Chapter 2 ( Hunting of nightmare )

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A dark hands try to chase Randy while his running. As he run in a very familiar place. No doors are open for him to run through. As a voice" You can't run away babe, I'm always watching you. You belong to me! only me!" Suddenly someone shock Randy and he gets up from his nightmare.

" Bro you okay ? What happened, another nightmare ?" Debi sounds in a worried tone.
" Yeah Debi , a terrible dream. The same dream that hunts me every night." Randy explain while sweating as he run a 1000 mile marathon.
" Asher again? " Debi question.
" Yes, it's him again. What I did wrong, even after quitting my job and finding somewhere far from him, he still insists on hunting me. What should I do?" Randy cry's while hugging Debi. As Debi stroked his head" it's fine, don't worry I'm here for you. We can go through this together." She assures Randy.

Randy tends to dress according to his mood. So he pair a black oversized Tee with a black pant and boots. Randys Mind was scattered all over and he couldn't think property what to do. Suddenly he realized that he did see Jonathan standing at the end of the place with an open arm calling for him in his nightmare. As this makes him more confuse.

"Randy, Randy , Randy" Meerah tap his shoulder while his thoughts are still lingering at his nightmare.
"Girl you're doing fine? Are you sick ? You look so pale." Meerah sounds really worried.
"Im fine, just need some rest, I had insomnia yesterday night and couldn't sleep all night." Lied Randy with a smile.

Randy was distracted by the same smell he smells yesterday. For,his surprise it was Jonathan who was standing in front of his table. " You look pale, are you sick, better you take a rest today Randy before you faints." Jonathan demands Randy.
" Exactly Mr John , he need rest now. Randy you go take rest , I'll help you finish your work." Meerah volunteered.

Jonathan dragged Randy to his room and ask him to rest on the long sofa since it's very quiet and feels cozy. Without any hesitation Randy starts sleeping as if he didn't sleep for days. Hours pass by, Jonathan went near Randy to see his condition. He was mesmerised by the beauty of Randy while sleeping, as he start stroking Randy's face gently without realising.

There was a happy sensation start to grow in him as his with Randy. Suddenly Randy start crying and bagging to not leave while holding Jonathan's hand. " please don't leave me, I really love you, why are you doing this? You say you love me, please don't leave me Asher,Asher !Asher! " Randy muttered while crying in his sleep. Clueless Jonathan hugged him tightly " don't worry, you're fine here,I'm here with you" to make Randy calm.

"Asher? Who is this guy, did Randy date this guy? He is Randy's ex-boyfriend? Did he abuse Randy ?" Jonathan was angry as he asked himself many questions." I need to know more and things in detail about him, as fast as I can " muttered Jonathan.

As Randy woke up from a very tired nap, he got a glimpse of Jonathan's face and came to realize that he was in his room all this while. "I'm very sorry Mr John, everything got  delayed because of me." Randy expresses his thoughts on his behavior. With his hand on Randy's face " it's okay to get tired, we all are human after all. It's fine to take rest when we need to. Do not worry about your work, Meerah and Kim will settle it. Go and have some rest." Assured Jonathan.

While having a warm shower while feeling his soft skin, Randy remembered something that happened at the office while he was sleeping. It was Randy holding Jonathan's hand and mistaking him for Asher and begging him not to leave him. He does remember the words of Jonathan" don't worry, you are fine here,I'm here with you". Without realizing Randy's face blossoms a small smile and he feels comfortable and warm with Jonathan. But Randy was very undeviating that no one can know about Asher and their relationship.

After two day Randy regained his healthy self and was happy to continue his work at the office. To start a great day, Randy pairs a pink oversized T-shirt with an off white cardigan and black denim pants with black boots. This outfit really emphasizes his red hair and smooth skin. Looking at his completion on the elevator mirror he remembers how Debi described his look" Dumbo why are dressed like strawberry shorts cake to work. Red hair with pink outfit, oh my god I'm going to faint with all the pink happening today".

"Oh my god you're still alive and my day is going to be better with you around me. Miss u so much girl." Meerah whipped while squeezing Randy like a kitchen sponge. Randy too was excited to be back at the office after a very miserable 2 days off.

Randy sat at his table with a big smile on his face and continued his work.
"Look who's back, our strawberry human is back" Kim giggles while stroking Randy's hair. As usual Randy starts to blush. As Randy was busy typing his work he was suddenly distracted by a call from his mother.

"Mom, why are you calling now? Any emergency? I'm at work " panicked Randy.
" Nah I just miss  my lovely son, so I called to listen to your voice." Giggles Randy's mom.
" Mom I'll call you later after work, bye love you" Randy cuts the call.

"Who is that Randy? Your girlfriend?" Question Kim.
"Oh it's my mom, she just called to annoy me at work." Giggles Randy while admiring Kim's smile on his face.
"Must be nice to have a mom to share your days and stories with." Kim expresses his longing to have a mom.

Randy just realized the look on Jonathan's face when talking about his wife.
" Mr Kim, can I ask you something?" Randy asks.
"Yes, what u wanna ask me Randy" Kim stared at Randy with a serious face.
"May I know what happened to your mom? I'm just curious since I didn't see you talking about her." Randy raises a question to make Kim travel back to the past.

Kim shows a pic of a very beautiful woman in Iliac dress, this woman is so beautiful even Randy was mesmerized by her beauty. "This is my mom Eleanor." Kim shows the pic with teary eyes.

"She is a wonderful mother who loves her kid more than her life. She is also the love of my father. They are such a sweetheart, they can't be separated. Nine years ago our entire family was shocked to hear the news that my mom was diagnosed with metastases. It's a type of lung cancer. We have spent the last two years doing what my mom loves and enjoy making sure his last days are happy." Explains Kim.

"After my moms passing, my dad took the responsibility as mom and dad to raise me and my 3 siblings. He had many chances to find another life partner, but he only focused on raising us and growing his empire for us. I do feel guilty as my father might be alone until his last days. I do want him to find a life partner, so he can be happy but he always brushes off this topic" Kim creates a sympathy feeling in Randy with his past.

"Don't worry, your mother, she will always be with you watching and guiding you and your siblings." Randy taps Kim's shoulder.
"Thank you Randy, your words really mean a lot to me." Kim hugged Randy with relief. Kim finds Randy interesting and happy to meet someone that he can open up to.
"Thanks for today and being there for me " explains Kim while stroking Randy's hair. Randy smiles while blushing.

Randy's respect towards Jonathan grows as he listens to Kim's story. Randy too was so happy that Kim shared his Story with him. As for Randy this is a change for them to be closer. Randy just wanna say I'm here for you to Kim but was hesitant for some reason.

The only thing that Randy can ever think of is Kim's face when he was talking about  his family. Those teary eyes of his, wanted Randy to hug and say I'm here for you whenever you need me. But Randy was not sure how Kim feels toward him. As Randy feels this is one sided feeling.

While having dinner dinner with Debi,
"Dumbo, can I ask you something?" Randy faces Debi.
"What do you wanna ask about ? Guys ? Do you like someone ?" Debi interrogated Randy.
" Kinda " Randy smiles at Debi.
" Faster tell me now dumbo, who is the guy? Tell me now." Nag Debi
" Patting and stroking my hair, does that mean he likes me and includes pinching my cheeks." Randy covers his face with his hand.
"Wait what ? Pinching up your cheeks? Who is this?" Debi question.

"It's my manager!"Randy answered.
"Are you kidding me Randy? Did you forget what happened last time? You yourself promise me, No office romance. Don't forget your promise Dumbo." Debi glared at Randy with anger and worried as she walked to her room.

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