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Ömer gives Kivilcim a kiss on her neck and drives to the address Leman send him.
When he arrives at the address, he gets out of the car and rings the doorbell.

Leman: Welcome, Ömer, please get in.

Ömer: I don't have much time. Can you please go straight to the point?

Leman: I want to talk about Metehan.

Ömer: What happened?

Leman: Does he know about your relationship?

Ömer finally understands what Leman wants from him. She will thread him with Metehan.

Ömer: What do you want? Maybe he knows? It's none of your business.

Leman: You will break up with her or...

Ömer: Or what? Will you destroy your own sons life? Are you really that sick?

Leman: You don't leave me any choice! I can't live without you!

Leman gets even more angry. She is walking around the room. Ömer just watches her, afraid that she will do something to herself.

Leman: No, no, I don't accept it. This woman was in the same room with me! You put me and your mistress in the same room!

Ömer (shouting): Leman, it's enough! Don't call her like that. You never were my wife! Get this in your head!

Leman gets quite. She doesn't say anything but continues to go around the room. She stops in the kitchen. Ömer is following her.

Leman: You don't love her! You love me!

Ömer: I will go now. I can't stand this nonsense anymore.

Just as Ömer is about to leave, Leman takes the knife in her hand. She starts screaming. Ömer is returning.

Ömer: Leman, what are you doing?

Leman: I want to die!

Omer is walking to her. While Leman wants to harm herself with the knife, Ömer tries to take the knife from her hand. Ömer keeps trying with all his might to take the knife out of her hand. But Leman is determined to cut her wrist with it. Just as Ömer almost has the knife in his hand, he feels a burning stab through his stomach.
The knife hit him. Leman takes a step back. Only now does she realize the situation and she starts screaming. Ömer falls to the ground in pain. Meanwhile, Leman calls the ambulance.
Kivilcims house

Kivilcim enters the apartment. Sönmez, Alev and Cimen are sitting in the living room watching a series.

Cimen: Oh, mom, welcome.

Sönmez: You found the way home?

Kivilcim: Cimen, why aren't you sleeping yet?

Cimen: I'm going to go to bed now... Where are you coming from? This happy?

Kivilcim: I'm like always. I went to dinner with some friends.

Alev: No, Cimen is right. Today you are somehow differently happy.

Cimen: However, I am going now before get teased by Kivilcim Hanim. Good night everyone.

Cimen goes to her room. Sönmez also goes to sleep. Only Alev and Kivilcim remained in the room. Alev gets up to get some red wine.

Alev: Eh, aren't you going to tell me anything?

She opens the bottle and pours two glasses. She gives Kivilcim one glas.

Kivilcim (taking the glas): Thank you... There is nothing I can tell you. I don't know what your are implying.

Kivilcim tries to take a sip of the wine. As soon as the smell of the wine comes through her nose, she becomes nauseous. She runs to the toilet and throws up. Alev follows her.

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