Cahpter 9( The storm coming)

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" Mr. Kim is cheating on you with a guy. And this guy is from their company. I have sent pics of them together, madam." Ethan ends the call.

Vanessa was heartbroken as she heard the devastating news. As Kim is the one who proposed and insisted on getting married in the first place. She can't get herself to look at the pic. As she lost every bit of strength in her body.

"How can he do this to me? Didn't he say he loves me? Why ?" Vanessa cried while reaching for her mobile. When she opened the message "Wait..... was it Randy? How is Randy with Kim? Is he betraying both of us? But I love him first and only I deserve him and no one can have him." Vanessa had a plan in her head.

While both on their bed " Randy are you awake? " Kim asked.
"Yes I am," Randy replied.
"Are you angry and disappointed in me for hiding you?" Kim sounds stressed.
"Was in starting but not now. I'm sure you have your reason for it." Randy smiles while lying on Kim's chest.
"Randy I promise I will bring you and introduce you to my dad this Saturday and I will let everyone know about us. It's a promise" Kim kisses Randy's forehead.

Both of them cuddle with love and happiness as they both feel safe with each other without knowing the storm which is coming their way.

"I make you some toast and sausages for you and it's on the table. Meerah is fetching me and see you later, bye." Randy rushes to the lobby to meet Meerah.
"Meerah Kim says he is going to introduce me to his father this Saturday and let everyone know about our relationship." Randy looked so happy.
"Really? Does he say that? I'm happy for you Randy." Meerah smiles but she kinda feels fishy about it.
"Later after work, I want to tell him The most awaited work for him" Randy laughed.
"Most awaited word? What is that?" Meerah was so curious.
"Mmmmm..... I LOVE YOU. Since I didn't say that to him till now" Randy hides his face.
"Wait? Really? Pity guy" Meerah laughed.

"I have a surprise for you later after work my dear boyfriend. I.......... Later you hear it from me face to face" Randy sent a voice note to Kim.

"So where are you bringing me for a treat?" Meerah jokes while laughing happily for Randy.
"Maybe tomorrow I'll bring you out. For today I just wanna spend time with Kim only" Randy smiles.

"So madam what are you planning to do now?" Ethan questions while driving to Eleanor Production.
"I'm going to claim what is mine. What only belongs to me." Vanessa was furious with anger.
"What about the guy? Aren't you going to talk or explain to him?" Ethan looks at Vanessa from the front view mirror.
"There are times you need to be selfish. Now I need to be selfish for my life." Vanessa smiles while her heart aches.

"Hi, Randy....." Vanessa entered the floor with a huge smile on her face.
"Omg, what are you doing here? Randy asks Vanessa with shock.
"Come to meet my fiancé and introduce him to you" Vanessa acted so innocently.
"Omg? Then let's go on a double date later after work." Randy was excited as he started jumping and holding.
"Randy." Kim was shocked to see both Vanessa and Randy together as he can't even flinch a moment.
"Hey babe!!" Vanessa walks towards Kim.

Randy can't even make a sound as he was confused "Babe?".
"Omg, I forgot. Randy, this is Kim. I think you know him. Meet my fiancé. Kim, this is my new friend." Vanessa smiles while hugging Kim.
"Your fiancé?" Meerah was so furious.
Randy and Kim share a long silent look before Randy rushes to the washroom.

Everything was dark. Hopes flying away from the heart. Everything seems to lie in life. Believing people and jumping into the well seems familiar. Randy can't breathe properly and it's very suffocating as he was trapped in a box. This hurts more than a breakup.

Suddenly a message pops up on Randy's mobile "I need to talk to you" from Kim.
Randy broke down once he saw it. He cannot believe that the person he believes so much after his peers, would betray his love and trust. The pain is too much to the point Randy can't even cry. As he was crying in the washroom. Meerah keeps calling him with worry and anger to smash Kim's face.

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