Chapter Twelve:

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Mrs. Bythesea left her room in a mess. Clothes everywhere, a bathroom full of makeup stains, and toothpaste smudged on the mirror. I can't help but feel like she does it on purpose. While Ellis's side is immaculate. His sink has been spotless since I last cleaned it. He made the bed today, so the only thing for me to clean are the messes left by his monstrous wife.

I place headphones in my ears in an attempt to drown out my thoughts. To keep them from spiraling. At one point, I sneak over to the guest house, swallow down a glass or two of wine, then go back to cleaning the house.

With Beck's love for magic, I'm almost certain that as soon as he watches the Harry Potter films, he's going to be even more in love. The films are going to amaze him. Watching them for the first time should be an extravagant event. Butterbeer and candy from the trolley. I want to make it an experience.

After starting the load of laundry, I move down the stairs and approach the office doors. Ellis is staring at his laptop, and when he notices my presence, he stands from his chair and makes his way towards me, opening the doors. For a moment, I forget my train of thought. He's taller than six feet, that's for sure. I'm five feet five. Average height, I'd say, for a girl. Yet he makes me feel so incredibly small.


Looking up at him, I give him my smile. "Sorry to disturb you."

He shakes his head. "You didn't."

"I told Beck we'd watch the Harry Potter films later, and I was wondering how you felt if I ran to the store to grab some on-theme snacks for it? We could make butterbeer."

The way he looks at me sends a ripple of excitement through me. Like I fascinate him. It's subtle. Clearly trying to hide his emotions to the best of his ability, but I've already gotten a glimpse into his true intentions. A peek behind his walls. I saw his eyes in the kitchen, how they looked at my skin, dreaming of touching all the exposed places. His fingers that gently touched my elbow. A break in his serious persona. It's been enough to give me a glimmer of hope that he too feels attraction towards me, as I do him. That he feels the sexual desire that seems to be charging between us. A strong current that I feel even when he's not in front of me. It follows me to the guest house, to the bar, everywhere I go.

"I think Beck would love that." He says. "That's kind of you." He turns and walks over to the desk, where he grabs his wallet and pulls his card out. "Take my card with you. Spend it on whatever you need."

I extend my hand out to him, palm flat. When he gingerly places the card on the palm of my hand, his fingers graze the skin there. Both our eyes watch the movement. I hold my breath as he keeps his hand there a moment longer before pulling away and stuffing his hands into the pockets of his slacks.

I breathe in. When I'm around him, I have to manually remind myself to breathe. I have to repeat the motions in my head, or else I'd surely pass out at the sight of him. Breathe in. Breathe out.

He clears his throat, eyes flick from his shoes then back to my face. "Don't bother making sure everything's healthy. He can have a cheat day."

Smiling, I nod my head. I think about what Mrs. Bythesea would think if she heard him say that. If she found out Beck was eating junk food. Her head might explode. Her bright veins pulsing throughout her body. He might as well be eating food from the gutter!

I want to laugh. She thinks she's so in control when, really, as soon as she leaves, Beck and Ellis can go back to being normal people. Not the uptight robots she wants them to be.

"You should join us." I then say, holding my arms behind my back as I peer at him through my lashes. The motion pushes my chest further out.

He casually leans the side of his body against the door frame, arms folding across his chest as he peers down at me. "Maybe."

"I'm kind of an expert at making butterbeer. I don't think you want to miss out on this." My tone is flirty, and I smile brightly.

I watch as the corner of his mouth lifts slightly. "I think you've forgotten Harry Potter is my national anthem. We take butterbeer very seriously where I'm from."

My grin widens. "Well, you'll have to tell me how mine compares."

He stands upright. "Maybe." He gives me a wink, and my jaw nearly falls slack. Completely caught off guard. I have to take a step back to keep myself from jumping his bones right there and then. "I have to get back to work." He says it so casually, as if he didn't just give me the sexiest wink known to mankind.

I've met my match. Someone who clearly knows how good-looking he is and knows how to use it to his advantage. Not having the upper hand is throwing me off my game. I stand straighter, hoping he can't tell how pathetically I'm drooling over him.

He gives me a hint of a smile before closing the doors. I intake a heavy breath before making my way towards my car. The entire drive to the store, my mind fixates on him. His movements, his body, his gestures, the way he talks. Everything. I'm going completely mental.

I'm a comet spiraling through space. I soar and dive. About to collide with his world.

I know this is just the beginning.

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