120AC: Driftmark

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Rhaenyra and Laenor returned to the Red Keep so that she can give birth to their third child, Daemon took his four girls to Pentos for a needed vacation, it was there that Laena discovered she was pregnant.

This pregnancy however was high risk and dangerous, according to the maesters, Laena went into early confinement to ease the strain of stress, her daughters and Daenerys were a welcomed sight.
Laena's labour was difficult, twice the babe was not in the right position and the midwives had to move the child in the upright position, Daenerys was her pillar of strength as Daemon was keeping Baela and Rhaena company.

Soon she had given birth to Daemon's true born son, but the babe barely survived an hour before he perished and Laena was bleeding to much as the difficult birth tore her to the point she was slowly dying.
Lady Laena Velaryon wanted to ride her dragon one last time, but Vhagar was too far away so Daenerys pleaded with Daemon to take his wife on Caraxes but they never thought Laena would plead with Vhagar to burn her alive.

The aging dragon let out a mournful roar at the sight of her rider's burnt body.

Laena Velaryon's funeral was said to be a grand affair, signifying the first time all the members of House Targaryen would come together and this would also be the first time that Daenerys would meet her uncle, the King amd his wife, Queen Alicent Hightower since only barely meeting them all those years ago in the throne room when she was a girl of three. It was unclear if they knew that Balerion had risen again, rumors had circled King's Landing from Dragonstone like wildfire but many thought it as nothing but a pathetic ruse by Daemon to get under the skin of his brother.
However, those rumours were soon proven true as a roar came from the sky, frightening Sunfyre, Dreamfyre, Vermax and Arrax, even Caraxes and Seasmoke were restless but Meleys was less effected as a dark shadow cast over the cliffside of Driftmark.

It was then from the clouds came Balerion, he landed with loud thud, letting out a gruesome roar those that dared to come close to his beloved rider as he allowed her to dismount.

Aegon II couldn't believe that a low, true born Targaryen had claimed the Black Dred where as his father failed in his youth, he watched with a smirk as the Targaryen girl of only eight climbed down, that was when he first set his eyes on her face.
Aemond also watched, but he was more focused on the dragon than his rider, his facial expression unreadable.

They couldn't deny that Daenerys was indeed beautiful, her Valyrian white hair was pulled back into an elegant braid that was waist length, her skin was no longer pale or sickly, her skin complexion was as if it had been kissed by the sun and her cheeks had a flush of colour from riding Balerion.
It was her eyes that mainly would remember this day, they were a shocking lavender, and her lips were plump and kissable.
A true Targaryen beauty.

She was wearing a black riding coat with matching black trousers, it blended well with Balerion's scales, a deep crimson cloak which matched her dragon's eyes and black leather gloves as Balerion had yet to be fitted with a saddle.

Across her neck was a silver and black three headed dragon, the middle dragon's head had ruby eyes and strapped to her side was a sword and dagger, even with her young age- everyone could tell that she was trained on how to use both and was not afraid to use them if needed.

Alicent and Otto Hightower watched as from this moment onwards, this powerful girl was on the side of Rhaenyra and would put a halt on their plans to place Aegon II on the Iron Throne, for she rode Balerion.
And rumours state that he and the Cannibal shared the same appetite for young, Targaryen dragons.

Daenerys walked through the sea of people, showing respect to her Uncle, King Viserys I but ignored the Queen. Her late arrival was a huge statement towards the Hightowers, especially when she ignored Alicent and went to peck Rhaenys on the cheek, hugged her sisters and stood firmly between Daemon and her cousin, Rhaenyra.

If there was still any doubt that Daenerys had any claim over Balerion, it was quickly disposed of as soon as she opened her mouth and commanded in Old Valyrian.
Balerion lowed his head, a sign of respect to the late Laena Velaryon and soon launched her coffin into the skies of Driftmark, where it was captured by Vhagar to give her rider one last ride before she was to be buried.

Some say this was when Aegon II became obsessed with Daenerys, the Prince had never met a person like her in his life and perhaps he mistaken this obsession for love. Daenerys never even looked in the direction of her cousins born from Alicent, she barely even acknowledged the Hightowers.

She was truly Daemon's daughter.

Rose of the Dragon जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें