Chapter 13

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I rode with the Dothraki behind me as Daenerys held onto me and stopped for a brake and have our horse drink some water. I got down the horse as I helped Daenerys down as we walked up to Missandei who showed us the officers of the unsullied. "Are these the ones?" Daenerys asked her. "Yes, khaleesi. The officers." Missandei said as the officers stopped in front of us. "You did not choose this life. But you are free men now. And free men make their own choices. Have you selected your own leader from amongst your ranks?" Daenerys asked them. They all stepped to the side revealing one unsullied behind them as he stuck his spear into the dirt. "Remove your helmet." I said to him. He took off his helmet and walked up to us with a serious expression. "This one has the honor." The man said. "What is your name?" Daenerys asked him.

"Grey worm." He introduced himself. "Grey worm." Daenerys repeated as I looked at Missandei confused at the odd name. "All unsullied boys are given knew names when they are cut. Grey worm, Red Flea, Black Rat. Names that remind them what they are vermin." Missandei explained to us as I looked at Grey worm. "From this day forward, you will choose your own names. You will tell your fellow soldiers to do the same. Throw away your slave name. Choose the name your parents gave you, or any other. A name that gives you pride." I told him. "Grey worm' gives me pride. It is a lucky name. The name this one was born with was cursed. That was the name he had when he was taken as a slave. But Grey worm is the name this one had the day Y/n II Targaryen and Daenerys Stormborn set him free." Grey worm explained to us.

After that we got back on the horse and kept walking as I see Jaerion, Jorah and Barristan talking to each other. "When we set up camp, I want to tell you something important, my love." Daenerys said from behind me as we rode our horse. "What is it?" Are you okay?" I asked her worriedly making her softly laugh at my protectiveness. "It's nothing but good news, my love." She said to me. We rode until we were at Yunkai. We got off our horses as we saw the city as Jorah was giving us a rundown of Yunkai. "Yunkai. The yellow city." Jorah said to us as I stood between Jaerion and Daenerys as we looked at the city. "The Yunkish train bed slaves, not soldiers. We can defeat them." Barristan told us. "On the field, with ease. But they won't meet us on the field. They have provisions, patiences, and strong walls. If they're wise they'll hide behind those walls and chip away at us, man by man." Jorah explained to us. "I don't want half my army killed before we've crossed the Narrow Sea." I told him.

"We don't need Yunkai, your Grace. Taking this city will not bring you any closer to Westeros or the Iron Throne." Jorah told me. "How many slaves are there in Yunkai?" Daenerys asked him. "200,000, if not more." Jorah said. "Then we have 200,000 reasons to take the city." I told him and then turned to Grey worm who stood to our side. "Send a man to the city gates. Tell the slavers I will receive them here, and accept their surrender. Otherwise, Yunkai will suffer the same fate as Astapor." I ordered him as he nodded and did as told. For now we set up a tent and wait for the master of Yunkai to come here. I sat down with Daenerys next to me as Jaerion stood to the side as our guard along with Ser Jorah and Ser Barristan. "What did you wanted to tell me?" I asked her. She smiled softly at me before grabbing my hand and placed it on her stomach making me look at her shock but happy. "I'm pregnant." She said making me very happy. "Really? When did you find out?" I asked her.

"When we arrived at Astapor. One of my handmaidens told me I was pregnant with your child." Daenerys explained to me. "We're going to be parents." I said excitedly. "I get to be an uncle!" Jaerion yelled excitedly making me and Daenerys laugh at his enthusiasm. "Congratulations, your Grace. Another dragon born to House Targaryen." Barristan said to us making us smile. Our moment was ruined when we heard drums coming up to us. I see slaves holding a carriage of the master and then set it down as the drums stopped playing. The master walks up to us. "Now comes the noble Razdal mo Eraz of that ancient and honorable house, master of men and speaker to savages, to offer terms of peace." Missandei introduced him as our dragons screeched when they saw the master making him stop, scared of our dragons. "Noble lord, you are in the presence of Y/n II Targaryen and her sister-wife Daenerys Stormborn of house Targaryen, King and Queen of the Andals and the First Men, khaleesi of the great grass sea, breaker of chains, and mother and father of dragons." Missandei introduced us to him.

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