Chapter 13: Runestone Part II

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Daenerys dismounted from Balerion once they had found a large enough grassland for him to land since there was not enough space near the castle, Daemon descended down nearby with Caraxes as Balerion let out a soft grumble, a bit of black smoke arises from his nostrils.
"Drama queen." Daenerys whispered with a laugh as she stroked the black scales on the side of his face.

Leaning into her touch, Balerion closes his eyes and lets out soft noises, and Daenerys then begins to walk away from him, which results in some grumbles from the Black Dred.

Daenerys walked through the low valley that contains two hills between the narrow gap, where her father quickly caught up to her since he dismounted from Caraxes, Daenerys stops and stares at the castle that was beginning to come into view as both Balerion and Caraxes circled the skies above them, keeping an eye on their beloved riders.

She was back after all this time.

Stationed at the stoned archway that gated the outer walls of the castle, were two guards dressed head to toe in bronze armour, as both Daenerys and Daemon approached they stared down at them- probably wondering what two Targaryens were doing in Runestone of all places.

Daenerys simply ignored them, but they made it a little difficult since they blocked her path.
"Where do you think you're going?" The bolder one of the two asked, with a slight edgy tone that made Daemon arched an eyebrow to.
Daenerys narrowed her eyes into a harsh glare. "I have been summoned by my mother's cousin, Gerold Royce."
"You're the supposed daughter of Lady Rhea Royce?"
"Supposed?" Daemon hissed, bringing himself to his full height and staring both guards down as they eyed his beloved firstborn daughter like some piece of meat. "Are you stating that my daughter, the rightful heir to Runestone and niece to the King to be a motherless bastard?"

Before they could reply, a horde of guards dressed in matching bronze armour headed their way, Daenerys's eyes locked on at the person leading them. It was none other than her cousin Tarik. He was not the chubby boy of ten who would rather hide behind his mother, Lady Jenye Arryn, and declare himself Lord of Runestone
"Let them pass." He commands.

Everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch the conversation between the two cousins.
Tarik narrowed his eyes. "Cousin. Prince Daemon. What brings you both here?"
Daenerys arched an eyebrow. Was he serious?
"I have come here to claim my rightful place as Lady of Runestone."
At her words, Tarik let's out a boastful laugh, followed by the guards, which made Daenerys's teeth clench as she tried to control her emotions and facial expressions.
"Runestone is no longer yours to claim."

Daenerys knew where this was headed, and she did not like it one bit as Tarik, and all those that supported him would have a rude awakening if they believed Daenerys would let this slide
"You were never interested in Runestone, so it went to someone who is best suited."
That made Daenerys let out a small giggle. "And by that assumption, that person is you, cousin?"

Tarik stood tall and proud, smirking as the guards watched to see what would happen next, who would make the first move. Daenerys let out a breath as the townspeople also watched the squabble between Lord and Lady, Tarik also noticed the growing audience and became rather confident - which would bring about his untimely end.

"You Targaryens act as though you are gods, that everyone should bend to your will and be commanded as such. Well, I am here to say that it will not happen here."
Daenerys glanced at the ground, true that the smallfolk considered them gods due to that they could ride dragons.

Viserys I was wise when he stated to a younger Daenerys, when she was upset over not have yet to claim a dragon.
"The myth that we, Targaryens, control the dragons is an illusion, Daenerys. Dragons a power man should never have trifled with in the beginning. That is what brought Valyria its doom."

"You would be correct, Lord Tarik," Daemon spoke, bringing Daenerys from her thoughts. "Targaryens are not gods. We simply have the ability to possess and tame dragons."
It was that very second Daenerys watched as Tarik's smirk fell from his face as the sound of wings flapped behind the Rogue Prince and his daughter, the eyes of the guards and commonfolk widened, Daenerys instantly knew who it was without looking back as did Daemon.
Caraxes let out a soft growl as he landed slightly near the stoned archway, his long neck curling behind Daemon, ready to strike.

There was a thunderous roar echoing around them as Balerion descended from the skies. He landed a close as his large body would allow, his crimson eyes directly landing on Tarik, who now stood there with nothing but fear, Daenerys was sure that he would have pissed himself if Tarik did not care about his manly pride.

The screams and shouts of the commonfolk echoed as they rushed around, trying to find sanctuary within the castle walls, even the guards that surrounded Tarik began to distance themselves towards the castle walls.

Daenerys the stepped forwards, bringing the courtyard to a standstill. "I do believe it is customary to kneel now."
Tarik stood there, his jaw tightening in defiance but the guards began to kneel one by one, Balerion let's out a loud roar in Tarik's face - Daenerys sighed knowing that Tarik was going to be a problem.
Even the commonfolk kneeled, which confused Daenerys as she had not asked them to kneel, she was quite certain they did not care who ruled Runestone.

Tarik followed her gaze, he began to look around frantically as those around him kneeled and he did not.
"You inbreded freaks were never meant to rule! You are utterly mad, the lot of you! You would bring about our downfall!"
Daenerys shook her head, sighing as Daemon pulled out Dark Sister and pointed it directly at Tarik.

"First, you steal my daughter's birthright, then you insult my family and the crown?" He growled, stepping forwards which made Caraxes come to his full height and smoke arises from his nostrils. "For those insults, it is punishable by death, is it not, Daenerys?"
That punchable smirk came across Tarik's lips again, his eyes landing directly on Daenerys.
"Daenerys will not kill me. She can not."

Daenerys bit her tongue, Tarik had tested her patience and it had run out, she turned to her father, a smirk danced across her face. "Indeed, I cannot kill you for you are my kin." She replied, Tarik glanced at Daemon, his arrogance was clear on his face.
"But," Daenerys tilted her chin up to him, just staring at him as she continued. "My father can."

At those words, Tarik's eyes widened as he quickly darts his eyes between Daemon and Caraxes.
"He cannot!"
Daenerys stepped forwards, eyes narrowing. "You have ruined any chance of forgiveness the moment you insulted the crown, Tarik. Lord Yorbert was right about you, your arrogance will be your end."

Tarik quickly fell to his knees, Daenerys rolled her eyes - funny how he bent the knee when his life was on the line...
Tarik's chest rose and fell in a frantic state, Daenerys could almost laugh at the cowardness that quite literally outshines his bravey or his stupidity.

As Caraxes's head lowers, Tarik's bottom lip trembled as he let's out one more plea towards Daenerys.
"Daenerys... Please."
Immediately fire spewed out from Caraxes's mouth and douses Tarik, he screams out in pain and Daenerys watched as he flails around trying to put the flames out, within seconds he was nothing more than charred bone and ash.

Daenerys then realised that the guards that once served Tarik moved far away, to avoid Caraxes's flames, their eyes wide as they stared at Tarik's burnt remains. She turned her head to notice that the commonfolk were still kneeling, her head slowly turns to the left and noticed that everyone was still kneeling besides the guards that moved away from Tarik.

Her eyes lands on Daemon, who gave her a small nod of his head and a faint smirk upon his lips, Daenerys turned back to face the castle.
Daenerys moved forwards, stepping over Tarik's remains as she turned to the two guards closest to her. "Do send Tarik's body back to his mother so that she may bury what is left."

Without waiting for a reply, Daenerys continued forwards, making her way inside the castle walls where her mother once ruled.

Where she now rules.

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