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Ömer enters the living room. Sönmez and Kivilcim both watch him shocked.

Sönmez: Welcome Mr Ömer.

Ömer: Thank you, may I sit down?

Sönmez: Of course, please take a seat.

Kivilcim still is in shock. Her heart is beating faster. She doesn't notice what's happening around her. she looks into his eyes and sees how finished he looked. You could tell that he wasn't feeling well either, that he was also bothered by the whole situation.

Sönmez: Eh, can we learn the reason of your visit?

Ömer: At first, I want to apologize. I came here without telling you anything. But I need to talk to you Kivilcim.

Kivilcim: I don't think that we must talk about something.

Sönmez: I will let you alone.

Ömer: One moment please. I don't hide something from anyone.... (pauses). Yes, it's true. I am still married. I am trying to divorce for 3 years. As I said yesterday, there isn't anything left that you could call a marriage. For me she is the mother of my son and that's it... Now to the real reason I am here. (Turning to Kivilcim and looking straight into her eyes) Yes, I made a mistake. I should have told you about it from the very beginning. But there are some things I can't even explain to myself how I was supposed to explain you. Kivilcim, I will never forgive myself for not telling you the truth. But don't forget this. My feelings for you, everything I said and did were real. I am madly in love with you. If you are now rejecting me, I understand you, but please give me a chance to explain everything to you from the very beginning.

Sönmez: Look, Ömer. If you are asking me, a relationship between you two wouldn't work even if you weren't married. You are completely different.If you say that you don't hide anything from anyone. Why didn't you make this confession last night? I can't interfere, of course, but I'll tell you what I think. You are not children. Don't make a mistake, because in the end, not only you will be upset, but everybody!

She looks at Kivilcim with a warning look and leaves the room. Ömer and Kivilcim are sitting on the couch. Looking at each other, not saying anything.

Ömer stands up, sits down on the table, Kivilcim is now right in front of him. He takes her hand and kisses it slowly.

Ömer: Please.

She takes her hand away

Kivilcim: I don't feel like I need an explanation. I already took my decision last night. I don't want you in my life any longer. I don't want to hear your voice or see your face. For me everything is finished.

Ömer: As you want, I can't force you for anything.

Ömer leaves the apartment in frustration. He had the feeling that he hast just lost the love of his life. But he didn't want to give up. Kivilcim has to know everything, then she may can forgive him, he thought.

Sönmez comes back to the living room.

Sönmez: I knew it. You denied it the whole time but look, as always, I was right. Look how he came here, so sure himself and confesses his love. Why didn't he do that yesterday? He's tricking you!

Kivilcim: Mom, please. Not now.

Sönmez: Please at least you use your mind and don't do anything stupid, thing about your daughters.

Kivilcim stands up and enters her room. Her heart was arching. For the first time in her life, she felt this hopeless, betrayed.

At the same time Ömer knocked on Fatmas door.

Fatma: Ömer, welcome.

Ömer: Hello, Fatma.

Fatma: Come in.

Ömer: Thank you.

Fatma: How can I help you? Do you need anything?

Ömer: Did Kivilcim told you about everything what happened?

Fatma: Yes... she came over last night. Ömer what did you do? Do you realize what condition you've put her in?

Ömer: I know and I really regret it. But I need to speak to her in private. Not now but maybe in some days. There are so many things I need to tell her. Thats why I am here. She will not respond my calls or messages; she even blocked me everywhere. Fatma, please be sure that you can convince her one day to go out with you.

Fatma: And then?

Ömer: I will go to the meeting instead of you.

Fatma: Kivilcim will kill me.

Ömer: I know. But being far away from her means death to me.
After 3 weeks.

Both, Kivilcim and Ömer, were unhappy and everybody around them was aware of it. Ömer still didn't have the chance to talk to Kivilcim, because she doesn't go out. The only thing she does is going to work. Her work is her only distraction. Doga and Cimen were worried about their mom, for days she didn't eat anything. Doga came over for breakfast.

Doga: Mom, did something happen and you aren't telling us?

Sönmez looks at Kivilcim.

Kivilcim: No, Doga. I have a lot to do in the last time. I 'm good. There is nothing to worry about.

Cimen: In the last time I think there is going something around. Everybody became workaholic.

Kivilcim: What do you mean?

Cimen: I talked to Metehan yesterday. He complained about Ömer abi. He is working all the time, comes home, has no mood. Are you still talking?

Doga: Mom did anything happen between you and Faith's family and you are not telling me?

Kivilcim: Nothing happened. What are these kind of questions.

Kivilcim stands up from the table and takes her bag without eating anything.

Kivilcim: I'll be back late. Kiss you!

The moment she left the apartment, she met Fatma, who was also on her way to work.

Fatma: how are you dear?

Kivilcim: Well, I'm trying to hide it, but I'm not feeling well. But I'll be better, there was life before him and there will be life after him.

Fatma: Exactly. That's why we're going out tonight, I don't want any arguments, I'll pick you up at 8 p.m.

Kivilcim: Ok, as you wish.

At 8 p.m

Kivilcim and Fatma go down the stairs to the parking lot. Ömer is waiting for them both in the car. He sees Fatma and Kivilcim in the rearview mirror, he gets out and approaches them.

Kivilcim: What are you doing here?

Ömer: We have to talk. Urgent.

Fatma: My friend, I'll leave you both alone, please talk about everything.

Fatma goes back into the building.

Ömer: Do you want me to take you on my shoulders and carry you into the car or do you get in yourself?

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