Chapter 1

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Location: Pentos
Year: 298 AC

What your wearing ⬇️⬇️⬇️

What your wearing ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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I walked to Daenerys who was staring out into the balcony showing no emotions in her eyes. After Viserys told us of his plan to wed Daenerys to Khal Drogo, she's been silent. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and gently kissed her neck. She leaned more into me as I held her tightly in my arms. "I do not want you to marry this horse lord, my love." I told her. "You know how Viserys get angry, Y/n. I do not want him to be angry if I refused this offer." Daenerys said to me. "I know, sometimes I wish I could overthrow him but every chance I get I just stopped myself." I explained. Daenerys turned around and faced me. "My love, you are more worthy than Viserys. Even if he succeeds on gaining an army he won't control them since the Dothraki listens to no one but their Khal." Daenerys said. "I know but you know how much I'm afraid of our brother. I just wish I had guts to tell him to fuck off and leave us alone." I told her.

Daenerys smiled at me and brought me in for a kiss. Just then we hear our annoying brother and we sadly had to pull apart from each other. "Daenerys! There is our bride-to-be." Viserys said as he walked into the room. Me and Daenerys walked towards Viserys as he was holding a white clothing for my little dragon. "Look, a gift from Illyrio. Touch it. Go on, feel the fabric." Viserys told her. Daenerys slowly caressed the dress as I watch Viserys carefully. "Isn't he a gracious host?" Viserys asked us. "We've been his guests for over a year and he never asked us for anything." Daenerys told Viserys. "Illyrio's no fool. He knows I won't forget my friends when I come into my throne." Viserys told her.

Viserys gave the dress to one of the handmaidens as he kept looking at Daenerys. "You still slouch." Viserys told her and then took off her dress making me glare at him as he stared at my little dragon's body. Her body is only mine to see not him, not Khal Drogo or anyone else. I was the one who took her maidenhood, but Viserys doesn't know that. Yet. "You have a woman's body now." Visery told her while I tried to control my anger as he looked at her body and touched her. "I need you to be perfect today. Can you do that for me?" Visery asked her. Daenery said nothing. "You don't want to wake the dragon, do you?" Visery asked her. "No." Daenerys said. Viserys looked towards me. "And what about you, sister? You won't try to ruin this meeting with the Khal, would you?" Viserys asked me. "No, brother." I told him.

That seems to satisfy him and walked away but stopped and looked back at us. "When they write the history of my reign, sweet sisters, they will say it began today." He told us and left the room. I walked up to Daenerys and kissed her are shoulder and let her walk into the tub that is really hot. "It's too hot, my lady. "The handmaiden told her but my little dragon ignored her and walked into the tub.

Later on, Me, Viserys, Daenerys and Illyrio were outside waiting for Khal Drogo to come and meet Daenerys. We waited for a while when Viserys started to be impatient. "Where is he?" Viserys asked Illyrio. "The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality." Illyrio told him. Then after a minute the Dothraki came as they rode on their horses and stopped in front of us. Illyrio then started speaking in Dothraki. "May I present my honored guests? Viserys of house Targaryen, the third of his name, the rightful king of the Andals,  and the first men, and his sisters Daenerys of house Targaryen. And Y/n the second of her name of house Targaryen." Illyrio introduced us and then started speaking in Dothraki again. I really need to learn how to speak in Dothraki so I can understand what they're saying.

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