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Kivilcim drops the phone. She gets dizzy again. "Ömer" she whispers softly. Her heart hurts. She feels a strong pain in her abdomen. She tries to sit down. In the same moment Alev comes out of the toilet with a fearful smile.

Alev: Kivilcim, what happened? Are you okey?

Kivilcim (a tear is rolling down her cheek): Doga called...Something happened to Ömer. He is in the hospital right now.

Alev: Maybe it's nothing serious. Calm down.

Alev hugs her. Kivilcim remembers the tests she took.

Kivilcim: Alev, the tests? What's the result?

Alev hesitates a bit. She takes Kivilcim's hand and looks into her eyes.

Alev: All tests you took are positive. You are pregnant.

Kivilcim gets up immediately in pain and paces back and forth in the room. Unable to hold back her tears, she begins to cry. A hand leads her to her abdomen. Alev holds her and hugs her.

Alev: Shhh, please calm down.

Kivilcim: H-how? Alev you maybe still not realize what's going on right now? (pauses) No, I can't do this.

Alev (surprised): Abla, stop. You're not going to do what I'm thinking right now, are you? Be calm. Just think. And most importantly, talk to Ömer first.

Kivilcim: No, I am sure. I am determined. I mean, my daughter is pregnant. I'm becoming a grandmother. What baby. I can't have this baby..... However. I am going to the hospital. I have to see Ömer.

Alev: And give him the news that he is going to be father (laughs).

Kivilcim: Shut up, for God's sake. What am I saying, what are you saying?

Alev: Okay. I am coming with you. I am not going to leave you alone there.

After one hour Kivilcim and Alev arrive at the hospital. They ask at the front desk for Ömer. The woman there says, that they took him in the operating room. They go there and see Abdullah and Pembe waiting.

Abdullah: Mrs. Kivilcim, Mrs. Alev?

Kivilcim: Hello, Doga called and told me that Ömer is at the hospital...We didn't want to leave you alone either.

Pembe: Thank you very much, as you can see, we are waiting too.

Alev: So, what happened, how did it happen? How serious is the situation?

Abdullah: Leman tried to harm herself with a knife. While Ömer was trying to take the knife of her hand, she accidentally stabbed him.

Kivilcim blacks out again. She briefly loses her balance. Alev grabs her by one arm. Abdullah grabs her other arm.

Pembe: Kivilcim Hanim, are you okay?

Kivilcim is slowly coming to her senses.

Kivilcim: I'm fine, thank you. When I heard it like that, I got sick for a moment... Have the doctors said anything yet? How serious is his condition? I mean, it's nothing bad, is it?

Pembe: Unfortunately we also don't know anything.

The minutes are passing, but it feels like hours for Kivilcim. „He won't leave me. Nothing will happen to him. From there, he'll come out alive. We just got together. He won't leave me." she thinks.

Just some minutes later everybody arrives at the hospital. Metehan runs through the corridor. Fatih, Mustafa, Doga, Nilay and Nursema after him.

Metehan (shouts in tears): Dad! My Dad is okay? Right, uncle? Nothing will happen to him.

Doga approaches, sees Kivilcim and Alev and hugs them.

Doga: When did you come?

Alev: A few minutes ago.

Everybody is watching Metehan. He tries to open the door of the operating room. Abdullah pulls him away from there. Metehan is on the floor. Pembe tries to comfort him, to hug him.

Metehan: Don't touch me!

Fatih grabs Metehan's arms, he throws his arm away. Metehan is sitting in the hallway, his head is buried in his hands. Nobody dares to approach him. Kivilcim, who was watching all the happenings from a little further away, walks in his direction. She sits next to him on the floor.

Kivilcim: Your father is strong, you know that. Nothing will happen to him. He won't leave you alone. But you also have to stay strong now. When he gets out of there, he doesn't want to see you like that.

Metehan slowly raises his head and looks at Kivilcim. He stays silent. Kivilcim puts her hand on his shoulder. Metehan can't hold back anymore and cries in Kivilcim's arms. Everyone is shocked. Alev starts to smile slightly, as does Abdullah.

Metehan (whispering): Hoca, nothing will happen right?

Kivilcim: Nothing. Your dad loves you so much.

Metehan (wipes away his tears): He also loves you very much....

Kivilcim is surprised.

Metehan: Don't look at me like this. I understood it from the first day. Even though my dad denied it, I saw it in his eyes. He loves you very much. (pauses) He won't leave us, right?

Kivilcim: I am not even doubting.

The doctor is coming out of the surgery.

Abdullah: Doctor, what is his condition?

Doctor: The wound was very deep. He lost a lot of blood. The surgery is finished. But we will have to wait. This night Mr. Ömer is staying in the intensive care unit.

Abdullah: Thank you.

Kivilcim hugs Metehan.

Kivilcim: As I said, everything will be fine. Don't worry.

Abdullah: Kids, you can go home, there is no reason to stay here. I will be here. Pembe Hanim, take the kids home.

Metehan: No, I will stay.

Abdullah: Metehan, please. Even if you wait here nothing will change. Go, get some sleep.

Metehan doesn't argue and walks out. The others are following him. Alev, Kivilcim and Abdullah are left. Kivilcim and Alev are sitting on the chairs in front of the intensive care unit.

Alev: Kivilcim, while we're here; I checked earlier, there is a gynecologist two floors above us. If you want to be sure; I mean the tests could have had a bug too; let yourself be checked, maybe you are not pregnant.

Kivilcim: I don't want to go now. I want to stay with Ömer.

Alev: Just 10 minutes... Come on, then you'll have at least certainty.

Kivilcim and Alev apologize to Abdullah and explain that they have to go away for a moment. At the gynecologist they have to wait outside the door. Kivilcim gets very nervous. On the one hand, she hopes it's a misunderstanding that she's not pregnant. On the other hand, the thought of having a child with Ömer is the best thing she can imagine.

Gynecologist: Kivilcim Arslan, please come in.

Kivilcim and Alev go into the room.

Gynecologist: How can I help you?

Kivilcim: I took a pregnancy test at home. It was positive.

Gynecologist: Okay, I understand, please lay down...

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