Chapter 7: Wedding Aftermath

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The ceremony had come to an end with vows being exchanged and a quick peck on the lips, soon the King and Queen escorted the Royal newlyweds to begin the consummation process, with cheers from the drunken stupor of the High Lords and their kin all blessing the couple with endless nights of pleasure.
Aegon grimaced at the thought of breeding with Helaena, but it was his duty as the firstborn son of the King to continue the Targaryen line and that of the Hightower family too, his thoughts kept going back to the girl in red- Daenerys.

He wished to the Gods that it was she he had married instead of his simple, plain-looking sister. If he could not have her physically, then he could always have her in his dreams.
And dream he would. Perhaps he could somehow picture Helaena as Daenerys, or maybe if he played his cards right that his father may grant him a divorce from Helaena, and he can marry Daenerys.

Daenerys felt the effects of the wine she consumed at the wedding feast, her cheeks were flushed as her body was fighting between being warm and cold, and the dress she wore was immediately discarded the moment she entered her chambers, finally being able to breathe.

She laid on top of the bedcovers in a sheer nightgown, her locks pulled back into a loose braid as Daenerys readied herself for sleep, as her eyes fluttered as sleep called her name, and the sound of her doors creaking open made her eyes snap back open.

Soon Daenerys was on her feet with a dagger in her hand, blending in with the shadows as a figure crept close to the bed, the figure stumbled as if drunk which made Daenerys step out from the shadows and came face to face with a very married, very drunk Prince Aegon II.

"Aegon, what in the Seven are you doing in my chambers?" She hissed low, fear of who may hear outside. "Should you not be with your new wife?"
Aegon scoffed, creeping closer to her. "She's a bore. You, on the other hand, have been on my mind, Daenerys." He spoke, taking a seat at the small table that was in the room she had been assigned. "Ever since Driftmark."

"You are sweet, cousin, but the hour is late and I wish to rest. Thank you for the visit, but perhaps you should return to your pen chambers."
Her attempt to rid of the drunken Prince failed as he stood to his feet, coming closer to her. "You captured the eyes of every man today, dripping in gold and bronze, the greatest part of my evening was when you came to offer me congratulations."
Daenerys arched an eyebrow. "It was by order of the Queen." She scoffed, fearing where this conversation would lead.

"And what of the dance? That was no order by the King or Queen," He replied, brushing his hand against her cheek. "And neither was the smile on your face or the blush upon your cheeks, tell me, cousin, do you not feel the same?"

He then pulled her close. "You enjoyed the touch of my hand and the feeling of my breath..."
"Blame me for being eleven and having never been touched by a boy."
Aegon laughed as he continued to stare into her eyes. "And what of now, for your cheeks are flushed."
"The wine."

Aegon laughed and pulled Daenerys closer, making the girl yelp in surprise at his actions. "I wish it you that I had married." He replied, tucking a loose lock of her hair behind Daenerys's ear. "Then the consummation ceremony would be something to enjoy as I would enjoy hearing you scream my name as your body reacts to me."

He then placed a kiss on her lips, it was not forced but it was enough to bring Daenerys out of her drunken stupor, she then pushed him backwards and slapped him across the face.
"Do that again, cousin, and I will gut you like a fish."

"I take you as a challenge cousin, I know you liked it, I could tell," Aegon said, with a wink. "I look forwards to seeing you again, perhaps tomorrow evening."

Before she could even blink, Aegon left her chambers, Daenerys then grabbed hold of a pillow and let out a scream of frustration into it.

Her first kiss had been forcefully taken, a piece of her maidenhood, and that would be the one thing that Aegon would soon regret taking.
It had been an hour since she had been disturbed by Aegon and his entitlement, seriously, did he think the four short encounters they shared made her want to ride his cock?
By Gods, that boy was completely delusional, more so than Helaena and she was a dreamer!

Daenerys could not sleep since Aegon's intrusion, her brain was tainted as well as her body, she wanted to distract herself so much to remove all thoughts of the stolen kiss.
She shuddered at the thought of being touched by him again.

Perhaps an exploration of the Red Keep would distract her thoughts, quickly tucking her nightgown into some trousers, Daenerys glanced over at the secret passage that Aegon used to see where it led. She came to a fork in the path, one went left and stairs winding upwards, one went straight and the other was right with stairs going downwards. Daenerys decided to turn right, following the stairs down to some open grounds.

The training grounds.

A small smile danced across her face as her feet shuffled forwards, the sudden sound of metal clanking came louder with each step she took, and there she saw him.
Aemond was wildly swinging his sword at the training mannequin, grunting with every swing, he was still dressed in the black trousers but the tunic was gone.
He was breathless, tired and completely shirtless, Gods only know how long he's been out there.
Sweat caked his forehead as he continued in his rage attacking the mannequin, the wind picked up and a light sprinkle of rain started, Daenerys glanced up at the sky- it would be morning soon and Aemond was tiring.
She could tell, by the way, he was holding his sword, and not long after, Aemond fell to his knees with his head hung low.

Daenerys stepped forwards but a cry from Vhagar in the distance got their attention, the she-dragon was too big for the Dragon pit the same for Balerion, he soared the skies with Vhagar not far behind.
She noticed that Aemond spotted her, for he rose to his feet and sheathed his sword into the holster that was attached to his toned waist, they both watched their Dragons fly together and when Daenerys turned back to face Aemond, he was beside her.

"Come to train, cousin?"
Daenerys let out a small laugh, shaking her head. "I could not sleep, so I thought I could explore the Red Keep before returning to my chambers." She replied, her head tilted slightly. "I heard that you were an excellent swordsman, so when I saw you here, I just had to see for myself."
Aemond arched an eyebrow, glancing back at the mannequin. "That was not swordplay."
"I know." She replied. "You seemed like you were letting your frustration out on that poor training mannequin, I fear what you would have done if it was a real person."

"Do not worry, Daenerys, for if it was a real person, you would be inside with your sisters and Septa attending your needlework or whatever ladies do in the daytime."

"I rather fly on Dragonback than be subjected to needlework, My Prince." She teased, looking back up to the skies, watching Vhagar and Balerion fly around each other amongst the clouds.

Aemond's fingers reached out to grab hold of a loose lock of her hair but decided against it, she turned to see that he seemed to have an internal battle within himself- perhaps she should return to her chambers.

"I shall take my leave, cousin."
She turned on her heels, about to leave when Aemond called her name.

"Daenerys," She turned back to face him, an eyebrow cocked, waiting to see what he wanted. "If you ever wish to explore King's Landing, I can be your guide, I know a few good places."
"I shall take you up on that offer sometime soon, Aemond."

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