Chapter 3 ( He is everywhere )

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After a very hectic day, Randy and Debi planned to spend some quality time with each other and have fun.

" Dumbo are you still sleeping? Wake up, what time is it" Randy knocked on Debi's room door. As very prepared for their long-awaited date they both wanna go. Randy paired his favorite blue shirt with a white T-shirt and denim shirt pants and white sneakers.

As Debi got ready which took her an hour, Randy prepare breakfast for them in the meanwhile. Randy prepares Fresh toast, sausage, and tomato salad as a perfect white breakfast.

" Faster dumbo I'm done with the breakfast, faster I'm hungry" yelled Randy.
" Coming, Coming wait I still need to braise my hair, help me dumbo" Debi come to Randy.
As Debi sat in front of Randy he started French braiding her hair with a small ribbon to make it more lovely.
" So what is our plan for today?" Randy and Debi share glances as they both have no idea what to do.
" Let's eat first then we decide " Randy continued eating.
" Are you still have feelings toward your manager?" Debi questioned with a serious face.
" Mmmm....... I'm doing fine now, and I love my job " Randy tries to change the topic.
" Don't change the topic, Randy! Answer my question now." Debi yelled.
" I like him but don't worry the past won't repeat, I promise." Randy assures

"You won't listen to what I say all the time, what can I do? I can only help and prevent you from getting hurt by giving you advice. Still, I'll be there for you all the time." Debi smiles.
"Just don't be dumb, are you sure his not straight? Cause I didn't get the same vibe of yours from him. Plus it's a waste of time flirting with straight guys 'cause we both know where it will end......." Debi's side eye to Randy.

"Don't worry my Gay Radar is strong, just need time to know him, but from what I see he might be." Randy was explaining while questioning his judgment.
" Let's go dumbo, where you wanna go first?" As Debi finishes her breakfast.
"Let's go to the Pavillion for shopping." Since I wanna buy some new clothes.

As Randy had brought his parent's car for their fun date. Both were so happy as this is their first outing after Randy got a new job. As both are hardcore K-pop Stan, they
start blasting Korean songs in the car and start singing while driving. Once they reach the pavilion ground floor.

"Debi let's go to Maison Margiela booth, they have a new fragrance and I think I wanna buy a new perfume." Randy dragged her to the booth. Randy is a floral person who loves flowers and floral fragrances. As they were trying and smelling the fragrance Randy fell in love with a fragrance name Lazy Sunday.

After purchasing they both went to a cotton-on store located inside the mall, as Debi noticed Randy only picks pastel-colored sweaters and T-shirts.
"Wow, are you into pastels nowadays? As far as knew you only like bright colors and don't like pastels." Debi makes a disgusted face.
"Who says I don't? I like them now, can't I ?" questioned Randy with a shocked face.
" Are you sure or Kim likes this color?" Debi raises her eyebrows.
Randy's cheeks start to turn red, "Stop blushing Dumbo faster shop" Debi yells.

"Let's go to the Pandora store, I need to buy a charm" Randy suggests their next location. While passing by the Giorgio Armani store, Randy's nose picked a very familiar scent. After the intense smell, he recalled it as Mr. Johns's smell. He started remembering the elevator the day when he first smelled it.

"Wait what are you doing, why are you smiling thinking about him?" Randy yells at him while shaking his head.
Once they reach Pandora's shop, Randy starts picking a small bracelet with a small dangle charm that says Friends are family without Debi knowing, and Randy does pick the same dangle for him.

After spending half of their salary" Where are we going for lunch? " Debi frowns while thinking.
"Mmmmm....... Wanna go to the lemon place? It's very near to the pavilion, just a 10-minute walk from here." Randy suggested.
" I don't Mind, as long as I get food for my stomach" Debi laughs.

As they both entered The Lemon " Let's sit under the tree there that the table I book for us" Randy guided Debi.
"Dumbo it looks so good, I mean we can take many pics for instance and I can post for a month" Debi laughed, amazed by the interior of the shop and the view.
"Let's order what is famous here!" Randy was excited to order.
"Okay, do u have any suggestion to order" Debi question Randy?
"Yes I do, let's order Peach Mille Feuillie,Tiramisu Cruffin and Lemon Drizzle Cake.  These are their famous dishes here" Randy suggests.

While waiting for the dishes, Randy and Debi took nice pictures for their Instagram. As they both love the environment there. Randy find this place a perfect spot for date." Once I start dating Kim, I should bring him here." Randy smile at Debi as she rolled her eyes.

While both devouring the delicious food " Hye, Strawberry boy, what are you eating here" Kim appear from the back while stroking Randy's hair. Randy almost chock, " Oh Kim, what are you doing here?" Randy looks puzzled.
" I'm here with my family for lunch" As Randy turn he saw Mr John and Kim's sibling sitting at the opposite table of his. Randy smiles and makes a small bow to Mr. John. They both share a smile. As both turn and continue to eat, " Enjoy your food strawberry boy" Kim left after stroking his hair a thousand times.

"Is this Kim?" Debi asks while judging him from head to toe.
"Yes, it's him" Randy smiles.
"He looks smart and handsome, plus he likes to play with your hair. Who knows he might like you in the future." Debi giggles.
"Shut up and eat your Tiramisu Cruffin before I stole it from your plate " Randy tried to steal.

As Randy was enjoying his meal with Debi, he kinda feels a sensation that someone is staring at him from the back. When he looks back his eyes lock with Kim. As Kim smiles, Randy starts to blush. But he doesn't notice that the one that has been staring all this while is Jonathan. As Jonathan pays for the meals, he does pay for Randy's table and orders a Lemon cake with the message your looking, great baby boy.

" Afternoon sir, your bill has been paid by the gentleman at table 6" announced the receptionist to Randy showing Kim's table.
" He wore a blue shirt sir" he added.
Randy happily thought it was Kim, as both Kim and Jonathan wear the same blue color shirt, but Jonathan's shirt is turquoise but the receptionist messed up the colors.

"Wow, he pays for us? Plus you get cake? You must be special to him." Debi giggles.
Randy hides his strawberry color face with his hand.
"Did he just call me baby boy" gasped Randy while smiling at Debi.
They both giggle as no one around them. The entire restaurant stared at them.

"It's my treat, let's go to karaoke after this. It's my treat for today" Debi smiles while pinching Randy's cheeks. As these two enjoy their 3-hour singing Korean song session. As Randy and Debi are big K-pop fans, they get close and become best friends because of K-pop. So singing at karaoke is a remembrance of their 7 years of friendship. This is the only time they can forget their busy adulthood and go back to their university days.

Both of them are very tired from the hectic day while entering their house.
"Dumbo comes to the table," Randy yells at Debi who is almost going to enter her room.
"What do you want? I'm so tired, I'm going to shower and sleep." Debi signed with a tired face.
"Nah, it's for you" Randy handed a nice wrapped Pandora box.
"Omg, what is this? Is it for me?" Debi asks in surprise.
" yes yes, it's for you." Randy smiles.
" Dumbo why do you buy this, don't waste your money" Debi yells while crying in joy.

"Debi, thank you for everything. Thank you for being with me all these years through my ups and down. I'm very blessed to have you in my life. This is nothing compared to what you have given me. After all, you're the only one I have after my family. I love you dumbo." Randy starts to sob while smiling.
"Don't worry you have me here for you. No matter when or where. Thank you dumbo, for being my friend." Debi stroked Randy's hair while sobbing to assure he had her by his side.

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