Chapter Twenty-Three

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Evelyn and Bria returned to Tierra-Tenorio's, their footsteps reverberating in the silence as they ascended the staircase. Upon reaching the top, Evelyn spun around at the sight of Eleanor hurriedly navigating through the debris. A wave of relief flooded over her as she saw that the two were unharmed.

"Evelyn!" the sorceress exclaimed, rushing over to the young girl, scanning her from head to toe, searching for any signs of injury.

Evelyn's smile mirrored her relief as she looked upon the woman's face.

"Hey," the barista responded. "I'm okay. Is Renji-?"

Eleanor's touch was a balm, her hand resting lightly on Evelyn's shoulder. "He's safe, dear one. We've seen to his care. And you—oh, how my heart rejoices to see you unharmed."

Gratitude shimmered in Evelyn's eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the storm they'd weathered.

Eleanor's gaze held a weight of centuries. "Your absence cast a shadow over us," she confessed. "Bria brought word of your peril, and I flew to your aid. Fortune smiled upon us this day, for you vanquished your foe."

"Totally stoked to be back in one piece," Evelyn replied, her relief palpable.

Eleanor turned to Bria, her smile a masterpiece of composure. "Bria, your valor has not gone unnoticed," she intoned. "You've safeguarded her life, and for that, my gratitude knows no bounds."

Bria's smile was a silent song of triumph.

Yet, a cloud of disquiet darkened Evelyn's brow, prompting Eleanor's gentle inquiry. "What burdens your heart, child?"

Evelyn chewed her lip, a storm of words brewing behind her hesitation. "It's nothing, really. Just... forget it."

"Evelyn, confide in me," Eleanor urged, her voice a velvet caress.

Evelyn's gaze lifted, locking with Eleanor's. "Tzion... he said some things. About you," she ventured.

Bria moved to interject, but Eleanor's raised hand was a silent command for silence.

"Go on," Eleanor coaxed.

"He said you were with the Sacred Council, that you dabble in Dark Arts." Evelyn whispered, her words trembling like leaves in a tempest.

Eleanor's silence was a shroud, her eyes veiled with memories.

"Is it true?" Evelyn pressed. "The things he said?"

"Oh, Evelyn," the sorceress whispered, turning to Bria. "I believe it would be best we had this conversation in private."

Bria nodded. "I shall tend to the others. Renji will have my watch."

With that, the sorceress conjured a portal, stepping into it, leaving Evelyn and Eleanor alone. The Guardian of Earth took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, her shoulders slumping.

"Eleanor, please, tell me it's not true," Evelyn pleaded.

After a brief moment of hesitation, the older woman locked eyes with her apprentice.

"I wish I could deny it, but it's a complicated situation." she admitted.

"Complicated?!" the young barista echoed, her voice raising an octave. "What does that even mean? You're lying to me again!"

Eleanor jumped slightly at the volume, taken aback by Evelyn's outburst.

"I'm not deceiving you, I—"

"Then spill it already!" Evelyn's interruption was a lance, piercing the veil of secrets. "Ever since day one, it's been nothing but smoke and mirrors with you. 'You're not ready,' you say. It's like you don't even trust me."

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