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Everybody is watching Ömer and Leman.

Ömer: What are you doing here Leman?

Leman: This is still the house of my brother-in-law; do I have to ask for your permission if I come here?

Pembe: Let me introduce you to everybody. Leman is Ömers wife. Leman this is Kivilcim, Dogas mother, her grandma Sönmez, her aunt Alev and her sister Cimen.

Kivilcims heart stops to beat for a little moment. She wasn't sure if she heard right. After seeing Ömers expression she realized the whole situation. Ömer was still married. And his wife was standing in front of her.

Leman: Welcome. We didn't have the opportunity to meet earlier.

Sönmez: We didn't know that Ömer is married, what a nice surprise.

Ömer: We are trying to divorce for years. There is nothing left you could call a marriage.

Leman: We are going to talk about this at home my dear.

The situation is unpleasant for everyone. Ömer hadn't seen Leman for months, as had the others in the family. Everyone knew about their situation and how much Ömer wanted this divorce.

Ömer tries to look in Kivilcims eyes, but she is looking at the floor. She doesnt want to see him. The whole night appears in front of her eyes and she is asking herself the same questions all the time. How could he do something like this to her. Did he even really love her? Or was it all played? Or was she a distraction for him? She fells really bad, she trys not to cry so asked if she could use the toilet.

After she went to the toilet Ömer says that he must do an important phone call and that he would be back in some minutes.

Ömer: Kivilcim, are you there?

He asks in front of the bathroom door.

Kivilcim: Ömer, can you please go?

Ömer: We must talk.

Kivilcim gets herself together, unlocks the door and goes out of the bathroom.

Kivilcim (looking straight in his eyes): In fact, there is nothing left to talk. But I have one question. Why did you do this to me? Why?

Ömer grabs Kivilcim by her waist and pushes her against the wall so she has no chance to escape. He looks deeply in her eyes. He sees that she is disappointed and angry at the same time. He tries to kiss her shoulder. Kivilcim slaps him right in the face.

Kivilcim: Do not dare to touch me again. Actually, I should tell everybody upstairs what kind of disgusting guy you are. You wife deservers to know what kind of man she is married to. If I am silent right now, it's only because I don't want to humiliate myself and my daughters.

Ömer: Kivilcim, please, nothing is like it looks like.

Kivilcim escapes from Ömer and goes the stairs down, takes her seat at the table, where everybody was waiting for her and Ömer to come.

Kayhan: Kivilcim are you okey?

Kivilcim: I am, don't worry.

Abdullah (to Fatih): Where is Ömer? Didn't he say it would take just some seconds?

Fatih: I don't know.

Leman: Wait, I will look for him.

Abdullah: You don't need to look for him. Please let's start.

After some minutes Ömer comes back.

Abdullah: I hope nothing bad happened.

Ömer: No, there is nothing important. I just talked to Can.

Pembe: How is he? We didn't see him for a long time.

Ömer: He is fine. As you know he has many cases he is dealing with.

Kayhan: Isnt Can Fatmas cousin?

Ömer: Yes, he is.

Kayhan: I know him. A real gentleman. When we were still married, we often went to dinner with Fatma and him.

Leman: You are divorced? Since when?

Ömer (whispering to Leman): It doesn't matter you.

Kivilcim gets uncomfortable and gives Kayhan a little signal trying to end this conversation.

Kayhan: We broke up 5 years ago. But as friends. She is the best thing that could ever happen to me. Even if we are divorced, we still have respect each other and can rely on each other. Maybe one day...

Ömer(interrupting Kayhan): How nice.

Ömer is dying from jealousy. He couldn't stand Kayhan because he exactly knew that he has still feelings for Kivilcim. He watches Kivilcim, she isn't eating anything, she just starres at the food.

Pembe: Kivilcim hanim, are you okey? Or is there something wrong with the food? You don't eat anything.

Kivilcim: No, everything is very delicious. Thank you.

Kayhan: Kivilcim, say if you don't feel well. Should we go to the hospital?

Ömer raises his eyebrow and grittes his teeth. He can't hold back anymore.

Ömer: Kivilcim, if you need something let me know.

Kivilcim: There is nothing you have to worry about. I am fine. Really. You don't have to take care of me.

The situation again become really tense

The next morning. Kivilcim didn't sleep the whole night, she cried, blamed herself how she could get herself in such a position. She was very angry and took the decision to block and delete Ömers number and him completely out of her life.

Cimen went out with her friends. She is sitting with her mom in the living room drinking coffee.

Sönmez: Kivilcim, are you sick?

Kivilcim: No, why are you asking?

Sönmez: You are so pale, yesterday you didn't eat anything. Do you have any problems with your stomach?

Kivilcim: No, I am good.

Sönmez: Did you know that Ömer is married?

Kivilcim: Mom what are these kinds of questions?

Sönmez: It's a normal question. I mean, you became like close friends. Didn't he tell you once about it?

Kivilcim: No, we never talked this private. At least he didn't. Every time we met, we talked about Doga and Fatih, Abdullah and Pembe and this stuff.

Sönmez: Look at me (she noticed that Kivilcim struggled not to cry) I am your mother. Do you really think, I didn't notice how he is looking at you, how you looked at him. I have never seen you like this. You became softer, you were so happy, and I know he is the reason for it. But it is not right. Trust me, sooner or later this love or relationship, whatever it was or however you would call it is not right. Your daughter is the bride of this house. Ömer is also a person from this family.

Kivilcim: There never was something like that and also never be. Don't worry.

The doorbell rings. Sevilay goes and opens the door.

Sevilay: Mr. Ömer, welcome.

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