Chapter 15 Might be the right thing

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While driving Randy to his apartment, Meerah " Randy, you're going to spit every single thing that happens today in Mr John's room."
"Nothing happens there, promise" Randy smiles at Meerah.
"You think I'm a kid Randy? You have been in his room the entire morning. You were blushing as your cheeks were going to bleed. Have you realized that you're smelling like Mr John's cologne?" Meerah turns to Randy to share her smirk face.

Randy was silent to think what should he say to Meerah as he was too embarrassed to share what happened in the room.
"We just talk, plus his entire room smells like his cologne, so my clothes might extract the smell." Smiles Randy.
Meerah with her face saying I'm so done with this kid "So you just talk with him? Then how are you going to explain this red mark behind your neck."

This is when Randy realized that Jonathan accidentally left a mark on his neck,  panicked Randy covered the mark and gave an intense starring to Meerah.
"So, when can I get my explanation?" Meerah drives her car to the left to stop.
"I just want time to decide, I just don't want to rush things with him now. I know he likes me, but I want to know whether he is the right person or not." Randy explains with his head down.

"Randy! Finding a life partner is your own choice. No one can choose for you. Take your time. Don't worry you have me and Debi with you." Smiles while pinching his checks.

Debi was waiting for Meerah, Aswin, and Randy at home. She also prepared dinner for all three of them. Suddenly Debi felt dizzy, as she realized that she had forgotten to take her medication. She rushes to her room to get her medicine before everyone returns. Thankfully she managed to get it on time. When everyone arrived at home, Meerah went to Debi's room to change clothes. She accidentally comes across the medication inside Debi half closed drawer. The moment she saw it she realised what this medication was for. Meerah took it and slid it into her handbag.

As soon as Meerah sat at the table, she realized that Debi actually looked so different from her usual self. She somehow resembles a cancer patient. With pale skin and lips. Debi looks extremely skinny.  Meerah realizes that actually no one realizes it as everyone is busy with work and Debi is wearing a sweater all the time. While everyone finishes their food while chatting, Debi can't finish her food and throws them in the bin.

"Debi, are you free tomorrow morning? I wanna go somewhere with you " Meerah smiles.
"Sure, I'm free " Debi replied while coughing.
While both Meerah and Debi were having breakfast  Meerah started the conversation " "Are you sick Debi? Are you having cancer?".
Shocked Debi " No I'm not, what are you talking about?".
"Don't lie, Debi, I saw your medicine in your room yesterday. Please tell me the truth." Meerah shows Debi the medicine she took yesterday.
"Yes I have stage 4 stomach cancer" Debi opens up about her cancer with teary eyes.
" Why are you hiding this from us? Why from Randy? He is going to get badly hurt when he gets to know this" Meerah was furious with the words but her eyes started rolling with tons of tears as she couldn't imagine the pain Debi was going through.
"You think I'm fine now hiding it from him, I just couldn't bring myself to tell him. We both know what he went through these past few months. I just want him to heal first. I'll tell him soon. But till then just keep it a secret. Meerah you need to promise me that you will be with Randy after my passing. Guide him and take him for me. Promise me now" Debi asks Meerah to promise her while holding back tears with a smile.

After an hour of sharing sessions, both Meerah and Debi went to the apartment.
"I'm going to move in with you guys." Meerah smiles.
"Really? That's great" Debi smiles.
"Let's go through this together. You have me with you and Randy." Smiles Meerah holding her hand.

Both of them were surprised as they entered the apartment, Randy had prepared a feast for them a thank you message. Randy has cooked Pasta and brownies with strawberry mango sorbet for them. After so many weeks, these three humans sit, talk, laugh, and share their encounters.
"I think I'm going to try going out with Mr John." Smiles Randy.
Both Meerah and Debi shake their head and smile.
"Do what makes you happy, we are always here for you." Smiles Debi
All of them spend their leisure day with laughter.

The next day Randy went office to confess how he feels about Mr John. Randy woke up earlier and made fresh Brownies saying I'm saying YES on it. Randy somehow feels a little anxious about what his going to do later. But he gathered his courage and went to the office. He placed the baked Brownies on his table and sat on the sofa waiting for him. Jonathan was dressed so fine today with a light blue shirt with pants. He was surprised to see Randy in his room so early.

Randy welcomes Johnathan with a smile on his face. "Good morning Mr John, I have good news for you." Smiles Randy.
"Wow! Am I dreaming? What is the surprise?" Jonathan moved to his desk and found the freshly baked brownies on his table. As he opens the box of brownies he finds the word "Yes". "What does this mean?" Jonathan was confused.

Randy smiles while moving towards Jonathan. He gently kisses Jonathan on his lips. Jonathan was so confused that he froze at the place. Randy looks into Jonathan's eyes and asks " Am I still eligible to date you". It does take some time for Jonathan to realize that Randy is actually flirting and proposing to him.

Jonathan also realizes how pink Randy is with his blushing face. Jonathan grabs this chance to pull Randy close and make his move by kissing him with his tongue making its way into Randy's chamber. While Jonathan's hands pulled Randy's petite body close to his. Both of them forget that they are cuddling like monkeys in the middle of the workday. Merah breaks their horny moon moment with a " May I come in sir". Both Randy and Jonathan were shocked to see Meerah who was equally shocked to see them. " I think I left my phone at the table, will be back in a while." Meerah leaves with turning the DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door.

Both of them are so embarrassed to be seen by Meerah. Randy excuses himself by giving a tight kiss to Jonathan. Jonathan can't believe what happened just a few seconds ago. Jonathan with a big smile on his face eats the brownie that Randy specially baked for him. Randy with a face that says I am so happy in my life, went to his desk. Meerah who witnessed this can't be happy for him and also can't be angry for almost getting caught by other staff.

"Randy, you have to be careful next time. Make sure you don't be horny at the office, what if you get caught by other staff? Be careful, you understand?" Meerah roosts Randy with her eyes.

" Ok! Ok! I understand, I won't do anything like this okay? I promise" Randy smiles at Meerah. Both were smiling and doing their task for the week. Randy excuses himself to go to the pantry to get snacks. But after so long he didn't return, so Meerah went to look for him.

Jonathan was so excited to kiss and hug Randy but couldn't get a chance for it. But as he was preparing coffee for him at the lounge, he spotted Randy alone who was coming to get coffee for him and Meerah. As this was the greatest opportunity for him, he took this. He pulls Randy to the supply room and starts kissing him without even letting him react. Randy, who can't even have time to think, starts enjoying the time with Jonathan as he himself can't wait to embrace his time with Jonathan. As they both were staring at a very intimate time with each other, Meerah who was worried about Randy came to the supply room looking for him.

"Can't you two wait to go home, to make out? As for now, stop everything and continue work. Hope you guys won't get caught by anyone." Meerah pulls Randy out and drags him to his table.
" don't stare at me, do your work. Have you forgotten what day it is today?" Meerah asks.
" What day is today ?" Randy looks so confused.
" It's Debbie's birthday," Meerah said.
" Oh my god, I forgot" Randy was thinking of buying something for her.

Randy, a jewelry person, ran to a Pandora outlet nearby to get her a charm. Randy happily gets the gift and rushes to their apartment with Debbi's favorite Cheesecake

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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