drabble #1 - stomach ache ✨

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summary: kai comforting you when you have a stomach ache

tags: fluff, talk about pregnancy, minor breeding kink (bc apparently i can't write fluff without making it spicy)

word count: 940


Clutching your stomach, you groan and let yourself fall onto the couch. You crawl into a fetal position, and try to think about anything else than the pain in your stomach.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Kai immediately leans over to you. He puts a hand on your forehead, then cheek, and then finally on your stomach. "Are you pr-" he swallows hard, "are you hurt?"

"No, I'm okay. Ish. Just a really bad stomach ache."

"Oh, okay. Can I do anything? Make you a tea? Do you need an extra blanket? This one's kinda thin."

"Um... maybe. I hate to make you get up, though."

"No, no, don't worry about it. You stay here, I'll be right back."

Some five minutes later, Kai returns to your side with another blanket, a heating pad, and a peppermint tea. "I spelled it, so hopefully it helps more than a usual tea."

"Thank you," you whisper.

"Um. Can I..."


"Can I hold you? Like, can you come in my lap?"

Blush rises to your cheeks, "of course."

"Okay, one second." He stretches his legs out on the couch and lays the blanket over his legs and torso. "Come here," he says, at the same time that he gently pulls you into his lap. Then, he puts the heating pad on top of your stomach, turning it to the second to highest setting.

"You seem like you've planned this out," you giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Maybe," he admits, "I just want you as close to me as possible."

"I'll never say no to that. Though, I do need an arm for a second..." you begin to fumble around with your shirt, causing him to give you a look of confusion. "...if you're okay with it, to take my stupid bra off."

"Oh. No, you're okay. Whatever makes you comfortable. I don't mind in the slightest."

"Ha ha ha, I bet you don't." The minute you get it off, you throw it behind the couch, then cuddle back into him. "God, they're so sore."

"I can help with that, too." You laugh, but he's dead serious. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course."

Kai licks his lips as he snakes a hand under your shirt, cupping and massaging each breast. You lean into him, moaning into his neck.

"Feel better?"

"Yes. Please don't stop."

"I won't. Just relax, I've got you."

You do start to relax, but then your eyes snap open, "did you almost ask if I was pregnant?"

He stops abruptly, "what?"

"When I first plopped down here, you started to ask if I was pregnant. I heard you."

Kai swallows so hard that you can see the Adam's apple bob in his throat. "That might've been my first assumption."

"Why?" You can't even identify the emotions this conversation is making you feel.

"I don't know, you were holding your stomach, and in a lot of pain!"


"I'm sorry."

"Wait, why are you apologizing?"

"Because I know it's rude to assume people are pregnant, and also, I know nothing about illnesses whatsoever, apparently, and I'm afraid I had a bad reaction."

"What do you mean, 'bad reaction'?"

"When you said, 'no', I just said, 'oh'. Like what if you were and I answered like that?"



"I'm not pregnant."


"But I'm not, in the slightest, upset with your reaction. That's a lot to take in, if I were! It's okay."

He nods, and it's quiet for a moment. "For the record... I wouldn't be upset, if you were. I mean, like, not like I'd have a place to get upset, because if you were, it'd be my fault. But if you were, I wouldn't be upset over the situation. Okay, 'upset' isn't the word to use. Mad? No. Um... if you were, I'd be the best I can for you. I'd still snuggle you and massage you wherever you need. Although I'd make you a raspberry tea instead of peppermint, because that's what my mom used to drink, and trust me, she knows how to ease pregnancy pains. I-" He stops suddenly, looking at your face. "I've said too much."

You bite your lip, "no, angel, you never say too much. That was so sweet, I kinda wish I was pregnant, actually."

"Wait, really? You'd actually want that with me?"

Smacking his shoulder gently, you giggle, "of course! I wasn't planning on it this early, but that doesn't mean I haven't thought about it. Because I have definitely thought about what it would be like to have a baby with you."

"I, um... I-"

"Speechless now?"

"Just a little. I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, too." You kiss the side of his face. "For now, these pains are just my stomach acting up. I used to get stomach aches all the time as a kid, so it's nothing out of the ordinary. But hopefully, some day in the future, they'll be because your baby's growing inside me, hm? And then you can make me that raspberry tea, because that sounds delicious."

The smile on Kai's face tells you all you need to know. "That future could start now," he growls, resting his hand on top of the heating pad laying across your stomach.

You giggle, "mhm, I can't wait, either. But right now, I really just want you and your peppermint tea, because it does hurt."

"Okay," he kisses your forehead, "let me take care of you."

"Thank you, baby. And pretty please put your hand back on my breasts? It felt so good the first time."

"Of course. I'm always gonna be here for you."

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