Chapter 10

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We made it to the House of the Undying as I looked through a broken brick wall. "Careful, your Grace. Xaro owns this city, and the warlocks have 1,000 eyes watching for you and Daenerys." Jorah said to me as I walked away from the brick wall. Jorah came up to me still talking as Daenerys inspects the door with Kovarro. "I've found one. A ship with a good captain. She leaves for Astapor tomorrow." Jorah told me. "Astapor?" I asked him. "We cannot stay here." Jorah told me. "They have mine and Daenerys dragons. A mother and a father does not flee without their children." I told him as Daenerys walked up to us. "They're not your children. I know they call you and Daenerys, mother and father of dragons, and I know you both love them, but Daenerys didn't grow them in her womb. They didn't suckle at her breast. They are dragons, your Grace. And if we stay in Qarth, we'll die." Jorah explained to me.

I glared at him as Daenerys spoke up. "You should sail to Astapor. I'm sure you'll be safe there." Daenerys told him and as I am about to walk away Jorah spoke up. "You know I would die for you and Daenerys. I will never abandon you two. I'm sworn to protect you. To serve." Jorah said as I turned to him. "Then serve us. If our dragons are in the House of the Undying, then take us there." I told him as I walked up to him. "That's what the warlock wants. He told you so himself. If you enter that place, you will never leave again. His magic is strong." Jorah explained to me. "And what of our magic? You saw me and Daenerys step in to the fire. You watched the witch burn. What did the flames do to me and Daenerys? Do you remember?" I asked him. "Until my last breath, I will remember. After I have forgotten my mother's face." Jorah said.

I put my hand on his shoulders. "They are mine and Daenerys children. And they are the only children we have right now. Take us to them." I said. Jorah nodded as we walked to the House of the Undying. "A house of ghosts, Khaleesi, your Grace. It is known." Kovarro told us. We walked up to a big tower that doesn't have any windows or openings. We stopped at the steps as we looked up at the tower. "Where are the guards?" Kovarro asked us. "No guards. The warlocks kill with sorcery, not steel." Jorah told him. "Let them try." I said as I made my way up the stairs. We walked up to the tower but I see no opening to go in. "Is this a riddle?" Daenerys asked before we walked around trying to find a door as Jorah followed us leaving Kovarro by himself.

We kept walking around until we were all of a sudden transferred into the tower. I grabbed a torch that was on a wall and grabbed Daenerys hand to keep her close to me. I could distinctively hear Jorah calling or names. I know this is the warlocks doing. "You trying to frighten us with magic tricks? You want us? Here we are. You're afraid of two little girls?" I called out but then we both heard the screeching of our dragons as we turned our heads to the sound. We walked up the steps as we kept hearing our dragons screeching. We walked up to a door where we could clearly hear our dragons on the other side as I let go of Daenerys hand and opened the door when all of a sudden the screeching stopped.

We stepped into the room and in the center just a stone table and many doors around where we keep hearing our dragons screeching. I let Daenerys choose a door and we walked in and see the Iron Throne that our ancestors sat on. We walked in as I set the torch down in the middle of the throne room that I remember when father always told me that me and Rhagar was born to lead and that he will betrothed me to Daenerys who wasn't even born yet. I looked up to the roof and see it looks like what happened in Harrenhal when a fire broke out. I walked up to the Iron Throne with Daenerys beside me. I see Daenerys go to touch the throne when we hear our dragons so we walked away from the throne and back to the door where we automatically transferred into Dragonstone, the day where Daenerys was born.

It was the biggest storm that Dragonstone ever had. "I remember this day very clearly. Mother always knew you were gonna be a girl and that one day we will be married. She always knew everything before it happens." I told Daenerys. She smiled at me as she held my hand as we gone through a door coming back to where we were before and we see our dragons in chains screeching for us. We walked up to them when we here Pyat Pree behind us. "They miss there mother and father." He said making us turn to him. "They want to be with you. Do you want to be with them? You will be." Pyat Pree said as another version of him is behind us and stared walking in a circle. "When your dragons were born, our magic was born again. It is strongest in their presence. And they are strongest in yours." He told us as he made another version of him in front of us.

"You will be with them, through winter and summer and winter again. Across a thousand, thousand seasons you will be with them." Pyat Pree said as I feel chains on my wrist as Daenerys is in chains as well. "And we will be with you. Until time comes to an end." He said as he tighten the chains to the wall making us not move as our dragons kept screeching for us. Pyat Pree walked towards us. "Welcome home, Y/n II Targaryen and Daenerys Stormborn." Pyat Pree said as he smiled menacing at us. "This is not our home. Our home is across the sea where our people are waiting for us." I told him as I glared at him. "They will be waiting a long time." He said. I see Daenerys look behind us to our dragons who stopped screeching and looked at her before she turned back to him. "Dracarys." She said. Both Aegon started to cough up fire making Pyat Pree walk backwards afraid making me smirk. He did again but this time all six of our dragons breathed fire burning him as he screamed in pain and died.

Our chains turned into ash and we were finally free. We got out of the tower with our dragons on our shoulders. "Your Grace. Khaleesi." Jorah greeted us. "Let us get Xaro and take everything he has." I told him as I turned to Kovarro who smirked happily finally getting a chance to take things. We all went to Xaro room where he is sleeping and Kovarro took his key that was around his neck making him wake up and sees us with the rest of the Dothraki behind us. Doreah wakes up beside Xaro making me glare at her for betraying us. "Khaleesi, your Grace, please. He told me you'd never leave Qarth alive. . ." Doreah said before Daenerys interrupted her. "Come." Daenerys said as we walked away. I hear Jorah unsheathed his sword at Xaro. We all walked to the vault with Xaro and Doreah as Kovarro opened the vault slowly revealing nothing. Daenerys walked up. "Nothing." Daenerys said. She turned around as I stood by her side to make a decision on what to do with these traitors and liars. "Thank you, Xaro Xhoan Daxos. Thank you for teaching me and my wife a lesson." Daenerys said to him as he looked at us shocked.

I smirked as I nodded to the Dothraki to put him in the vault along with Doreah. "I am the king of Qarth. I can help you now. Truly help you. We can take the Iron Throne. I'll bring you 1,000 ships." He pleaded. As we walked away from the vault as we watched them go in. "Please, Khaleesi, I beg you. Please." Doreah pleaded while she cried. Once they were put in Jorah closed the vault locking them in to die. Jorah gave me the key as Daenerys ordered them tl take what they can carry. "It's all a lie." Jorah said as we watch our people take stuff. "Looks real enough to me." Daenerys said as she grabbed a gold bowl and showed it to us. "Well enough to buy a ship." She asked us. "Aye, a small ship." Jorah told her as we walked off. "Take all the gold and jewels." Jorah told them making them cheer. I had my dragons on me as well as Daenerys has her dragons on her. Aegon screeched happily.

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