Chapter Six:

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The week goes by without Ellis saying another word to me. The next day after the incident in the kitchen, it was evident he wasn't pleased with me, as I received nothing on his end besides irritated glowers. I didn't blame him.

I spent the week trying to make up for my mistake. Making sure the house is spotless when Mrs. Bythesea arrives home. On time for dropping Beck off at school and picking him up. I stayed out of Ellis's way as much as possible, and when he was off work, I remained hidden in the guest house, using the time to catch up on homework.

When Friday rolled around, I was interested to see how the house worked with Mrs. Bythesea here. Was Ellis any different? Was the energy altered at all? What did she bring to this household?

Beck didn't comment too much on the absence of his mom all week. In fact, it almost felt like Ellis was a single parent. Living alone in this large empty house without a wife. There wasn't much talk of her, and it's easy to forget she lives here too.

So often, the mother is the glue of the family. What keeps everyone together. Without her, the family would crumble apart.

Yet they go on with their lives, content with her absence.

That Friday afternoon, I wait outside the school for Beck to come out. Once again, Gretchen and Courtney approach me. Something that's become bit of a ritual as they continuously attempt to get gossip out of me. My living there seems to be the highlight of their lives at the moment. The only thing they have to talk about.

"Afternoon, Reign." Courtney says to me in a phony chipper voice.

I give her a tight smile. I've been nothing but short with them, hoping they'd take a hint. They don't seem to care in the slightest.

"You always look like the hip older sister picking him up." Gretchen says, and my eyes narrow at her.

Is this her attempt to make me out to be a child? To make me seem immature and incompetent?

"I meant that as a compliment." She falters, giving me a smile.

My eyes shift to the front doors, hoping that Beck comes flying out any second now. He always takes longer to come out due to his popularity. It seems every kid in class tries to talk to him on his way out. Making me endure dreadful conversations with these housewives for longer than I'd care for.

"Millie should be coming back this evening." Courtney exclaims. "I don't know how her marriage has survived this long." She says, catching my attention.

Gretchen nods glumly. "They should have divorced ages ago. They both seem so miserable. Neither of them wants to be the one to call it quits."

"They seemed happy to me." I counter.

Both of them look at each other and laugh. "Nobody can be married to Millie and be happy. She's insufferable."

"Yet, you're close friends?" I fold my arms across my chest.

"I've known Millie my whole life." Courtney states, the wrinkles under her eyes more defined as she peers at me. "She's a difficult person to love. I adore her and Ellis, but I think they both deserve better than what they're stuck in. Plus, Ellis must know he's way too attractive to be wasting away in this marriage."

Gretchen coos. "I'll take him. I'm lucky any chance I get just to look at him." The two of them burst out laughing.

I fight the urge to let my eyes roll into the back of my head. Pathetic. Gretchen and Courtney appear to be older than Millie by quite a few years. Late thirties perhaps. This news comes as a surprise to me. Though it's evident her being absent from the house doesn't impact him and Beck too drastically, I still felt he was deeply in love with her. The kiss on her head, the hand on her shoulder, how she gazed up at him with adoring eyes. The photos in their room. Is it true that they're both miserably unhappy with one another, or is this simply gossip?

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