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The water turns cold, making me step out of the shower. I wrap myself in a towel, my feet getting the floor wet as I grab my glass of wine. I carry it with me to get ready for the day. The locksmith should be here soon.

No longer will I have to worry about being locked in or having another intruder wander in as I sleep at night.

Now that I think about it, maybe I do have a lot of enemies. Men I turned down, men who may fear I'll confess one day, saying what they've done. But it's been so long; why would they care now?

When I finish getting ready, I grab my car keys off the counter, deciding I should make a run to the store for some more alcohol and snacks to stock the cabinets. But as I go to open the door, it doesn't budge.

I rattle the doorknob, but it doesn't move.

Panic begins to rise in me. I twist the handle again, and attempt to push open the door once more.

It's locked.

I've been locked in. How?

My body freezes, blood running cold as I turn slowly. I'm locked inside the guest house. Am I alone in here? My eyes slowly graze the house, looking for anything out of place. Nothing appears to have been moved.

I try the door again. I push harder, ram my body against it. It doesn't budge. I open the shutters on the door and look outside into the yard. No sign of the locksmith. No sign of anybody.

Ellis is at work.

I move over to the nearest window and attempt to open it up so I can slip out that way, except it's sealed shut. There's no way to open it. My heart begins to thud louder in my chest as I move to the next window and try the same, only to find out that one is sealed as well. Growing frustrated, I stomp to the bedroom and try the windows in there.

Sealed shut.

All the windows are sealed shut. There's no way to get out.

I'm beginning to think they did this on purpose. Windows to keep me in, lock on the outside of the door. Why would they do this? Ellis appeared to be unaware of the lock situation, so maybe Mrs. Bythesea set up the guest house this way, but why?

I move back towards the front door and rattle it once more. With more force, I ram against it. Nothing.

Peeking through the shutters again, I look for movement. Someone has to be here to have locked me in. Someone is fucking with me. What if it is Lake? Maybe he's had enough of my bullshit and is getting back at me for all the years I screwed him over. I just find it hard to believe. He's not like that. He's not cruel.

There's no sign of anyone in the yard.

Reluctantly, I take my phone out and begin to call Ellis. It rings and rings until eventually, I'm sent to voicemail.

I wiggle the knob again. I can't get it. My breathing grows fast as I pace the kitchen, unsure of what to do.

Think. Think.

My phone begins to ring, and I quickly hold it up, looking at the screen to see Ellis calling me back. I answer it right away. "Reign, is everything okay? I'm in a meeting." He says, his voice hushed. I hear conversation in the background, papers ruffling.

"No." I snap. "I'm locked inside the guest house. The door is locked."

"You're locked inside?" He asks in confusion.

"Yes." I huff and go over to mess with the handle again. "I've been locked in somehow." I pause. "I think someone locked me in."

"What?" I hear him say hold on to someone in the background, followed by him moving into a quieter room. "Reign, are you saying someone locked you inside the guest house?"
"Yes!" I tell him. "I can't get out. All the windows are sealed shut. There's no way to get out."

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