Chapter 9

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I woke up in Bruno's arms, our foreheads nearly touching. He was still asleep.

I remembered everything about last night. It was the best night of my life. Bruno and I felt like two halves become whole, two puzzle pieces together at last.

Bruno began to stir next to me. I kissed his forehead. "Morning." I muttered.

"Good morning." He muttered back, blinking his eyes open. He hugged me tighter, bringing his mouth to mine. We kissed in our sleepy states, nothing but us existing.

Eventually, our growling stomachs forced us to get up. We changed into day clothes, and I brushed my knee-length hair before putting it into a bun.

We walked arm in arm to the kitchen, me unable to get the smile off my face. Bruno did a better job of hiding his smile.

"Morning lovebirds!" Julieta said teasingly.

"It's an amazing morning." I said, glancing at Bruno. He turned red, and tried to hide behind his hair.

Pepa and Abuela came out of their rooms, rubbing sleep out of their eyes.

"Morning." Pepa said before grabbing a heap of food from Julieta's spread. Abuela did the same, smiling at us, not saying anything until we were all sat at the table.

"How are you two this morning?" Abuela asked.

"Perfect." I said, leaning into Bruno, our chairs right next to each other.

"Agreed," he said, brushing stray hairs out of my face and kissing me again.

"And I thought you two were bad as boyfriend and girlfriend." Julieta said with a roll of her eyes.

I snickered, and started eating the bread I put on my plate. Bruno didn't eat anything, only having a cup of coffee.

After breakfast, we went back up to his room and had a repeat of last night. Everything was so perfect, and nothing could ever change that.


Bruno's POV

Athena and I were having tea in the tower like we always did. It's been over three months since the wedding, and people have said that the novelty of marriage would ware off in a month but I didn't see that happening any time soon.

There was a knock on the door, and I stood up to go see who it was, Athena standing up as well. But when she stood up, her face contorted and she fainted.

"JULIA!" I called, running to the door. Usually when Athena faints she looks determined, but this time she looked surprised.

I opened the door to find Mama, and Julia was running up the steps. Mama saw Athena and she ran to her side. Julia made it inside, food in hand and in apron. Pepa was coming up too, with her boyfriend Félix.

"We have to wait it out." Julia told me when I wouldn't stop pacing in a circle.

"No no. This was different. She usually looks like she knows she about to faint but she didn't this time." I rambled.

Julieta examined her, finding a normal heart rythym and normal breathing. I knelt down next to her, stroking Athena's forehead and taking her hand.

A few minutes later, she squeezed my hand back. Julieta put the bread in her mouth, Athena chewing and swallowing.

She looked around, looking confused. I was getting more and more worried. She usually looked around confused, but said that it was an act. This didn't look like an act.

"What happened?" She asked, sounding hoarse. She pressed a hand to her throat.

"You fainted." Julieta told her as she's told her a million times before.

"I did?"

Everyone now shared my look of concern.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Julieta asked.

"Having tea?" She said it as though it was an answer to a question she wasn't sure of.

"Have you been throwing up any? Mostly in the morning?" Mama asked.

"Yeah, why?" Athena asked, before understanding dawned on her.

Squeezing my hand and with eyes as wide as a doe's Athena said "We're going to have a baby!" She started crying and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back, but tried to be gentle. A few tears leaked out of my eyes, too.

Julieta and Pepa started yelling and crying, Félix said congratulations with a smile, and Mama said congratulations with teary eyes.

Athena's POV

The second the possibility of being pregnant dawned on me, I started crying. I cried both because I was terrified and because I was happy. Would they be like me? Would they be like Bruno, given a single gift? Would it be a little boy? A little girl?

"We're going to have a baby!" I exclaimed.

I hugged onto Bruno, wanting support. He hugged back, although not as tightly. I think he was trying to be gentle. I barely registered the congratulations behind me, focusing on Bruno and the future of our baby.

"Will they be like Bruno?" I asked the room.

"They should get their own gift at five, like my babies did." Abuela answered softly.

I started crying more. They won't have to suffer like I did. I thought.

I looked down at my stomach, a tiny little bump showing through.

I didn't stop crying for the rest of the afternoon.


Bruno and I set up a miniature nursery in a corner of our bedroom: a rocking chair, a rocking crib, and as a tribute to being half a witch or wizard, a mobile made of wand wood with dangling pixies. I enchanted it to where if the baby wanted them to fly, they would. Only the baby and me could make them fly, should they be like me.

I was about six months along now, my feet were only half visible, and I spent most of my time in our bedroom reading or talking with Bruno or whoever else came to talk.

Abuela wanted to talk a lot. She taught me how to take care of a baby, starting with the basics and getting more and more into the details. She also told me what to expect of childbirth, but that Julieta could alleviate most of the pain and side effects of it.

I ate a lot too. Mostly Julieta's arepas. I had to get most of my meals brought up to me, as moving was getting more and more difficult.

Bruno and I still had to pick out a name. We argued a lot over it. Should we pick a name from my culture or his? If it's a boy, he chooses, if it's a girl, I choose- is what we settled on.

If it was a girl, I wanted her name to be Alicia. It was a noble name, which a lot of magical beings were. Whether they would be like me or like Bruno or like both of us, they would be perfect.

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