Chapter 11 ( The nightmare )

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After calming down Randy both Meerah and Debi put him to bed.
"Can I ask who Asher is? " Meerah raises a question that Debi doesn't want to discuss.
"Let's make tea then chat while drinking it." Debi rushes to make tea for the two.
"Is the guy Asher terrible ?" Meerah was so eager to know it.
"Yes, he is. He was Randy's previous company managing director. He is very young. Randy met him through a mutual friend.  As you know Randy is very hard to convince. But Randy's beauty attracts everyone around him. At the company, Randy doesn't know the upper management so well, since he doesn't care about it. This guy called Asher is the son of the company owner. He is not a good guy plus he is a playboy who likes to sleep around with girls and guys." Debi tries to explain.

"Omg, what a terrible person, but how come Randy ended up with him?" Meerah asks.

" Randy is equally naughty. He used to hang out at the famous Bar. This place is very popular among gays. Randy likes to hang out there to find guys to sleep around. Not very often but when he is in the head." Debi laughs.

"Really? Wow, so he is not innocent. Naughty Randy" Meerah joined in laughing.

" Yes, he is. He was single and wanted to try out new things. So this is where he comes across Asher. Randy caught his attention as soon as he entered the bar. But Randy doesn't care about him. The cause is not interested in guys like him. He did try to approach Randy on the same day but was declined by Randy. I like how he can decline guys. Not like me, still single" Debi added.

"Burn girl, we need to stand up for ourselves. Thus what I like about Randy being bold is" both being happy and proud of their little brother.

"After a week Randy did meet him at the same bar. But this time he tries to take advantage of him when he's alone in the washroom. He tries to kiss and touch Randy inappropriately, but thank god he manages to run away. After that incident, he stopped going to the place and changed his hangout spot. Fate makes them meet again, this time Asher apologizes to Randy and treats him. Dumb Randy believed him and fell into his trap. When someone treats him nicely, he thinks that they are treating him with good intentions. Asher plays his trick by being nice to Randy. Treating him to drinks brought out for dinner. This will continue for months." Debi added.

"Poor thing, we need to teach him how to identify people with intentions for him" Meerah's face turns worried.

"When fetching Randy for dinner, Asher found out that he was working for their company. As it's become easy for him to execute his plans. Stupid Randy falls easily for people who treat him nicely. So when Asher invites them to a party in his yard, Dumbo without hesitation accepts it. Randy is not a heavy drinker. He gets drunk easily and Randy knows well about his condition but he believes Asher. By this time Randy started developing Feeling for Asher. He is kinda good looking, very fair, tall, and muscular.So he took the opportunity to have sex with Randy who was very drunk." Debi drank her tea.

"Wait what he did do? This is technically rape. I'm so pissed now, that I badly wanna punch that guy right now." Meerah squeezed her hands together.

" Naive Randy thought it was a mistake because they were drunk. His feelings for Asher increased day by day. Soon the day comes, Asher proposes to Randy and they start dating. Randy is a horny kid and often has sex with Asher. Plus this bastard has a habit of filming. So film their intimate Time with the reason he wanna keep this video and rewatch it." Debi took a break.

"This doesn't sound right to me. How does Randy allow it? I'm pretty sure he brainwashed Randy." Meerah is furious with anger.

"So there was this one day Randy was preparing his presentation for a big project. He did say how important the project is to both me and Asher. But the bloody hell, He leaked a video only with Randy's face on Twitter and posted it in the Company group. Randy, who had no idea about it, went to the office for his presentation. At first, he doesn't know why people are staring at him. Eventually, before his presentation he got to know what happened. It breaks him and he messes up his presentation. No one complains as everyone is aware of what happens. But the terrible thing is people's view of him changes, some disgusting human beings try to approach him with nasty thoughts and try to sexually assault him.

Somehow when Randy finds out it was Asher who leaked the video. He was dumbfounded as to how someone who loves him can do it. So when he went to confront him, the most imaginable thing happened. When Randy arrives at Asher's apartment he sees him with another girl who turns out to be Randy's colleague who knows the relationship that was between them. When Randy went to confront them, he was forcefully pushed into a room where around 6 to 7 guys who are Asher's friends are smoking and drinking. Randy was sexually assaulted for the entire night by these guys multiple times. When he begged Asher, he said "This is what happens when you reject me. Now no one wants to date a whore like you." Those words break Randy's hope in life. But Randy somehow managed to run away when they were really drunk. Randy, who was bleeding and had no energy in himself, called me and asked me to fetch him. When I arrive at the place. I couldn't forget the moment, the state Randy was in his clothes were ripped and his face." Debi starts crying and she can't even speak as she cries.

"Omg, what they did to him, my poor thing. What has he gone through? I can't imagine the shit he went through. I'm sorry for asking and making you remember this" Meerah cried while hugging Debi.

After crying and sharing thoughts, Debi "Now you should know why I'm very protective about Randy. And also why I'm very hard on him. I don't want him to go through the same shit again."

Meerah went to Randy's room to look at him, who was sleeping like a baby rolled with his blanket and hugging his booster.
"I'm very sorry Randy, I have no idea what terrible things you have been through. I know I'm late but from now on I will protect you from everything. I promise" Meerah kissed Randy's head while controlling her tears.

"When will this happen? Meerah questioned Debi who was sitting at the counter.

"Last year around October, before he resigned from his job there." Debi explains.
"Why didn't explain this to his father? Sure you have pics and text with him right?" Meerah added.
"Randy did all the things but no use. They say Randy purposely seduced his son. Plus they brought up the fact that his attitude and personality are the cause of this incident. They indirectly say that he got raped because his gay." Debi laughed.
"What does this have to do with him being gay? They blame poor Randy to save themselves. If I ever come across this guy I will wreck his face for sure." Meerah was furious.

Randy, who has no idea what happened, comes to the living room with a sleepy face "You guys are here? I'm hungry".
Meerah who couldn't control herself ran and hugged Randy " Don't worry Randy, now you have me as your big sister. I will protect you from everything."
"Thank you, big sis." Confused, Randy hugged Meerah back.
Debi who saw this was happy that someone other than her is here for Randy after she left.

All three of them happily have dinner on the counter.
" Randy Mr John asked me to pass the tea to you." Meerah passes the tea bag.
"He did? Wow, I didn't expect him to do this. But honestly, Mr. John is a great guy." Randy smiles.
"Been days since I saw you smiling." Debi slowly touches Randy's cheeks.
"Meerah should I resign?" Randy asks.
"Why? Please don't." Meerah begs.
"How should I face his face? I will surely cry, I can't control my emotions." Randy's eyes get teary.
"Randy why are you feeling down when you have done nothing wrong, you're a victim here. We can go through this. Why do you want to resign? You need to be strong Randy. We are here for you." Meerah comforts Randy by holding his hand tight.
"I'm kinda scared and don't want to see or interact with Kim" Randy makes a serious face.

"So when are you going to the office?" Meerah asked.
"Since I'm fine, why not tomorrow?" When Randy tries to end his sentence he receives a call from Kim. As Randy's eyes widen Meerah knows what to do.
"This is your last warning, don't ever think about coming in front of my brother. I will rip you apart or fill a police report saying you sexually assaulted my coworker. So stop calling him and don't ever come near him.''Meerah ended the call.
"Don't worry I'll be your armor at the office protecting you from him" Meerah smiles.

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