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The next moring

Ömer wakes up really early. Kivilcim had turned to the other side. He started to kiss her naked back, then goes over to her neck and gives her some kisses there.
Kivilcim also wakes up.

Kivilcim: Good Morning.

Ömer: Good Morning.

Kivilcim: What time is it?

Ömer: It's nine.

Kivilcim turns to Ömer, touches his lips and sees that he has a little wound on his lip.

Kivilcim: What happened last night, was it true? (smiles) It still seems like a dream to me.

Ömer: It was true. You are my fiancé now (holding her neck) You made me the happiest man.

He gives her a kiss on her forehead.

Ömer: By the way, only the kids and your mom knew that I was going to propose to you. I didn't tell my brother yet. Maybe Doga told it Fatih, but the rest of the family doesn't know.

Kivilcim: When are you going to say it?

Ömer grabs his phone from the nightstand. He is calling his brother. He turns on the speaker.

Abdullah: Good morning Ömer.

Ömer: Abi, good morning. Do you have a moment. I want to say something important.

Abdullah: Go on.

Ömer: Tomorrow evening, we are going to ask for Kivilcims hand. Can you please ask my Yenge (Pembe) if she could organize the most important things? I proposed last night to Kivilcim, she said yes, but in order to fulfill the costumes and traditions.

Kivilcim is in shock, she starts laughing.

Abdullah: Ömer, why don't you say that earlier? I will say it to Pembe hanim don't worry. Congratulations on both to you.

Ömer hangs up the call. He looks to Kivilcim who was surprised.

Ömer: I know you are a modern woman and these kind of circuses are not your thing, but your mom was a little bit upset why I didn't ask for your hand. So why not?

Kivilcim: Then I should call my mom and tell her now?

Kivilcim takes her phone and starts calling her mom.

Sönmez: Kivilcim, how are you?

Kivilcim: I am very good. I will go straight to the point, Ömer and his family are going to come tomorrow evening and ask for my hand.

Sönmez: What?? How we will prepare so much things in such a short amount of time?

Ömer (from the background): Mom, you were the one how complained about it. You will get it done, I believe in you!

Kivilcim: I still didn't get used to it.

Ömer: What?

Kivilcim: That you call my mom „mom".

Sönmez: That's between us, it doesn't matter you. He is also from now on my son.

After a while they get ready to have their breakfast. Kivilcim stands in front of the mirrow, fixes her hair. From the mirrow she can see Ömer, who is still lying on the bed

Kivilcim: I will go to take a shower.

Ömer (gets up); Then....(raises his eyebrow)

Kivilcim: Ömer, no, (laughing) wasn't last night already enough?

Ömer: I never get enough of you.

Kivilcim: A-a, that's what you're saying now. Let's see after a few years if I still get to hear such words.

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