Chapter 5: 122AC Wedding

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A week after the funeral of Laena Velaryon, Ser Laenor Velaryon was brutally murdered in cold blood by his own companion and best friend, Ser Qarl Correy. Rumours speculated throughout the smallfolk of Driftmark, Pesos and King's Landing that this was under the instruction of Prince Daemon, for now he could marry Princess Rhaenyra.

It also places him one step closer to what people knew he dearly wanted, the Iron Throne, for his union with Rhaenyra would make his children with her legitimate and heirs to the throne if things were to happen to Princes Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffery.

At the end of the month of 120 AC, the wedding between Prince Daemon and Princess Rhaenyra took place, without the knowledge of King Viserys.

Daenerys knew it was a smart decision by both Rhaenyra and Daemon to rid of Laenor so they may both marry each other, it was already clear that Rhaenyra was with child, and her late husband was not the father.

Daenerys stood with her sisters and with Jacaerys, Lucerys and a maid held little Joffery in her arms as both Rhaenyra and Daemon were dressed in true Valyrian wedding clothes, a man in a dark cloak followed them closely, a priest no doubt.

Caraxes and Syrax watched from the cliffside, Vermax, Arrax and Moondancer flew the skies and Balerion perched himself quite nicely on the very top of Dragonstone castle, they all roared at once 5to simplify their blessings towards the union of the two riders.

Daenerys watched with great curiosity at the Valyrian ceremony, the priest handed Daemon a small dagger and with a nod from Rhaenyra, he then lightly cut her bottom lip and this made a small cut appear and with his thumb, Daemon takes some blood and made a single stroke down her forehead and stopped between her eyebrows.

Rhaenyra does the same to Daemon, though the stroke she made on his forehead was the shape of an arrowhead, she then cut along her palm as Daemon did the same, which made Daenerys wince, they soon joined hands.
"Ānogar hen lanta, joined hae mēre." The priest called out, as Rhaenyra's and Daemon's blood pooled together on a rock that was between them, this type of ceremony seemed much more intimate then any Westerosy wedding that Daenerys learned about, including the wedding between Daemon and Laena was not so intense.
The priest rises a cup to the air, before handing it over to Rhaenyra. "Mero perzyssy, nykeā vāedar hen sīr hae lanta prūmi join isse perzī."

Rhaenyra took the cup with her free hand, taking a small sip, handing it over to Daemon as he too took a dip with his free hand.
"Prūml isse sēteksi perzyssy, nykeā jēnny isse māzīarion." The priest chants again as it brought a smile to Daenerys's face towards the ceremony of their old customs returning. It was such a magnificent thing to witness, a wedding ceremony that their ancestors of Old Valyria and it was at this moment that Daenerys chose that when it came to her marriage, she wanted this ceremony.

And only this ceremony.

The priest moves his clasped hands forward, speaking once again as the ceremony was coming to an end. "Se qēlossās nykeōragon, se rȳ jēda. Hen kīva se ōños."
The two kissed, binding their vows through the blood on their lips as Daenerys held the hand of Lucerys, who still riddled with guilt from taking the eye of Aemond.

The stairs of Dragonstone never get easy, no matter how your fitness of health is, you would still be puffing amd panting when you reached the top. At least, on this day, there was a feast awaiting the top of the climb.
"Daenerys," Daemon's voice called, getting the girl's attention and he motioned towards a room away her siband new step-siblings. Daenerys handed little Joffery over to the maid and followed him into the room. "As you know, my marriage to Rhaenyra brings forth our family into the line of succession."

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