Chapter Fourteen:

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Back at the house, I put away the butterbeer ingredients until it's time to make it later, then move onto preparing the trolley. Organizing the candy on it so it all looks nice and neat. I dim the lighting in the kitchen, then prepare the movie on the TV. By the time I have the room all set up, it's time to pick Beck up from school.

I grab Ellis's car keys from the drawer that he now leaves there for me to use and make my way towards the school. When I get there, I park in my usual spot that I've now claimed as mine and walk with an elegant stride towards the school, knowing the other moms always love staring at me, gawking, and talking as I walk right on by.

Their jealousy is evident as they've all become old and no longer in their prime. Most of their husbands are most likely cheating on them with their secretaries. And they most likely know it yet do nothing about it because it would disrupt their perfect images, and as a way to get some power back, they probably sleep with their gym instructor, a constant cycle of toxicity.

I'm young, in the best shape I'll ever be in my life, and I have no man to worry about cheating on me. I have all the power in my life, all the freedom. Nobody is holding me back. I'm everything they wish they still were.

Gretchen and Courtney are standing in their normal spot by the entrance, and when they see me, their faces light up as they wave me over. I've started not to mind them since they always give me good gossip on the Bythesea's, things I never would have known if it weren't for them. Plus, I kind of like how they gravel for my attention, wanting me so desperately to notice them.

I give them a stiff smile and join them. "Hi ladies," I say.

"I love your outfit today." Gretchen gushes, envy pooling in her eyes as she gazes over me.

"Thanks." I reply, my eyes focused on the entrance of the building.

"How is it with Millie out of the house again?" Courtney pries, desperation in her voice, as she hopes I have good gossip.

What would she say if I told her how desperately I want Ellis? How I'm obsessively thinking about him and how his hands would feel all over me? If she knew I was innocently slipping some flirting into our interactions? Would they run and tell Millie?

"Quiet." I tell them, and they both laugh.

"Oh, I bet. Millie was going on and on about you at tennis the other day, wasn't she, Gretch?

Gretchen rolls her eyes dramatically. "God, yes. I thought she'd never shut up. She really is insecure."

"I mean, I would be too if she was my maid." Courtney giggles, pointing at me.

"Nanny." I correct her, and they both nod curtly, acknowledging their mistake. What was Millie saying to them? Is she referring to me as her maid now instead of nanny? Somehow, the term sounds worse. Like I'm even further beneath her.

"I just don't get why she would hire you if she was going to obsess the whole time. She clearly can't handle it. She's always been insanely jealous. If women would even look at Ellis, Millie would fly off the handle. One time, my husband and I went on a double date with the two of them, and the waitress we had was young and gorgeous like you. She kept giving Ellis too much attention, would stare at him too long, and Millie purposely spilled her drink all over, then demanded to speak to a manager and complained that the waitress was flirting with her husband, then spilt the drink all over her." Courtney shakes her head in disbelief. "We were appalled by her behavior. It was so embarrassing! It totally ruined the night, and I could tell Ellis was mortified."

God, she's such a witch. I can't believe Ellis puts up with this. I feel so awful for him. "Did Ellis say or do anything?" I ask.

Courtney shakes her head. "He just stayed quiet like he always does. Never says anything. I don't know why he doesn't have more of a backbone. He lets her walk all over him and does nothing about it. She embarrasses them everywhere they go, and he just pretends it isn't happening."

"You know, Ellis came from poverty. I think Millie and her family own him; that's why he can't say anything. She's the reason he has a job and money; without her and her family, he'd be back to living on the streets." Gretchen says it with certainty, making Courtney nod in agreement.

This is insane. "Was he really living on the streets?" I ask with suspicion.

"Yes, no doubt about that." Courtney tells me. "Millie's told us all about his horrible past. Apparently, it was really bad. In a way, she saved him, but he basically sold his soul to the devil."

"Must be worth it though. Look at where he lives. He's got it all now." Gretchen adds. "He gets to live the life of luxury; the only price he pays is having to deal with her psycho shit."

Courtney bursts out laughing and smacks Gretchen's arm. "Gretch!" She squeals, and they both laugh.

My mind is reeling, thinking over everything they've just said. Surprisingly, I believe them. Everything they just said. Because it makes sense. Why else would Ellis stay with someone so horrible? She basically owns him, and he can't get out. He has no say in anything. It breaks my heart. I feel horrible for Beck too. The environment he lives in when Mrs. Bythesea is around. They both deserve so much better. It's not fair to either of them.

When Beck comes hurling out the door, two boys are chasing after them, and Beck jumps off the steps, just for the boys to catch up to them, and they pile onto the ground in a heap of laughter.

"Beck, careful." I say sternly, standing over them.

The boys look up at me and break apart. Beck is red faced and giggly. He jumps up and wraps his arms around my leg, craning his head to look up at me. "Are we going to still watch those magic movies today?"

I smile widely at him. "I've got a surprise for you."

His eyes widen. "Really?"

"Yep, we're watching those movies and so much more! Prepare to be amazed."

"Yay!" He jumps up and down.

I turn and wave goodbye to Gretchen and Courtney, overly pleased with the intel I received from them today. I feel like I know so much more. I understand the situation better. Mrs. Bythesea is not a good person; I've been right about that all along. Now I feel responsible to make sure Beck is happy and not mistreated, and that Ellis is looked after too. She has this amazing life, an amazing husband, and an amazing son, and she doesn't even appreciate it.

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