Chapter 16: Through The Dark

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To say it was painful would not do it justice.

I could spend twenty-four hours reading the dictionary and still not find an accurate word to describe how I feel.  My body is rigid with misery.

I can't blame Harry for it, though.  I don't think I could.  Because part of who to blame for it was me.

Crazy, foolish me.

I think a part of me always knew from the second we met that something like this was bound to happen. 

I knew that his world spun too fast.  Too good to be real.  And that I'm going to get myself hurt. That I'm not making the safest decision.

But I guess I just thought that maybe...maybe we could have a better ending than other stories.  Maybe I was naive.  Maybe I've read too many fairytales.  Watched too many movies.  

But don't we all hope for that?  

To be swept off our feet.  To be kissed in the rain. To receive "Good morning, beautiful" texts when we get up.  To be surprised with flowers after a bad day.

To mean the world to someone. 

And we want it so badly that even when we see red flags, we defy them.  We see neon, warning signs, but most of the time, we walk right past them.

Because at the back of our mind, we hope, we always hope, that despite it all, we're going to be the one who beats the odds.  

We hope he's the one.

I wish I could say that I was strong enough and I recovered quickly.  That I wasn't so frail.  

But if I told you that, I'd be lying.

This is why you shouldn't fall too easily, Teddy, a mocking voice echoes inside my head. This is why you should be more careful.

My phone vibrates and when I check to see what it was, I realize it's another message from Harry.

Do Not Answer:  Teddy, talk to me please.

Do Not Answer:  Teddy?

Do Not Answer:  I promise it's not as bad as you 

                             think it is.  Just please let me 


I can't face the phone calls or the texts yet. I can't do it.  I just can't.

There's no way I could answer his messages without sounding like paranoid or crazy.  I'm too battered.  Too exhausted battling with my emotions.  Too confused.

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