drabble #8 - jumpscares ✨🌈

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summary: a short drabble in which kai has the worst timing for wanting your attention (best friend!kai)

tags: horror movie, halloween, minor worry, reassurance / fluff

word count: 575

For the last twenty minutes, you've been on the edge of your seat

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For the last twenty minutes, you've been on the edge of your seat. The Conjuring starts out slow, but once the paranormal disturbs the girls' sleep, it's all downhill from there.

Currently, it's Carolyn who's up against the demon. She had just stupidly taunted it, and then it pushed her down the basement steps. You brace yourself for what comes next, having seen this movie before, but somehow the knowing anticipation just makes you more antsy. At some point, Rory will clap behind her. You know it. You've seen it. You shouldn't be this scared.

Your body freezes, just waiting for the jumpscare. Any second now.

Then, something touches your shoulder. You scream, throwing off your headphones, and flying out of your seat. You turn quickly in hopes to identify who or what touched you. Upon seeing it's just your friend, you slap a hand over your heart.

"Kai! Holy fuck!"

The poor boy stands a whole arm's length away from you now. When your body jolted in reaction to his touch, he flinched and nearly toppled backwards. He stares at you, wondering what could have had you so startled.

Both of you are out of breath. You look at each other full of questions, and when you finally gain your breath back, start to speak at the same time.

"You scared the crap out of me!"

"Are you okay?" He asks, seeing just how badly he had accidentally scared you. He's a bit worried, honestly. Never has he seen you so terrified.

"I'm fine. I wasn't expecting that." You notice how he looks equally scared, for reasons of which you're unsure. "Are you okay?"

"Your jumping scared me," he admits, "I thought you were okay with me touching you."

"Oh," you pant. "Baby, it's not that. I mean, yes, you can touch me, I don't mind that at all. But this movie was on the edge of a jumpscare."

"Oh," he visibly relaxes, "okay."

"Come here." You reach out to him. When he comes to your side, you give him a side hug around the waist.

"What movie is this?" He watches it for a moment, head cocked curiously.

"The Conjuring. Horror movie."

"Ah. Just in time for Halloween."

"Mhm. Do you want to watch it with me? I can start at the beginning."

"You don't have to, if you're already partly through it."

You nod. "Hey, um, did you need anything?"


"When you came in, and I jumped?"

He smiles. "No, I actually, uh, just wanted to come see you. See if you're busy. Just to hang out, I guess."

"Oh. Did you have anything in particular in mind that you wanted to do?"

"No. Just wanted to be with you." He mumbles that last part, like he's embarrassed at his own confession.

You, on the other hand, think it's adorable. "Well then stay here. I can take my headphones out and we can go back to the beginning."

"You sure?"

"Do you want to?"

"Well I've never seen this movie before, but it looks good."

"And then you can protect me from all the scary shit."

He smiles again, seemingly liking the idea.

"Come on, we'll move to the couch. Grab that blanket."


The two of you then curl up together on the couch, the laptop across your legs. Kai wraps a protective arm around your shoulders.

"Feel safer now?"

"Much." You grin at him. "Ready?"


"Okay. Brace yourself!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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