Chapter Twenty-Five

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Evelyn darted through the dimly lit corridors of Angel Staling's, her white sneakers squeaking against the polished concrete floor. Her heart hammered against her rib cage, each beat echoing the urgency of her situation. She navigated the labyrinthine hallways with frenzied determination, her mind buzzing with fear and adrenaline.

She had no idea where she was going, but she knew that she had to keep moving. The deeper she ventured, the darker and colder the halls became.

Rounding a corner, she almost collided with two startled figures, their outlines barely discernible in the dim light. She skidded to a halt, her breath catching in her throat. Instinctively, her body shifted into a defensive stance, her eyes flicking between the mysterious silhouettes.

For a moment, the trio stood frozen in a tableau of surprise and suspicion.

Recognition dawned on the young apprentice.

"Noah? Sarah?" Evelyn blurted out.

The figures blinked in shock, their voices chiming in unison with hers. "Evelyn?!"

"What on earth are you two doing here?" Evelyn gasped, her voice laced with panic.

"We could ask you the same thing," Noah replied, her tone concerned. "We were headed to the study room for a late-night cram session when we were ambushed by some rather... peculiar sorcerers."

"Yeah," Noah chimed in, his face flushed, "We managed to shake them off, but we have no idea what's going on. The whole school is being evacuated."

Before she could elaborate, a deafening bang reverberated through the building, the walls trembling in response. The trio jumped, their eyes wide with shock.

The barista's face paled. She's running out of time.

"Evelyn, is everything okay?" Noah asked, his voice laced with worry. "What's going on?"

Evelyn opened her mouth to respond, but her words seemed to be trapped in her throat. How was she supposed to tell them that their world was on the brink of disaster?

"Okay, quick version," she began, her words spilling out in a rush. "There's a malevolent sorcerer from the Sacred Council here, and he's after a potent artifact. The entire world's at risk, and I need to find the artifact before he does."

That had to be the fastest and most confusing thing she's ever said. The rushed explanation left her breathless.

Noah and Sarah stared at her, their expressions a mirror of stunned disbelief.

"Hold on, hold on, hold on," Noah erupted, his voice a blend of incredulity and alarm. "You're telling us you're planning on going toe-to-toe with a member of the most formidable and feared magical council in the sorcerer world?"

Evelyn gave a reluctant nod. "Yeah..."

"Alone? Are you out of your mind?!"

"Evelyn, we should be joining the students heading to the evacuation point," Sarah interjected, her voice drenched in caution. "It's time we leave, before the situation spirals out of control."

"That's not happening until I find that Orb. I have to do this," Evelyn retorted, her tone unwavering. "My mentor is out there, risking her life for everyone, and I can't just abandon her."

Sarah's stern demeanor softened, a sigh of resignation escaping her lips. "You're dead serious, aren't you?"

"Yes. My mind's made up," Evelyn replied, her eyes reflecting her resolve. "And I won't hold it against you if you choose not to follow me. You don't have to come, but I—"

Evelyn ParkerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora