Chapter Sixteen:

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When my alarm goes off the following morning, I stir in confusion. It's still dark outside. Groaning, I shut off the alarm and double-check the time, hoping that I accidentally set it earlier than I intended to during my drunken haze last night.

            But the time is right. It must be a gloomy day outside, bringing in the April showers. Stretching out, I bring my arms above my head, touching the top of the headboard, then reluctantly push my covers off me. Never before have I had a bed as comfy as this one. It's like being wrapped up in a cloud. The foam pad molding around me, cocooning me.

            In the bathroom, I apply some light makeup, just enough to make me look awake and ready for the day, then I place my hair in a claw clip, pulling some strands loose around my face. The rain drizzles on the roof, fogging up the windows. Thunder erupts angrily in the sky. It makes my heart thud in my chest.

            I slip on my pair of high-waisted jeans with my brown sweater before grabbing an umbrella from my coat closet and making my way across the lawn towards the back of the house. The rain begins to come down harder, falling splat all around the pavers and plunging into the pool, creating a calming sound. Lightning strikes, splintering off in the sky, the sound of thunder rumbles a few seconds later, angrier than before.

            Closing the umbrella, I shake it off before propping it up against the back wall, then wipe my feet on the mat before stepping inside.

            I pause by the door when I see Ellis already in the kitchen, brewing a pot of coffee. He's somehow already dressed and ready for the day, as if he wakes up looking this put together. His back leans against the island, his head dips down as his hands are stuffed in his slack pockets.

            "Morning." I say, and he looks back at me, gives me a slight nod, then turns back towards the coffee pot. Clearly, my actions from last night have resulted in him taking two steps back. Losing any sort of progress I might have made with him. I want to kick myself for being so daft. Opening up the fridge, I grab everything needed to make Beck's lunch.

            The silence stretching out between us. Though, he doesn't seem to mind. He seems clearly distracted today as his eyes stare off into space, his mind elsewhere. I notice his eyes seem tired, like he didn't get much sleep. I open the box of blueberries and rinse them off in the sink.

            "Can I talk to you?" Ellis then says as he pulls his hands from his pockets.

            I nod and shut off the sink, turning my body towards him. We're close, our bodies facing one another, but not close enough. Not as close as I want to be. He leans his hip against the counter, arms folding across his chest, as he peers at me with a serious expression.

            "We hired you to look after Beck." He starts. "We're paying you to look after him. We're not paying you to drink while watching him and potentially putting him in a harmful situation."

            "I know."

            "Do you?"

            "Yes." I say with confidence, my back straightening. "I would never put him in a harmful situation. Last night was just a suggestion. I had no intention of drinking if you weren't on board as well."

            He runs a hand along his jaw. I'm peering at him with a look of pure innocence. Youth and femininity. I lick my lips and watch as he fights not to look. Grabbing my elbow, I pull my arm into my side, causing my breasts to push together. Though, he cannot see them from my turtleneck sweater, but the image is there. The knowing of what is underneath.

Memories That Still Haunt UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora