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Can: You are free now. Its finally over!

Ömer: Thanks God! Thank you Can, we will talk later!

Ömer couldn't believe it. After 3 years. His eyes filled with tears, but this time they were tears of joy. I must tell Kivilcim right away, he thought to himself. Nothing stood in their way. He had waited so long for this moment, so he didn't hesitate for a second and took his way to her school.

At Kivilcims office, Nazim and Kivilcim are sitting in her room.

Nazim: When do you finish work?

Kivilcim: In some minutes.

Nazim: I took so much of your time. I got really hungry. If it's also okey for you, can I invite you for dinner?

Kivilcim: No thank you. I haven't been able to eat anything for a few days now.

Kivilcim knew his interest, that's why she first said no. Nazim insistent and makes it clear that it would be a meal between friends, so Kivilcim acceptes his offer.

At the same time Ömer calls her.

Kivilcim (to Nazim): Can you wait one second. I have to answer this.

Nazim: Of course.

Kivilcim: Hello?

Ömer: Kivilcim, where are you?

Kivilcim: I am at school.

Ömer: As I guessed. I'm waiting for you outside.

Kivilcim: How? Why?

Nazim (from the background): Did anything bad happen?

Ömer hears Nazim speaking from the background, but it wasn't important for him. He thought it may be a teacher or something.

Kivilcim: I'm coming now.

Ömer: I'm waiting here for you. (Ending the call)

Kivilcim: Nazim, I am sorry, but something happened. If it is okey for you, can we postpone the meal?

Nazim: No problem at all. I hope nothing bad happened.

Kivilcim: I don't know. But I have to go now.

Both are leaving the building. Ömer sees them and immediately recognizes Nazim. He once saw him in Cans office, showing him a picture of Kivilcim and saying that he likes her. He gets out of the car and observes Kivilcim and Nazim more closely. Kivilcim looks at Ömer and realizes that he was tense, which is why the whole situation made her uncomfortable, it felt so hot all of the sudden. They go to Ömer.

Kivilcim: Ömer, is everything okey?

Ömer(ignoring Nazim): We must talk, it is urgent, otherwise I wouldn't come until here.

Nazim: I know you from somewhere, but I don't know...

Ömer: Ömer Ünal, we met at Cans office.

Nazim: ah, true. Where do you know each other?

Kivilcim was about to say something, but Ömer interrupted her. He takes her hand, looks deeply into her eyes and smiles.

Ömer: We are together.

Kivilcim's mouth remains open. On the one hand, she is overwhelmed by the feeling of holding his hand and being with him. But then she remembers that he is still married.

Ömer: I have a surprise for you, honey. We should go now. Have a nice day, Nazim.

He opens the door and Kivilcim is getting in the car. She still didn't say a single word. Ömer also gets into the car and starts driving.

Kivilcim (coming to her sense and getting angry): Ömer what did you do? Are you aware of what you did a few minutes ago? You said that we are together!

Ömer: Eh, I mean, did I lie?

Kivilcim: You are still married! What if this goes around and somebody will hear this? How will we look at peoples' eyes? How will we explain the situation to our kids? How can you act so irresponsibly?

Ömer stops the car. He starts smiling.

Ömer: It's over. I'm not married. I got divorced. That's why I said something like that to Nazim. Now whoever wants to say something, let them say it. Whoever wants to think what, let them think. I want to be with you. Until my last day. I love you so much.

Kivilcim (very happy): How? Really, I don't believe it...It happened very suddenly, Omer. (Laughing) I don't know what to say... (turns to Ömer) What are we going to do now?

Ömer: You are now my girlfriend that's it. (getting nervous) Or did you change your opinion?

Kivilcim: To be honest, I didn't think it would all go by so quickly, so I'm still not quite myself. But there is one thing I am sure about, and that's that I love you, I want to be with you.  But how will we explain it to our families?

Ömer: As you want. If you leave it to me, I would tell everyone right now. Because I don't want to hide anything. Everyone should know.

Kivilcim: No, let's wait a little bit. I mean, you just got divorced. People will think differently. I have to think about my daughters.

Ömer takes her hand and starts driving again.

Kivilcim: Still, your action was a little inappropriate.

Ömer: Which one?

Kivilcim: Taking my hand, saying that we are together. I don't understand why you did something like this.

Ömer (raising his eyebrow): This Nazim, from where do you know him?

Kivilcim: He is a friend of Fatma, I don't really know him, he came to talk about his niece.

Ömer: I am sure this is the only reason why he came.

Kivilcim: What do you mean?

Ömer: As I said I know him from Can's office. We met there. He was showing a photo of you. Can told me later, that he met you at Fatma's and that he was really impressed by you.

Kivilcim (raising her eyebrow): Mhm, now I understand your action.

Ömer: I will not deny it, I'm jealous. And when I saw the guy next to you like that.

Kivilcim (smiles): Good to know,ehh, where are we going?

Ömer: It's a surprise.

He had planned something in the short time. Both are very happy, singing along with the songs that are playing on the radio. After an hour, they arrive. They are standing in front of a small house on the beach.

Kivilcim: When did you organize this?

Ömer: Right after Can told me it's over.

Kivilcim: Hmm, And you were sure that I would come with you?

Ömer: I didn't doubt it.

Kivilcim: That's why you got so nervous just a few minutes ago.

Both are laughing. Ömer takes her hand, so they walk hand in hand in the house. Everything was nicely decorated. Ömer gives Kivilcim a tour of the house. They go back to the living room where Ömer stops.

Ömer: Would you spend the night here with me today?

Kivilcim: Ömer, I would love to, but no one knows yet, what should I say to my mother and daughters?

Ömer: Okey, but I won't let you go before sunset, I want to spend the day with you today.

Kivilcim puts her arms around his neck. Ömer grabs her by the hip and pulls her closer to him. Kivilcim's eyes are shining. Ömer slowly begins to kiss her. She returns the kiss. Slowly, he kisses her neck and sucks on it. Kivilcim brings her hands to his hair and begins to caress it. Both became like fire. The kisses became more intense, so that Ömer could not stand it anymore. He takes off his shirt, and he does the same with Kivilcims.

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