drabble #7 - kissing disease ✨🌈

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summary: despite the deal he had made with her several weeks ago, kai needs his sister for her medical opinion, again.

tags: doctor / hospital, sickness, small mention of blood, caught / confession

word count: 1,023

A series of knocks disturb the couple and their guest from their conversation

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A series of knocks disturb the couple and their guest from their conversation. It's bad enough to have one uninvited guest, and now there's another at the door. Even worse, when Ric answers, it's the person he and his girlfriend want to see least in the world.

Kai Parker, visibly ill, is hunched over his entryway. One hand is gripping the doorframe, while the other is raised to knock again, but drops when Ric opens it.

"Oh no-" the older man starts.

"Wait, wait, wait-"

Upon hearing the direct 'no' from Ric, Jo joins his side. At the sight of her twin brother, though, she's immediately pissed. "No. We had a deal. I give you my magic and you never speak to me again."

"I know-"

"So why the hell would you think it's okay to come here?"

"I need your help."

"You're insane! If you think I'm going to help you, after all you've ever done to me, you're insane."

"I know, and I know we had a deal. But, look, I'm really sick, I don't know why. It's not a magical problem this time, because I've tried to heal it with magic and it's not working. I don't know if I did the right spell, or if there's something blocking it, I don't know. All I ask is that you just look. Just, try to see me as a patient, just for today. Please?"

"You will not manipulate me like that. I won't let you."

"I'm not trying to, I promise."

By now, Damon's joined the doorway. "Oh, it's you," he says bluntly. "Why are you here?"

"I'm sick. I came to see my sister because she's a doctor, not because I wanted to hurt her. Please, Josette."

The girl sighs. "Fine. But if you try anything, I will kill you."

"Promise I won't."

Ten minutes later, she has Kai sitting on a patient bed in Whitmore hospital. The three had decided it would be easier to do there, so they made the quick drive over to the medical center. Luckily, it's after busy hours, so they're able to work without interruption.

At first, Jo asks all the typical questions and runs all the standard tests. She rules out that it's definitely not a magical issue, and that it seems to be a virus of some sort. She just can't seem to narrow it down to which one, though.

"It's not strep; that test came up negative. Could you repeat your symptoms to me?"

Kai rolls his eyes, but answers, "throat has been sore for a couple days, my, like, lymph nodes are swollen, up here on my neck," he points to the area, "I'm really tired, skin is kinda hot, and I've had a headache."

"Right. So this is kind of a Hail Mary, but I'm gonna do it anyway. I need a sample of your blood. Just a finger-prick." She holds out a little test, then a needle, and takes his hand. "Try not to flinch," she says, before remembering to whom she's talking. Jo then almost flinches herself when she realizes it's her brother's hand she's grasping.

Kai doesn't budge when she pricks his finger. In fact, he just yawns, like he's bored. It disturbs her.

"Just give it a couple minutes."

Jo leaves to find the other two while the test takes the time it needs. In a couple minutes, though, she returns, both men on her tail. She reads the test, then scoffs.

"What is it?" Ric asks before anyone else can.

"It's positive."

"For what?"


"What?!" The man asks a third time.

"What's that mean?" Damon questions, too.

"Mononucleosis. Epstein-Barr. Whatever you want to call it. The Kissing Disease." She looks at Kai, who says nothing. "Spread through saliva. Either you got it from kissing someone, or sharing drinks, silverware, or something like that. So what's it from?"

"No way," Damon interrupts, "there's no way someone was kissing him, that's got to be a false positive."

"It's the only one of all my tests to come out positive."

"Alright, fine," Kai says, "of all the ways I expected to be caught, this was not one of them."

The two men seem to get angry at this. At nearly the same time, they bark, "who was the poor girl?"

"Hey, she was a willing participant!"

"Who was it, Kai?"

"Really pretty. Sweet voice. Likes the bad boys, but she seems so innocent, you wouldn't know unless she told you. Friend of yours, Damon. You had her babysit me one day, and then things just kind of... took off!"

"No." Damon denies, not wanting it to be true.

"Oh, yes."

"She wouldn't be caught with the likes of you. Y/N is too good for that."

"Oh, but she wasn't caught... until, well, she apparently gave me mono."

"But that was months ago I had her watch you."

"And it was months ago since we started hanging out. And then hanging turned to kissing, which I started, because she's way too shy to give in the first time, but once she does, she's just... crazyyyy cute about it. Always stealing kisses when I'm not expecting it. Guess it makes sense how this could've happened."

"You're lying. Y/N would never." Ric agrees with his best friend.

"I swear to you I am not."

"I've got an easy way to figure this out. Hold on one second." Damon puts a finger up while dialing a number on his phone. After a few rings, it picks up. "Y/N?"

"Yeah, hi. What's up?"

"Not much. Was just wondering if you're up for a drink later, at the grill?"

"Mm, I'm not actually feeling too great today. Raincheck for another time?"

"Oh, really? That sucks."

"Yeah, I think it's just a typical common cold." You clear your throat rather loudly. "Sorry."

"Hey, no worries. Feel better okay?"

"I'll try," you chuckle, "see you later?"

"Let me know when you're better. Bye."

"Will do. Bye."

Damon looks at Alaric, then Jo, and all three, horrified, stare down at Kai together.

The little troublemaker manages to smirk. "Still think I'm lying?" 

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