Chapter 18

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I paced back and forth outside the room where I hear Daenerys screams from inside as Missandei is in there with her helping the wet nurses. Lord Jaerion was sent a raven telling him that my child is about to be born and he immediately came back and sat outside with me. "Would you stop worrying, cousin. Daenerys and the babe will be fine." Jaerion tries to reassure me. "I know and any minute I'm gonna be a father real soon." I told him as I kept pacing. "Your pacing is getting me a headache, your Grace. Will you please sit down." Daario said as he stopped me and made me sit down next to Jaerion. "Sorry about that." I apologized to them. "It's alright, your Grace. Many men have been nervous to become fathers, even your own father as well when Rhaegar was born." Ser Barristan told me as I looked at the old knight. "I remember the day you were born, king Aerys was happy about your birth and told me that you will make a fine future king someday." Ser Barristan tells me making me smile a bit.

Then the door opened as I looked and see Missandei come out with a smile. "Congratulations, your Grace. It's a boy." She said making me stand up as I walked into the room and see Daenerys holding our son in her arms. She looked at me and gave me a smile as I sat down and looked at the bundle in her arms and see silver-white hair peaking out. "Meet your son, Jacaerys II Targaryen." Daenerys told me as she handed me our son, my son. He opened his eyes with his violet eyes from both of us. "Hello, Jacaerys I'm your father, Y/n Targaryen. You are the heir to the Iron Throne after me." I said to him as he smiled up at me. Jaerion, Ser Barristan and Ser Jorah came in as they see our son. Everyone left the room so we could spend some time with our son. "He is a handsome boy." I said as Daenerys leaned her head on my shoulder tiredly. "He is, isn't he?" She said. Daenerys then closed her eyes to sleep since she has been in labor all night so I let her rest as I rocked my son as I walked to the balcony of our room. I hear a screeching from above and I see Ysera flying to us and gently landed from behind us as she looked at Jacaerys with curiosity.

Jacaerys reached out to her so I slowly walked to her as she let Jacaerys pet her making him giggle cutely. I now know why Ysera came here, she chose Jacaerys as her rider but he has just been born a couple minutes ago. Ysera screeched and then flew off but not far from the pyramid. I smiled as I walked back into the room and put Jacaerys in his cradle as he fell asleep in my arms. I still can't believe I'm a father now. After a while Daenerys woke up but stayed in bed since she is still sore from birthing Jacaerys. Right now she is breastfeeding him as Daario came in as he wanted to see Jacaerys. "He looks like you both." Daario told us. "Of he does, he is our son after all." I told him proudly. "I promise I'll protect him as much as I protect you and Daenerys, your Grace." Daario told me as I smiled at him. "I know you will, Daario Naharis." I said. He nodded at us then left the room as I sat down on the bed bringing Daenerys close to me as she finished feeding Jacaerys who fell asleep in her arms as she gently put him in his cradle that is next to our bed.

The next day

I woke up as Daenerys was still asleep as Daario was talking about a plan for Meereen. "Thank Daario, you can go now." I dismissed him. "Your grace." He said before leaving the room. I hear some fussing from my son so I walked over to his cradle and as soon as he saw me he smiled making my heart swell with joy as I picked him up and walked back to the table and looking at the map when Jorah came in. "Your Grace." Jorah greeted me. I looked at him as I held Jacaerys. "You're here early." I said to him. "Later than some." Jorah said as I looked at him. "You don't approve?" I asked him as Daario always helps us with military power that Jorah doesn't seem to see. "It's not a question of approval, it's a question of trust." Jorah told me as he walked by the balcony windows. "You neither approve nor trust." I said to him.

"Why would I? The man's a sell sword." He told me. "Didn't you fight for the Golden Company before pledging your sword to my brother?" I asked him. "I did." He said. "I trust you." I told him as Daenerys woke up and walked over to me as I handed her Jacaerys so she could feed him. She walked away from us and sat down on the bed and fed him. "Daario Naharis killed his captains and dumped their heads at your feet when he grew tired of their commands. How could you ever have faith in a man like that?" He asked me as I walked around the table. "I could never have faith in a man like Daario. That is why I've sent him and the Second Sons to retake Yunkai." I told him as Jorah looked at me shocked. "You have?" He asked. "I have." I told him as I hear Jacaerys giggle making me smile at him before looking back at Jorah. "Without you there to rule, your grace, I feel the masters will simply bide their time, wait for the invaders to leave and reassert control." Jorah explained to me.

"That is why I've ordered Daario to execute every master in Yunkai. The master tear babies from their mothers arms. They mutilate little boys by the thousands. They trained little girls in the art of pleasuring old men. They treat men like beasts, as you said yourself." I listed to him. "Herding the masters into pens and slaughtering them by the thousands is also treating them like beasts. The slaves you and Daenerys freed, brutality is all they've ever known. If you want them to know something else, you have to show it to them." Jorah told me. "And pay the slavers with what? Kindness? A fine? A stern warning?" I asked him annoyed as Daenerys walked up to us holding Jacaerys in her arms. "It's tempting to see your enemies as evil, all of them, but there's good and evil on both sides in every war ever fought." Jorah told me.

"Let the priests argue over good and evil. Slavery is real. I can end it. I will end it. And I will end those behind it." I told him angrily. "I sold men into slavery, your Grace." Jorah told me as I walked up to him. "And now you are helping me show them to freedom." I told him. "I wouldn't be here to help you and Daenerys if Ned Stark had done to me what you want to do to the masters of Yunkai." Jorah said. I calmed down as Daenerys came up to me and had me hold Jacaerys as he cooed at us. "The man who came to me the other day about burying his father." I said as I looked at Jacaerys who smiled up at me. "Hizdahr zo Loraq?" Jorah asked. "He will accompany the Second Sons and serve as my ambassador to Yunkai. He will tell the masters what has happened in Meereen. He will explain the choice they have before them. If they can live in my new world or they can die in their old one." I told him as he nodded his head. "Well, go and catch Daario before he leaves. Tell him I changed my mind." I ordered him. "Yes, your Grace." He said before walking away.

"No. Tell him you changed my mind." I told him as he nodded and left the room. Me and Daenerys hear a screech from the balcony and I immediately knew it was Ysera so I walked out to the balcony and see Ysera waiting patiently. "I'm guessing Ysera wanted Jacaerys as her rider." Daenerys said to me. "Yep, they immediately bonded the minute he was born. I've never heard of that before the Dance of Dragons." I said to her. Jacaerys reached out to Ysera as she leaned in to his hand and closed her eyes as she rumbled softly as if she was purring. The whole day we just spend some quality time with Jacaerys.

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