Chapter 11: Story Of My Life

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Oh God. How did I find myself in the middle of this mess?

Number one: I don't even know a single crap on how to plan a romantic date.

Number two: Google has turned its back on me. I have typed "date ideas", but it's just all: Candle-lit dinner. Candle-lit dinner. Picnic. More candle-lit dinner. More candle-lit dinner.

I still remember how candles worked out really well for me, thank you very much.

And number three: Why did I even agree to do this? What was I thinking?

If I could go back into time, I'll say, "You know what? I'll just let you plan the whole date on your own, Harry! Ha ha ha!"

Anyway. Too late for that. I need to come up with my own ideas.

So for the entire day, I sat infront of the laptop, wasted hours searching the internet, until I finally gave up and wrote down my options on paper instead.

Option One: Movie Date

No. Bad idea. We'd both be squashed flat by the mob before I could even eat my popcorn.

Option Two: Carnival

Yes. That could work!

Oh wait, scratch that. I'm ducky afraid of rollercoasters and rides.

Option Three: Cook him dinner here at home

Crap, I don't even know how to cook...

Option Four: Ice Skating

Okay, I don't even know why I wrote that.

A) I look like a clumsy penguin when I skate and B) I seriously have to stop getting ideas from the "Night Changes" music video.

Option Five: Ummm...

Okay. Great. Well, that's a really helpful list.

I've ran out of ideas already. I stare at the sheet blankly, and my brain is already as dried as raisins but I still came up with nothing useful.

My phone rings and I pull it out of my pocket hastily.

"Harry?" I say as I press it onto my ear." What's up? Not bailing on our second date, are you?" I tease with a light chuckle.

But to my utter surprise, a female voice answers. "Who's Harry?"

Wait. What?

Girl Meets Trouble #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now