Chapter 8 ( Believe your instincts )

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"Are you fine with office romance?" Meerah questioned while applying the foundation to Randy's neck.
"I'm not sure, but I like it." Randy smiles.
"Just be careful at the office, I know you're young and wild. Not everyone will be happy for you. People are not the same Randy, not everyone will be happy for you. You need to understand that. I'm sorry to say this but I think both of you are going too fast." Meerah finishes applying for a foundation.

"Are you still mad at him? I thought you made up with him." Randy turns to Meerah.
"I'm not angry with him or mad but I just couldn't bring myself to trust him. My instinct keeps telling me his hiding something from us" Meerah looks worried.
"Let's stop talking about him. Let's go out for lunch. And have some sibling date" Randy's eyes glow.
"Okay!!!!! Let's have a date just for us." Meerah stroked Randy's hair.

"Randy" Meerah places her spoon and fork aside.
"You wanna order something?" Randy looks at Meerah.
"Are you sure he's single?" Meerah sounds worried.
"Yes, I'm sure." Randy continues to eat.

"Do you like the food here?" Meerah ask.
"Yeah, yeah I like it. Should bring Kim one day" Randy smile while eating.
"You like him ah? Can't even talk without mentioning him. I'm happy for you but also worried." Meerah continues eating.
"Haha... sorry for mentioning him. I do feel comfortable with him. And he likes me a lot. Thanks for being there for me and also stop worrying too much. He promised he will tell his father soon." Randy smiles while finishing his food.
"Really? Did he say that? When? So until then, I won't believe him" Meerah looks so curious.
"Yes, Yes soon " Randy chuckles.

While both Meerah and Randy were walking to their company, Randy bumped into a girl who was walking in the opposite direction.

"I'm very sorry, are you okay?" The girl asks Randy who is still on the floor.
"Don't worry I'm fine," Randy wakes up with both Meerah and the girl's help.
"I'm so sorry, it's my fault" the girl apologizes again.
"Don't blame yourself. It's my fault too, I was too focused on my thoughts. I'm Randy. Nice to meet you." Randy smiled.
"Nice name, I'm Venessa" she introduced.
"I'm working at Eleanor production" Randy smiles while mesmerized by her beauty.
"You are so beautiful, I mean even girls will be jealous of you. Wait, my fiancé is from there too." Vanessa can't stop admiring Randy.
"Thank you. Who is your Fiancé?" Randy was curious.
"One day ill come there you will know" Giggles Vanessa.
"We are sorry, we need to rush to the office" Randy and Meerah rush to the office.

"Mmm, should I ask them about Kim? I mean the guy looks friendly and lovely." Vanessa mumbles to herself.

While working Randy gets a call from Kim "Wanna stay over at my apartment later night after dinner.".
"Your place? Won't your parents suspect? What if someone saw us together?' Randy starts to panic.
"Don't worry I'm staying alone there, plus no one knows I have an apartment," Kim explains.
"Then I'm okay" Randy agrees.
"Then I'll fetch you after work" Kim ends with a kiss.

"Meerah!" Randy taps her shoulder.
"Yes!!!!!!!!!! He wants to see you now?" Meerah turns.
"How do you know it's him? He's asking me to stay at his place. What should I do ?" Randy sounds panicky.
"Cause you extra sweet in the call. If you like, then stay. If you don't, then don't. But make sure no one sees you two together."Meerah warns Randy.
"I know but, but!" Randy can't think or say something as he was so confused.
"Stop with the but, I know well that you badly wanna go there. Also don't forget to bring a condom. Also, there are new condom flavors in your drawer. I saw it and brought it for you since you use it a lot." Meerah continues with her work.
"Thank you" Randy hugs Meerah.

"Nice house you have" Randy was impressed by the way Kim keeps his house.
"Like it? So when are you gonna move in with me?" Kim hugs Randy from the back.
"Don't you think that's too fast? We need to understand and know more about each other." Randy sounds very strong with his decision.
"But I wanna keep you near me. The first thing I wanna see should be you." Kiss Randy's hair.
"Aren't you too possessive about me? I'm human not a thing to be kept for yourself. I'm going to shower." Randy goes to the shower.
Kim follows Randy as chicks follow their mother.

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