The Separation

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Hello dear readers,

This OS is a long one so I might split it up into parts ..... Also, this OS is for both those who asked for 🔞 content and those who didn't. ......

I' ll be giving a warning before the explicit part starts ...... Till then it's all emotional and full of angst ......

Humble request those who do not like this kind of stuff pls do not read it .......




Then she sat on it, took the plate in her hands .... Made a morsel and brought it near my face ..... I opened my mouth and she fed me the first .... Then second .... Then third .... Then fourth ....

...... Then 42nd .... And this one stuck in my food pipe as by now my tears had choked up my throat and I started coughing .....

She immediately got up, kept the plate aside ..... Made me look up .... And started patting my back ..... After a few seconds when I became normal ..... She made me drink water ......

Then she moved back to her seat ..... She took the plate back and fed me the rest ...... Then she got up kept the plate back on the table and started coming closer to me .... I could feel my heartbeats racing ....

I had made all sorts of anticipations by the time she had reached so close to me that we were hardly an inch away from each other ......




By now I had imagined either she would slap me taking out her anger on me or she would kiss me assuring me that she was here to stay with me no matter what ......

But she just grazed her fingers at the corner of my lips wiping of some food that was stuck over there ..... Within seconds all hope of everything getting normal shattered ....

Before I could say something she had moved out of the room with the plate leaving me shattered ..... I curled up my knees to my chest, hugging them and burrying my face in them I started crying ......

Teju's POV:

I came back to the room after leaving the plates in the kitchen ..... Only to be hurt more .... Seeing my love wailing like a small, innocent kid ......

I so wanted to just engulf him in a tight hug and tell him that I am here, that I am not leaving ..... That he hasn't lost me yet .......

But I have to wait ..... I have to wait till he learns his lesson ..... Lesson, that not all friends are true friends ..... And that he needs to set his priorities in life and stick to them ....

It is not the first time that this situation has occurred ..... It was the same in BiggBoss and it is the same even outside BiggBoss. ..... This time I just can't let it go .....

Otherwise this will keep on repeating ...... He needs to learn that he cannot take me for granted ..... Also, it is very important that I do not let anyone crush my self respect as once it is lost ..... I might just lose on to myself as well .....

I know what I’m going to do now is going to break not only my sunny's heart but also mine .... But I have to do it ...... I have to be brave and do this for our better future and healthy relationship .......

In advance sorry Sunny .... I am really very very sorry my baby, my little, my guddi ...... But this is for our betterment only .....

Coming out of my thoughts I go and put my one hand on his shoulder and before I understand what is going on ...... He had hugged me from my waist and snuggled his face into my tummy .....

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