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It became quiet again between the two. Kivilcim is like frozen. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. Ömer still has her hand in his. A tear rolls down his cheek. Kivilcim takes her hand out of his and wipes away his tear. Slowly, she caresses his face. Ömer is slightly surprised. He didn't expect such a reaction.

Kivilcim: I'm sorry you had to experience something like this. Your whole life has been taken out of your hands. I also feel sorry for Leman. But I don't understand something... Her actions and the way she talked to you at Abdullahs house...Why does she act like your wife if you say you've never had such a relationship?

Ömer: I don't know. She wasn't like that at the beginning. But after some time, she changed.

Kivilcim: She fell in love with you?

Ömer (raising his eyebrow): I never gave her a hope. I never touched her. I never did anything that can make her think this way. I became a father to Metehan, that's all.

Kivilcim: I understand. Ömer, look, as you said, this all seems so unrealistic to me, and I really need time to digest everything. And even if it's only on paper, you are still married. If it's really the way you say it is and you're in the process of divorce, then let's talk again after the divorce about what will become of us. Today it is still too early.

Ömer: As you want.

Kivilcim continues to stroke his face, Ömer closes his eyes. He grabs her hands and kisses them. She approaches him and rests her forehead against his. They are now nose to nose. He strokes her hair, takes it behind her ear, and holds her by the neck. Kivilcim starts to breathe faster.

Kivilcim: I love you, but I need time.

Ömer (whispering in her ear): I missed your smell.

Both hearts beat faster now. Breathing becomes faster and both feel a hellish warmth. Ömer begins to kiss Kivilcim on the neck, causing her to tremble. He looks in her eyes and sees how much she want him. They pause for a moment and look in each other eyes. Kivilcim comes back to herself and stands up.

Kivilcim: Can you drive me home, please?

Ömer: Of course.

On the way home, none of them was talking. Kivilcim was tyring to realize what she heard.
Arriving at home, Kivilcim lays down on her bed. She thinks about everything he told her. She gets up and paces back and forth in her room. For the first time in her life she is so conflicted. On the one hand, she doesn't want to spend a day without him, she wants to stand by his side. On the other hand, she's still slightly pissed that it's come to this. She's afraid of what might happen if she decides to give him another chance. How should she explain it to her daughters? She was the one who badmouthed his whole family. Her eyes blacked out and she vomited. All the stress is getting to be too much for her.
5 days later

Ömer tried everything to go through with the divorce as soon as possible. He didn't want to spend a day without Kivilcim. Although he was now sure of her feelings, he was afraid of losing her, because Leman had no intention of divorcing him. The next day would be the date for the divorce. He was afraid that it would drag on too much.
The doorbell rings. Ömer goes to open the door. Leman stands in front of him.

Leman: How are you, Ömer?

Ömer: What are you doing here?

Leman: I came to see you.

In the same time Metehan enters the room.

Metehan: Mom, what are you doing here?

Leman: Aa, why is everybody asking the same question. This is still the house of my husband. I can come and go when I want to.

Ömer: You can't. This is my house. I'm trying to divorce from you, why can't you understand this?

Leman gets very angry.

Leman: Ömer, I love you.

Ömer: I don't love you; I never did. And now, please I beg you, get out of my house.

Leman(shouting): Why are you talking like this to me? I am your wife! Or? ...Is there anyone in your life? Are you cheating on me?

Ömer (losing his control):Until this day I never cheated on you, we are separated for years, but yes, I love someone. Are you happy now, is this what you wanted to hear?

Metehan is shocked. Even though he already had the feeling that there might be someone in his father's life, he didn't expect it in this moment. After hearing this Leman gets a tantrum, so Ömer has to call an ambulance.
The next day / At Fatmas apartment

Kivlcim: Can I go in?

Fatma: Of course.

Kivilcim (sits down): Did you make coffee?

Fatma: Yes but it's a little bit ago. Do you want me to make one for you too?

Kivilcim: No, it stinks so bad. I haven't been able to eat anything lately because of all the stress.

Fatma: And how did it go? Did you talk about everything?

Kivilcim: I could kill you! But yes, we talked, and we are still on the same point. I don't want to talk about Ömer right now.

Fatma: As you want. I am changing the topic. Nazim called me yesterday evening.

Kivilcim: Nazim? Who's that?

Fatma: The guy you met here, my friend from Ankara. The one who likes you...

Kivilcim: Ah, okey, I remembered again. And what did he say?

Fatma: His brother and his niece are coming to Istanbul. They are looking for a good school for his niece, that's why he wants to meet you. I gave him your number. He will call you today or tomorrow.

After some hours Nazim called Kivilcim and said that he would like to meet her. He would come to her office. His niece has a mental illness, that's why he wanted to talk in person with Kivilcim about her situation.

Ömer: Can give me the good news please!

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