyn shook her head. "No, I'm fine."

Eleanor let out a sigh of relief before she turned her attention to the rest of the courtyard, where a man with bright grey hair was scolding the combatants. He waved his hands and pointed at them in a manner that made Evelyn feel grateful that she was not the one receiving the scolding.

"Is everyone alright?" Renji asked, anxiously hurrying towards the two sorcerers alongside the other administrator.

Evelyn managed to keep her smirk in check as Eleanor's worried expression shifted towards Renji.

"By some stroke of luck, yes," Eleanor responded, her tone now composed and regal. "It's imperative that we instill a greater awareness in the students regarding their environment and the spells they weave. The potential for harm was far too great today."

"I share your sentiments," the administrator replied with a nod. "The unpredictability of this event was beyond our foresight. Rest assured, measures will be taken to hold the students accountable."

Eleanor nodded. "Ensure they grasp the weight of their actions, yet, I implore you, temper justice with mercy."

With a respectful bow, the administrator departed, leaving Eleanor and Renji alone amidst the aftermath.

"Combining fire and water spells," Eleanor mused, her voice a whisper of disbelief. "What could they possibly have been thinking? Such rashness could've wrought havoc. I must confess, their lack of foresight is most disheartening."

Renji's reply was gentle, yet firm. "They are but students, Eleanor," he reminded her. "And students are prone to errors."

Eleanor's gaze softened as she turned to Evelyn. "And you, young one," she asked with a delicate sternness, "What brought you into this fray?"

"Well...uh...I was on a tour and got lost?" the young barista fibbed, hoping to save herself from a scolding.

Eleanor's eyes narrowed slightly, sensing the half-truth, but she chose not to pursue it further.

"May I ask who you were with?" she pressed, her voice firm but gentle.

Evelyn was about to answer when Sarah emerged from the crowd, her voice laced with worry.

"Evelyn, are you alright? We were looking everywhere for you." She surveyed their surroundings for potential threats before her gaze finally landed on Eleanor.

"Oh, my stars, it's the Guardian of Earth," she gasped, her expression awestruck. "Ms. Barnett, what an honor it is to meet you. I'm Sarah Brooks, a first-year student. Your reputation precedes you."

Eleanor offered a small, gracious smile in return.

"Greetings, Sarah," she replied, her voice the epitome of politeness.

"She... she said my name," Sarah whispered to herself, her voice barely a whisper.

Meanwhile, Noah was beside himself with excitement. "No way! You're the Guardian of Earth!" he blurted out, practically vibrating with joy. "I have so many questions! And just so you know, I've got some skills in ma-!"

A single look from Eleanor was enough to silence him.

"Got it, not the time," Noah muttered, his shoulders sagging a tad.

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