Brooklyn ✨

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summary: kai finds you wearing his shirt

tags: fluff, love confession, cupcakes, first kiss

word count: 1.9k


"That shirt looks familiar."

"Mhm," you mutter, neither confirming nor denying Damon's questioning statement.

"Swear I've seen it before..."

Shrugging, you grab a cupcake off the counter. "What are these for?"

"Caroline was bored. Fair game, she said."

"Cool. Tell her I said thanks."

"Yeah. Hey, have you seen Bonnie?"

"Not recently. Maybe she has a class? It's only eleven."

"Ehh, I'll ask Elena."


He takes one more look at you, or, more so, the gray Brooklyn shirt loosely fit on your body. "I can't place it but it's bothering the hell out of me."

The sound of the boarding house door opening distracts you both.

"Bonnie, that you?" Damon calls expectantly.

"Nope, me." Sporting a smirk, Kai walks into the kitchen.

"Ugh, why!" The older groans, "why do you still live here?!"

"Funniest thing - I don't know where else to go, and you actually want me nearby so you can 'keep an eye on me'. Plus, she's here," he points to you. "Is that my shirt?"

A smile was already on your face from Kai's first comment, but it grows wider at his realization, "Mhm!"

"I knew it looked familiar! Ew, why are you wearing his shirt, YN?!"

For once, Kai agrees with Damon, "I hate that shirt."

"Well I like it."

"Why?" Damon repeats.

"I don't know... because it's... soft," you start to blush, "and smells like you."

"Ugh, get a room, you two!"

"We are in a room. You get out of the room."

"A kitchen is not a room, Parker."

"Kai," you interrupt their mini-argument, "fair game cupcakes!"

"Wait, really? I'm not gonna get in trouble this time?"

"Nope! Damon said Caroline said 'fair game'!"

"Hold on now, you two better not eat all of those. Just because they're fair game doesn't mean Caroline won't miss them. She was up from two till six in the morning baking them because she couldn't sleep."


"I don't know, it's Caroline. Regardless, don't eat them all."

"We won't. Just one and then Kai and I will go."

As you speak, the door opens again, but then abruptly closes. No one walks into the kitchen, and no other sound is made.

"Umm... I'm going to go check on that," Damon eyes the foyer suspiciously. "You two, stay put."

Alone, Kai turns to you. "So... my shirt..."

"Do you want it back?"

"No, no, you can keep it. Like I said, I hate that shirt. But why are you wearing it?"

Kai Parker One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora