Chapter 12: Runestone

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With only a day left to pack her things before setting off for Runestone, Brianna and Rhaena assisted with going through the dresses that Daenerys owned, some of the Westerosy fashions will not suit the harsh weather conditions that the winds carrying from the north, beyond the Wall and the Night's watch.

Daenerys remembered the tales her Septa would tell about the myths beyond the Wall, the Night King, and his undead army, Wildings and Treepeople. When she voiced her concerns about her dreams to her father, he waved them off as nothing more than childish night terrors, that was until she dreamt of her mother's death- that was when Daemon realized her potential as a Dragon dreamer.

Daenerys listened to the footsteps outside of her chambers, she was sure that Daemon would appear to try and reason with her about leaving in a fortnight or even a moon, but like Daemon, Daenerys was stubborn and was never the one to be easily manipulated to change her mind.

"Worry not, sister," Rhaena spoke, holding up a dark brown riding tunic with bronze trim and gold stitching. "Father will come around. He knows that you are needed in Runestone. It is your birthright."
"Thank you, Rhaena." Daenerys replied as she sorted through her jewellery, placing the ones she would take with her in wooden chests along with her clothes and shoes.

They had been sorting through her items for a couple hours now, the sun was beginning to set and Daenerys was growing impatient for a late evening ride on Balerion, letting out a small huff, she jerked her door open only to almost walk into the back of a guard standing there.
At the sound of the door opening, the unknown guard turned, earning a small confused stare at him.
"Who the fuck are you?"

Rhaena let out a small gasp, Brianna stifled a laugh as Daenerys's ladylike mannerisms flew out the window. "Daenerys!"
Daenerys rolled her eyes at Rhaena's scowl, cocking an eyebrow at the man, awaiting his answer. "Well? Can you speak, or has your tongue been cut?"
The man cleared his throat, bowing slightly. "Forgive me, my Lady. I am Ser Harrold Bolton." Noticing her confusion, he continued. "Your father has asked me to be your sworn Protector."
Daenerys let out a heavy sigh, folding her arms across her chest. "I do not need protecting, Ser Bolton, but I shall keep you as my guard to appease my father."
For now. She added mentally, sharing a small look with Brianna and Rhaena. "I am to go on my usual evening ride, you may stay here or escort me, but be warned good Ser- Balerion is highly protective of me amd will probably burn you alive if he believes you to be a threat."
"Do not worry, my Lady, your father had already told me of your scheduled rides on Balerion. He also had the liberty to threaten my life if anything should happen to you on my watch."

"Very well."

Daenerys had trouble sleeping that night, mainly out of fear of the dragon dreams playing her mind, she already had trouble dephiring the last few dreams and the one that Helaena had.
Who was this supposed 'Beacon'? And why would they betray a Beast?

Daenerys spent an hour at most looking through the books that the library of Dragonstone had, searching for any houses that mentioned or even resembles a Beacon, her eyes landed on the sigil of House Hightower.
The green flame of wildfire, in Old Valyria they used the wildfire as a way of communicating, using... Beacons.
And the Dragons of Old Valyria were considered to be Beasts of fire.

"The Beacon will betray the Beast." She replied, noticing that House Hightower and House Targaryen were side by side. This new information had left Daenerys with more questions than answers.
If the Hightowers were to betray her family, how and when would they do it? Have they already started?

Daenerys's spies within King Landing had mentioned that the maesters began giving the King, Milk of Poppy, for his pain ever since the Iron Throne cut him many moons ago.

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