Chapter 14 ( Blooming season )

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Randy woke up with full spirit to handle things with Jonathan. But at the same time, he was scared to face him as he did kinda have feelings for Jonathan at the start.
"What if he fires me if I say no to him? Should I start finding a new job? What if he forced me? But Mr John is a nice guy he won't do it but still, he might" Randy murmurs while showering.

"Are you doing fine Randy? You look more nervous today." Debi makes toast for their breakfast.
"Do I ? Wait, how is my outfit? Do I look beautiful or normal?" Randy asks while eating and checking his face on a shiny spoon.
"Are you going to talk to Jonathan or try to seduce him? You look as beautiful as usual" laughs Debi.
"I'm going to talk to him today plus I do need to look pleasing to everyone's eyes." Randy smiles.
"Good to see you smiling again" Debi muttered to herself.

"So when are you going to meet him?" Meerah smiles.
"Later during the lunch break, I'm going to talk to him" Randy looks nervous.
"Just go and talk your heart out, I'm sure Mr. John will understand," Meerah assures.
"Hope so," Randy smiles back.

When everyone left for lunch, Randy went to Jonathan's cabin to talk with him.
"Can I come in?" Randy knocked on the door.
"Sure come in Randy" Jonathan instructed.
Randy was shocked to see Jonathan who was half naked changing his shirt. His toned body makes him blush. Jonathan's face tells that he's been waiting for this to happen.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I come in a while." Randy turns to another side.
" Why are you shy? What do I look like? Am I your ideal type? " Jonathan starts to tease Randy.
"You're stunning. Who doesn't like guys with this beautiful body and yeah you are my ideal type." Randy starts to panic.
"So you do like me?" Jonathan moves closer to Randy with his shirt wide open showing his lean abs. Randy was shocked when he turned to face Jonathan. As he is so close that Randy can feel the air Jonathan exhales. As their eyes meet, Randy feels a comfortable sensation in it. But he pushes Jonathan away.

"Let me talk. I have no idea that you are the one sending me a gift. Thank you for everything you did. I'm so blessed to be working here. I'm sorry if I ever misled" Randy was talking. But Jonathan only was in the mood to seduce Randy. As he went closer again "You know? That you are cute when panicked. So you don't like me? Cause I'm old? What a waste I start going to the gym for you" Jonathan brings Randys' hand to touch his abs.

"Wow, you're built. Wait, I didn't say I don't like you. I do like you." Randy blurred.
"So you do like me. Then why are you running away?" Jonathan asks.
"I'm just not ready yet" Randy looked at Jonathan with teary eyes.
"Randy, I'm not forcing you to be in a relationship with me now. I know you are not ready yet, take your time. I can wait for an answer." Jonathan holds and kisses Randys' hand.
"Thank you" Randy smiles.
"I think you should go to Lunch before you become my lunch" Jonathan pushes Randy out of his cabin.

Randy's smile on his face shows how much he appreciates Jonathan's existence in his life. Randy went to have lunch with Meerah who is having lunch in the lobby.
"So what happens with Jonathan? Why are you so happy compared to the morning?"
"What? No, I've been happy since morning. With Jonathan? Mmmm...... Things are fine. I settled all of them." Randy smiles and starts stuffing his food.

While Randy was at work, he received a text message from Jonathan. It was " Take your time to think. I won't stop pursuing you. Will start hitting you from today my lovely strawberry boy. I love you". Randy's face turns red as he sees this.
"Why are you blushing in the middle of typing? Are you having fewer?" Meerah touches Randy's forehead to check his temperature.
" I'm doing fine, Meerah. Nothing to worry, I think I over-wear the blush today." Randy brushes the topic off.

While both Debi and Randy are in bed "So how was today? Did you talk to Jonathan? ' Debi asked.
Randy rolled to face Debi " Yes I did." He smiles.
"Why are you smiling? So you didn't reject him? Am I right ?" Debi faced Randy.
"You know he is a gentleman, he was nice and I can't reject him. He says he knows that I need time to think and would wait for me." Smiles Randy.
"So you fell for him now ?" Debi side-eyes him.
"Not really, but I like the progress that he is making to impress me. He sent me a text later saying "I won't stop pursuing you. Will start hitting you from today, my lovely strawberry boy." Randy smiles.

"So what are your decisions?" Debi looks worried.
"I'm just going with the flow, I'm impressed when he says he will wait. He didn't even try persuading or talking me into the relationship. He says he will wait. I want to take some time to think. I won't ignore the feeling I have for him but I need more time to think." Randy smiles at Debi.
"Dumbo take your time, don't hide anything from me. You need to tell me everything. So I can help you when you're in trouble." Debi rubs Randy's hair.
"I love you dumbo" Randy smiles.
"I love you too dumbo" Debi smiles while wondering how Randy is going to be after she leaves.

Randy woke up early to make breakfast. He made his signature scrambled egg bacon sandwich for them and Jonathan.
"Wow! Who is getting the extra sandwich today?" Debi starts eating.
"For Mr. John, I'm going to make him food to repay all the good things he did for me." Randy smiles while packing his breakfast.
"You're not eating here?" Debi asked.
" Nope, I'm going to be late. If I eat here 'cause I wanna surprise Mr. John with the breakfast with a note on his table." Randy leaves his apartment.

Randy went early to his office, placed his belongings at his table, and went to Jonathan's cabin. The cabin was a mess, so Randy volunteered to clean it. He did even place the sandwich with a note on Jonathan's table. Jonathan's chair looks so comfy so Randy took a seat. Tired, Randy falls asleep without realizing it's time for Jonathan to enter his cabin.

Jonathan who wanted to surprise Randy with his favorite candy got surprised by a beautifully sleeping Randy.
"Am I dreaming? Is it Randy? Why is he here? Wait, did he clean the room? Omg is the boxed breakfast for me?" Jonathan went near Randy.
Randy was sleeping soundly like a cinnamon roll. Jonathan carries Randy to his sofa and lays him there.
"Control yourself, idiot, you need to maintain your image here," Jonathan mutters to himself.
Jonathan, who couldn't control himself, literally kissed Randy's lips. Then he calmly went to his door to change the board to not disturb it. Then went to his table to continue his work.

Randy comes to his senses after almost sleeping for an hour more. As tired Randy rolled to the other side, he noticed Jonathan working on his table. Randy starts enjoying this view and starts fantasizing about it.
"Are you up, strawberry boy?" Randy heard Jonathan's voice.
"OMG, you're here? How long am I sleeping here? What time is it?" Randy starts panicking.
" It's just 10:30 am, if you want you can take more time to rest" smiled Jonathan.
"What do you mean by taking time to rest? I have things to settle for the afternoon meeting. I need to go to my table to complete the task." Randy got up from the sofa.
" Do you mean this document?" Jonathan shows the documents that he's been editing the whole morning.

"What are you doing? That's my job, why are you doing this? I'm sorry I fell asleep." Randy starts apologizing because of the guilt he feels.
"Come on, you have cleaned my room and made me breakfast. Think of this as a way of repaying you ." Jonathan smiles. Randy walks too close to Jonathan to stop him from helping Randy's work. As this is a great opportunity Jonathan Makes his move. Jonathan pulls Randy who was standing near him, Randy cutely falls onto Jonathan's lap.

"Why are you pulling me? What if someone saw us?" Randy tries to get out of Jonathan's grab.
"Don't try to run, sit on me and try to complete your work." Jonathan orders and holds Randy tight.
"What if someone saw us?" Randy sounds worried.
"Don't worry darling, no one will come without knocking, plus they won't enter unless I ask them." Jonathan laughs.

Randy starts typing faster, so he can get up and go to this table. Randy was happy but kept ignoring his feelings and replacing them with worries.
"Do it slowly Randy, why are you rushing with your work? Don't worry, I have told Meerah that you're taking a rest here." Jonathan starts to smell Randy's back.
Jonathan can't control his excitement as he never thought this day would come, this soon. Randy's smell makes Jonathan more excited. He starts to smell Randy's neck and starts to kiss. Startled, Randy turned to Jonathan with a pink face. Jonathan was surprised to see Randy's pink blushing face. Randy's face turned pink as he was turning into a strawberry. Not only Jonathan gets excited but his body starts to get excited too.

Randy was shocked to feel Jonathan's boner while sitting on him.
"I think I should go now." Randy ran to his table.
"Yes, I think so." Jonathan was embarrassed by what happened and he can't get over Randy's blushing face.

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