Chapter 13 (The real story begins)

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Randy, who wants to start a fresh day with his deadly seductive looks, enters the office as everyone including Vanessa can't look away from him.
"Girl, what happened to you? But honestly, you're looking great this way." Vanessa can't stop complimenting Randy.
"Thank you. Everyone needs a change when life fucks them up" smiles Randy as he sat at his place.

"Randy, how is the new project going on?" Vanessa asks.
"So far good. Later I'm having a small discussion with Mr John about the project" Randy explains.
" Aww, you're meeting him later?" Vanessa was surprised.
"Yeah, He makes sure I discuss everything with him before proceeding with my idea. So he guides and also corrects mistakes in the proposal" Randy explains.
"Have you brought the brownie that you baked for him?" Meerah smiles.
"You bake brownies for Mr John" Vanessa shares glances with Meerah.
"Yeah, I bake brownies for him, since he is very kind towards me. Plus he bought me tea when he knew I'm not feeling well."Randy added.
"Wow, you are special to everyone Randy. Okay, see you later " Meerah went to her cabin.

Randy knocks on Jonathan's cabin door "May I come in sir".
"Yes please, Randy." Jonathan Reply.
"Wow Mr John, you remember my voice."Randy entered the cabin with a huge smile.
"Yeah I remember your voice, it's very sweet and unique. I like it" Jonathan says without realizing that Randy is in the Cabin.
"Thank you, actually no one has ever complimented my voice." smiles Randy.
"I mean I like your tone" Jonathan was flustered.

Jonathan was so distracted by Randy's look that he kept looking at Randy every 10 seconds once.
"Mr John thanks for the Chamomile tea. Thanks for taking care of us. I brought you some brownies that I made by myself."
"Aww really? Thanks for the brownie. I'll make sure to finish it by lunch" smiles Jonathan.

"I think we need to find the previous project files. Mind helping me?" Jonathan moves to the files rack behind his table. Randy follows him to help. They both were busy finding, Randy climbed onto the book rack ladder to look for the files. As both of them were so busy finding the files, Randy, who was standing on the ladder, slipped and fell. Fortunately, Jonathan caught him from falling to the ground.
"Are you fine Randy?" Jonathan asks while holding him in both of his hands.
"I'm fine, thank you, Mr John."Randy was embarrassed to be in this situation.
Randy realizes that Jonathan's heartbeat increases as he holds Randy as both share a very long glance at each other.

"You can put me down, Mr. John." Randy smiles as he comes to his senses.
"Owww, sorry. Are you fine? I think you should just sit. I'll find the file" Jonathan put Randy in the chair. As Randy quietly sits in the chair, Jonathan finds the file. As we're both discussing the project, this time Randy couldn't take his eyes off Jonathan. As he wonders how a great man like Mr. John can have a son like Kim. Randy badly wishes Kim can be like Mr. John. As he starts sobbing thinking about his situation.

"Having a problem with your boyfriend," Jonathan asks while removing his glasses.
"How do you know Mr John?" Randy was surprised.
"Was it obvious for teenagers nowadays? The only thing that is going to make you all sad is relationship issues. So what happens with your boyfriend? Did he cheat you?" Jonathan asks.
"Wow! Do you have any superpowers? Yeah kinda cheated, but I was the side chick for months. He is engaged." Randy's face turns red.
"Wasn't it a big red flag in your language? Then leave him. Why are you scared? You think you can't find another guy? You're beautiful and you can find another guy in no time. So don't worry." Jonathan comforts Randy.
"Thank you, Mr John, wish everyone is like you." Randy smiles and leaves the cabin.
Jonathan couldn't control himself from smiling ear to ear.

"So how was the meeting?" Meerah asks.
"Fine, don't you think Mr. John is different from everyone in the company as he cares about his employees?" Randy discussed his thoughts.
"I'm not sure about that. But he takes special care of you. Maybe he likes you. Who knows." Laugh Meerah.

As both Meerah and Randy returned from their lunch, Randy saw his brownie box at his table with a note on it. It says "Thank you for the brownie strawberry boy" with Randy's favorite candy inside.

Randy was so surprised as he discovered that Jonathan is the one who has been sending him gifts and treats. It wasn't Kim, because the handwriting on the brownie box and the writing on the previous letter he get are very similar. Randy was very confused as to why Mr. John did this."I wanted to know what is happening now." Randy plans to meet Jonathan after working hours.

"Meerah, can you wait for me in the lobby?" I'm going to get some documents from Mr John." Randy rushes to Jonathan's cabin.
"I have something to ask you " Randy dashes into Jonathan's cabin.
"How can I help you Strawberry Boy" Jonathan replied as he was arranging files.
"So it was you, who have been sending gifts for me all this time." Randy went to Jonathan.
"Yes, it's me." Smiles while arranging his files.
"Why? Why did you send me all the gifts and be nice to me?" Randy was expecting an explanation.
"Why can't I?" Jonathan stares at Randy.
"You can but why only me? " Randy asks.

Jonathan moved forward to Randy as he was pushed to the rack. Their faces were so close as if Jonathan wanted to initiate a sweet kiss. Randy's heartbeat increased as he was surprised by Jonathan.
" Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? But you're dumb to know how much I'm trying to hit on you and flirt with you. You stole my heart the first time I saw you. Yes, yes all the gifts were from me. I don't know how to approach you so I give you a gift every day. My daughter is waiting for me downstairs. I'll see you tomorrow, we can talk more." Jonathan kisses Randy's forehead and strokes his hair as he leaves the room.
" What just happened? Did Mr. John just confess to me?" Shocked, Randy went to the lobby with an empty confused face.
"Are you fine? Let's go Ashwin and Debi are waiting for us" Meerah drags Randy to her car.

As all four of them were having dinner, Randy was spacing off the entire time.
"Dumbo, eat properly, what are you thinking about? Focus on eating" Debi glares at Randy.
"Yeah, what happened to you? You're been like this since you met Mr. John just now." Meerah was curious to know what happened.
"Did he find out about you and Kim?"  Ashwin added.
"Did he? How does he know" Debi sounds worried.

"None of this happened" Randy explains.
"Thank god, I kinda thought of finding another job now. Then why are you like this' Meerah finds Randy's actions suspicious?
"He says he likes me. I mean he confessed to me" Randy stares at Debi and Meerah.
"what he says" Aswin accidentally spit the drink on Meerah with shock.

"Do you guys remember that I have been getting gifts every day in the morning? We thought it was from Kim but it's from Mr. John. I found out today when I received the brownie box. Because it has a letter from him referring to me as Strawberry Boy. When I try to ask him, he never denies it but he confesses and kisses my forehead. He says we will talk tomorrow. I am so confused right now." Randy hides his face with his hands.

"So the one that likes you is your boss, not his son. You not only misunderstood everything but also seduced the wrong guy."Debi laughs.
"Both father and son have the same taste in their partners." Nodded Meerah.
"Let him finish. So what are you going to do?" Ashwin asked.
"I need to talk to him before making any decisions." Randy gave his answer.
"Randy I don't mind who you date, what their age is. We are always here to support you no matter what happens." Smiles Debi.

"Randy, can I sleep with you after this?" Debi knocks on Randy's door with her pillow and blanket.
" why not. I don't want to sleep alone." Smiles Randy.
"So what does this called Mr. John look like?" Debi asks while settling at Randy's bed.
"Wanna see his pic? Let me show you" Randy Show Jonathan pic.
"Wow he is good looking, any girl will fall for him. I wouldn't be surprised if you like him." Debi laughs.
"I'm not sure about Debi. Initially, I did like him. But when I know Kim likes me, I ignore those feelings and go for Kim. Currently, I'm not in a good state for a relationship. I just wanna recover from my broken heart. Heal me. I need more time now." Randy hugs Debi.
"Dumbo no one will force you. Take your time. Do what you wish to do. He waited this long for you, sure he can wait more." Debi comforts Randy.
" So when you first meet this, Mr. John? You didn't even tell me about him." Both Randy and Debi went to bed while discussing Randy's first encounter with Jonathan.

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