Chapter Sixteen

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The past few days had been a gauntlet of challenges for Evelyn. Eleanor, usually a stern yet nurturing presence during their shifts at Tierra-Tenorio's, had adopted an unusually harsh demeanor at Angel Starling's lately. It felt as though her very existence was an irritation to her mentor, with Eleanor only acknowledging her efforts when they fell short.

"You're out of practice," she'd frequently speak, or "Stop fooling around!"

Evelyn heaved a sigh, her heart heavy with uncertainty. Perhaps this life was not meant for her.

Eleanor was indeed hard on Evelyn, yet the young barista refused to let her mentor see the toll it was taking. To show her vulnerability would be to appear weak, but suppressing her feelings brought no relief. Instead, it seemed to fuel Eleanor's strictness, making her more rigorous with each passing day, oblivious to Evelyn's struggles.

As the day wound to a close and classes drew to an end, Evelyn found herself alone. With Noah and Sarah engaged in their respective affairs, she chose to retreat into her room. She immersed herself in the stack of books gifted by Renji, her ears filled with the soothing strains of music from her plugged-in earbuds.

Humming along to the melody, she tapped her foot rhythmically, losing herself in the tune.

"Evelyn?" The voice was gentle, a whisper barely breaching the threshold of her haven.

Startled, Evelyn turned to find Bria in the doorway, her fingers entwined in the strands of her hair.

"Hey, Miss Bria," Evelyn greeted. "Is everything alright?"

Bria's eyes lifted to meet Evelyn's. "Uhm, well, Miss Barnett wished to see you," she murmured, her voice a delicate blend of grace and uncertainty.

A pang of anxiety gripped Evelyn's heart, a silent drumbeat of dread. "Why? Did I do something wrong?" she asked.

Bria offered a reassuring smile, a small beacon in the dimming light. "Not that I'm aware of," she replied. "She awaits in the lobby," she added, her gaze inviting Evelyn to follow.

With a nod, Evelyn stowed her earbuds, the music fading as reality beckoned her once more.

.•° ✿ °•.

Evelyn's pulse raced as she navigated the labyrinthine corridors to the lobby, her sneakers barely whispering against the polished floor. The urgency of Miss Bria's summons propelled her forward, yet as she rounded the final corner, she halted—a deer caught in the soft glow of the chandelier.

There, in the quiet grandeur of the lobby, stood Eleanor, her silhouette framed by the ornate wall. Something was concealed behind her back, a secret just out of sight.

"Evelyn," Eleanor's voice was a velvet caress, the elegance of her tone wrapping around the young girl like a warm shawl. "Did Miss Bria find you?"

The ravenette simply nodded in response.

"Splendid. I've been waiting for you," Eleanor said, her eyes glinting with a spark of something indefinable. "I have a surprise," she added, her gaze catching the flicker of curiosity in Evelyn's eyes.

Evelyn's heart skipped, her excitement bubbling to the surface.

"Really? What is it?" she asked, her hands coming together in a clap of anticipation.

Yet, as she peered up at her mentor, a shadow of doubt crept into her bright eyes.

"You're not... you're not about to ambush me, are you?" Evelyn's voice wavered between jest and genuine concern.

Eleanor's laugh was a soft chime, the sound dancing in the air. "Should I?" she teased, her smile widening. "I see no need for such theatrics today."

Evelyn let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding, her shoulders relaxing as she tried to regain her composure.

Evelyn ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now