Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Evelyn's eyes fluttered open gradually, the room around her swimming into focus with a slow groan. Attempting to push herself upright, a sharp twinge of pain darted through her head, causing her to wince.

She blinked several times, adjusting to the glaring brightness of the room as she slipped on her glasses. She found herself in the sterile surroundings of an infirmary, a burst of colorful cards and a smattering of candy providing a stark contrast to the clinical whiteness.

Her body felt as though it was weighed down by lead, soreness radiating from every muscle. She couldn't help but wonder how long she had been out cold.

She groaned, gingerly stretching her limbs.

"Evelyn, my dear, you have finally returned to us!" a voice bathed in a warm British accent exclaimed.

Eleanor sat daintily on the edge of the bed, her normally flawless composure marred by a smattering of bruises and scrapes.

"How do you feel?" she asked, her tone soothing.

"Like a freight train used me as a speed bump," Evelyn quipped, wincing slightly.

"I can well believe that," Eleanor replied, nodding sympathetically. "You've been through an ordeal."

Evelyn's gaze fell to her hands, flexing her fingers in mild surprise. They were unscathed, bearing no bruises or cuts, despite the harrowing events they had endured.

"How about you?" she asked, concern etching her features.

"Me? Oh, I'm holding up. No need to worry about me, dear," Eleanor brushed off her concern.

"You're not hurting?" Evelyn persisted, her brows furrowing.

"Oh, I am very much in pain, my dear," Eleanor admitted with a small smile. "But that's of little consequence now. The important fact is that you're safe."

Evelyn blinked, still trying to piece together the puzzle. She nodded slowly, making a feeble attempt to sit up again, only to be gently coaxed back onto the bed by Eleanor.

"You mustn't overexert yourself, dear," she advised softly. "Rest is vital now."

"What happened?" Evelyn asked, her voice groggy with sleep and laced with pain. "What happened to the Orb?"

Renji strode into the room, a tray laden with steaming tea in his hands. He handed a cup to Eleanor, who accepted it with a grateful nod.

"No need for concern, young Evelyn," Renji reassured, a comforting smile on his face. "The orb is no more. We found its remnants in the depths of the dungeon where we discovered you."

"And Sarah and Noah?"

"They're safe," Renji assured her.

Relief washed over Evelyn, and she sank back into the pillows, sipping her tea.

"What about Tzion?" she asked abruptly. "Did we win?"

Eleanor bit her lip, her expression troubled.

"Tzion... is no longer among us, I'm afraid," she revealed. "The aftermath of his injuries was too much for him."

Evelyn fell silent, unsure how to process the news. She hadn't liked the man, but hearing of his demise left her feeling strangely empty.

"How long have I been out?" she finally asked.

"You've been out since this morning," Renji answered, his voice carrying a soft, nurturing quality. "We wanted to make sure you were stable before rousing you."

The young barista allowed herself to sink deeper into the comforting embrace of the blankets. It was then that she really took in the array of cards, presents, and sweets that surrounded her bed like a colorful halo.

A tender smile tugged at Eleanor's lips. "I see you've noticed the tokens of admiration."


"Your encounter with Tzion in the dungeons was meant to be a secret," Renji explained. "However, news has a way of spreading in a school. And it seems Noah has taken the liberty of opening your Chocolate Eggs for you."

"Wow," Evelyn said, her eyes widening in surprise. "I didn't expect all these gifts. Oh, what's this?"

Evelyn picked up a card off the bed. "A love letter!"

"Indeed," Eleanor responded, clearing her throat with a slight blush. "It seems that some of your classmates have developed a...interest in you, shall we say."


As the young girl perused the letter, her cheeks flushed a rosy pink.

"This is... a lot," Evelyn admitted, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"It's the customary toll for being a hero," Renji quipped, a smile in his voice.

Evelyn could feel a blush creeping up her cheeks as she realized the implications of their words. She found it hard to believe that her altercation with Tzion had somehow elevated her popularity among her peers.

Eleanor reached over, her hand enfolding Evelyn's in a comforting grip.

"You need to rest now," she advised gently. "You've endured a great ordeal and your energy needs to be replenished."

Evelyn felt a heavy weariness tugging at her eyelids.

"Let's leave her be, Renji," Eleanor suggested softly. "She needs her rest."

Evelyn's head lolled against her pillow, her mind a whirlpool of thoughts and emotions.

"Speedy recovery, young Evelyn," Renji called out, his voice fading as the door closed behind him.

Evelyn stared at the sterile white ceiling above her, her thoughts adrift. A yawn escaped her and her eyelids began to close, surrendering to a deep, dreamless sleep.

Evelyn ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now