Chapter 8

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I was with Xaro with Daenerys on my side waiting for the rest of the thirteen so I could talk to them but they seem to take their sweet time as Daenerys started to pace. "He shouldn't make us wait." Daenerys said. "The spice king is the second-wealthiest man in Qarth. He makes everyone wait." Xaro told her before turning to me. "Of course, you could have avoided this embarrassment if you had Daenerys marry the wealthiest man in Qarth." He said to me as Daenerys walked up to me. "I already have a husband." Daenerys told him. "Khal Drogo is gone, Khaleesi. You are far to young to be a widow forever, and far to beautiful." Xaro told her. "And you are far too smart to think that I will succumb to flattery and I already have a lover." Daenerys told him making me smirk at her with pride.

"I have travelled very far in my life and met many women, but none that are immune to flattery." Xaro said to us. "Mother and Father of dragons!" I hear the spice king from the stairs making me, Daenerys and Xaro look up. "Here he comes." Xaro said. The spice kings walks down the stairs a bit and stops. "Forgive me, I had a terrible dreams last night, terrible dreams. I could not sleep until the sun was shining and the birds were singing." The spice kings said making me roll my eyes in annoyance at this fat man. He looked down at us and then started speaking again. "Look what a beauty you are, now the Red Waste has been washed off you! I am sorry about all that unpleasantness. The silver hair of a true Targaryen." The spice king said before descending down the stairs with the other thirteen behind him.

"Xaro Xhoan Daxos, Daenerys is far too lovely for a glorified dockworker like yourself." The spice king told Xaro. I stood by Daenerys trying not to murder this fat man with my sword. "Very true, and yet they say that your grandfather, who sold pepper off the back of a wagon, married a lady far lovelier, and higher born than himself." Xaro jested. "Every lady alive was lovelier and higher born than my grandfather." The spice king told him making the people behind him laugh. Daenerys cleared her throat. "Did my servants not offer you something to eat? To drink? I'll have them flogged in the square." The spice king said. "Thank you, my lord. You are a gracious host. But there is no servant alive that can bring me what we want." Daenerys said to him walking closer to the stairs as I went up to her still keeping an eye on everyone. "She has a talent for drama, this one. So, my little Prince and princess, what is it you want?" He asked us.

"Our birthright. The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros." I told him. "I fear I'm no better than a servant in this regard. I cannot give you what I do not have." The spice king said. "I'm not asking you for the Kingdoms. I'm asking you for ships. We need to cross the Narrow Sea." I told him. "I need my ships as well. I use them, you see, to bring spices from one port to another." He said. "Whatever you grant us now will be repaid three times over when I retake the Iron Throne." I told him. "Retake? Did you once sit on the Iron Throne?" The spice king asked me. "Our father sat there before he was murdered." Daenerys told him getting angry at him. "If you did not sit on it yourself, would it not be correct to say, 'take the Iron Throne'?" The spice king asked us.

"We didn't come here to argue grammar." I told him annoyed. "Of course not. You came to take my ships. So, let me explain my position, little prince and princess." The spice king said before going down the last stairs. "Unlike you, I do not have exalted ancestors. I make my living by trade, and I judge every trade on its merits. You ask for ships. You say I shall be repaid triple. I do not doubt your honesty or your intentions. But before you repay your debts, you must seize the Seven Kingdoms. Do you have an army?" The spice king asked me. "Not yet." I said. "You do not have an army. Do you have powerful allies in Westeros?" He asked again making me agitated. "There are many there that support my claim. Especially Dorne when my ancestor Y/n I Targaryen married the princess of house Martell." I told him.

"When were you there last?" He asked again. "I left when I was a child and Daenerys was only a babe." I said. "So, in truth, you have no allies." The spice king said. "The people will rise to fight for their rightful king when we return." Daenerys argued with him. "Ah. Forgive me, little prince and princess, but I cannot make an investment based on wishes and dreams. Now, if you'll pardon me." The spice king said before walking up the steps. Daenerys walked forward to the stairs. "Do you know Illyrio Mopatis, Magister of Pentos?" She asked him. "Yes, we've met. A shrewd man." The spice king said as he turned to her. "For my wedding, he gave me and Y/n six petrified dragon eggs. He believed, the world believed, that the ages had turned them to stone. How many centuries had it been since dragons roamed the skies? But I dreamt that if I carried those eggs into a great fire, they would hatch. When me and Y/n stepped into the fire, my own people thought we were mad. But when the fire burnt out, we were unhurt, the mother and father of dragons." Daenerys explained as I looked at my queen proudly.

She took a step forward on the steps. "Do you understand? We're no ordinary woman. My dreams come true." Daenerys told him. "I admire you'd passion. But in business, I trust logic, not passion. I'm sorry, little princess." He said. "I am not your little princess. I am Daenerys Stormborn of the blood of Old Valyria, and me and Y/n will take what is ours. With fire and blood, we will take it." Daenerys said as the spice king walked back up to the stairs. "Yes, my lady. But not with my ships." He said without looking at her as he leaves.

When they left me, Daenerys and Xaro went outside as we walked and talk with Kovarro walking behind us for protection. "The spice king refuses me because I'm a bad investment. The Silk King won't support me and Daenerys because of his business with the Lannisters, why addendum his best customer? And the Copper King offers me a single ship, on the condition that Daenerys lie with him for a night. Does he think that I will let Daenerys whore herself for a boat?" I asked them as Daenerys wrapped her right arm around my left arm. "When I came to this city, I had nothing. Truly, nothing. I slept by the docks. And when I could find work loading the ships, I would eat. If not, I dreamed of food. Today, I am the richest man in Qarth." Xaro said as I looked at him as we continued walking. "Do you think the path from poverty to wealth is always pure and honorable? I have done many things, your Grace, khaleesi, that a righteous man would condemn." He continued as we stopped walking and turned to him.

"And here I am, with no regrets." He said as he opened the gate, but what we saw made me angry. Daenerys blood riders were killed. I looked around as Daenerys looked horrified at the scene in front of us. "Our dragons." I said. Daenerys looked scared and ran to our room with me as Kovarro followed us. I went to our rooms and see our dragons are gone, someone stole them. "Where are they?" I asked. I looked down and I see Daenerys handmaiden Irri on the floor dead. Daenerys went down to her as she looked up at the empty cages. "Where are our dragons?" I asked as Xaro came in and saw that our dragons were stolen. I will rain fire and blood to find our dragons and I won't care who stands in the way.

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