Chapter 14: Runestone III

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Daenerys tried not to grunt out in discomfort as the maid pulled on the strings to tighten the corset against her body, the maid pulls at the strings again only to make Daenerys wince, the maid immediately stopped.
"I am so sorry, milady!" The girl instantly apologized.

Daenerys turned to her, the girl fearful for her life, quickly fell to her knees and grabbed the hem of Daenerys's dress. "Please forgive me!"
The Targaryen girl locked eyes with Brianna, who also seemed confused at the girl's actions, Daenerys then lightly smiled and helped the girl back to her feet. "What is your name?"
"T... Tacye, your grace."
"Tacye, all is well. It happens sometimes."

The young maid nods her head, returning to help Daenerys dress for the day, Tayce does not tighten the strings anymore but ties them into a secure knot.

Brianna hands her the jewellery picked out for today, bronze with black diamonds, a jewel rarely seen in Westerosy fashions, but it reminded Daenerys of Balerion's scales.
Her beloved beast was sadly to big to fit in the dragonpit that her Lady Mother had built underneath Runestone, when Daemon heard of a dragonpit built in the caves, he first was sceptical but when he realised that it was heated by large stoned burners - he almost missed Rhea.


A knock on Daenerys chambers pulled the girl away from her thoughts, she bid them entrance as Brianna fasten the necklace to her neck and Tacye smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress, Daemon enters and he instantly stops at the sight of his firstborn.

Gone was the colours of House Targaryen. She was wearing a dress of bronze material with brown stitching embroidered along the sleeves, black laced hemmed the cleavage, keeping the dress both modest yet still in style.
Daenerys's hair was pulled back into an artistic braided bun of the Vale, pinned together by a bronze and black diamond hairpin.

The dress itself was a statement, a symbol of who Daenerys now had become.

Rhea's heir, Lady of Runestone.

He quickly takes one of the chairs that occupied the chambers, paying both Brianna and Tacye no mind as Daenerys watched as Tacye quickly rushed out of her chamber.
It was clear the little time that Daenerys spent here in Runestone. She could see quite clearly how everyone both feared and hated her father. It was mostly the latter. It was a sight to see that the people of the Vale did not worship the ground he walked on.

Daemon's lips turned into a small pout. It almost made Daenerys laugh at his childish antics. She slowly walked to him, and the dress swayed with every step she took.
"What is it that you need, father, to come into my chambers at this hour?"
They stood there for a few seconds, Daemon's hard eyes boring into Daenerys own as if trying to intimidate her. She held his glare firmly before raising an eyebrow out of impatience.

It there that Daemon swore he saw Rhea in Daenerys, her composure and hard look was all Rhea.

Daemon spoke. "I came to talk about the matter of your guard."
Daenerys crossed her arms, her eyebrow still raised. "We do?"
Daemon moves out the chair he currently occupies, walking over to Daenerys and placing his hands on her shoulders, making Daenerys clasp her hands in front of her.
"I do not trust these people to fully protect you, Daenerys."
Daenerys knew how much Daemon despised Runestone and his marriage to Rhea, his Bronze Bitch, but Runestone was hers now and that frightened Daemon more then Daenerys realized.

"These people are my people now, Father, you may not trust them, but I do. Plus, I have Balerion, no one will dare to cross me when he is around."
Daemon pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "Balerion cannot help you from an inside attack."

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